Stuart Christie and Albert Meltzer, The Floodgates of Anarchy, 1970.


1. See Commentary on Names at the end of the book.

2. "The Great Debate": essay included in To Hell with Culture (Routledge & Kegan Paul).

3. Letter on his seventieth birthday to a meeting in Carnegie Hall, New York; 1912.

4. Fields, Factories and Workshops (Nelson).

5. The "Clyde Revolt" was a foretaste of a British revolution.

6. cf. The Wilhelmshaven Revolt, by Icarus; The Origins of the Movement for Workers' Councils in Germany, 1918/35,by Raden.

7. Andy Anderson's "Hungary 1956" (Solidarity).

8. For some account of the background see "The Origins of the Anarchist Movement in China" by Internationalist (Coptic Press).

9. cf. Gerald Brenan, "The Spanish Labyrinth" (Cambridge)

10. For a description of the process, see "The Russian Anarchists" by Paul Avrich (Princeton).

11. cf. "To Hell with Culture" by Herbert Read.

12. It is possible to be a nationalist and a socialist. James Connolly (xxxii) was. As a nation implies a State, it is not possible to be a nationalist and an anarchist. The hybrid word national-socialist means something as different from Connolly as chalk from cheese, though to be sure it has elements of both nationalism and state socialism. So too the hybrid pacifist-anarchist means something different from pacifism and anarchism.

13. The French Revolution, and the English Civil War, were seen as risings by the inferior races against their natural masters. The Jews were not (until the Nuremberg Laws) classed as an "inferior race" but as one that had obtained world domination and was especially dangerous to the German "helots" without their "Aryan" masters. "Aryanism" was a conception similar to that of "Norman blood", a ruling section within the nation.

14. This is why separatist Nationalism and Decentralism are often confused.

15. The Social-Revolutionary Stepniak, recounting this incident in King Log and King Stork, and evidently believing in the "power" of Rothschild and other Jewish financiers, was unable to understand why they allowed the Czar to continue the pogroms. But presenting dishonoured bonds, in which all religions believed, was one thing. Presenting the case of dishonoured humanity was quite another. On such an issue, everyone spoke different languages.

16. Those on both sides of the House who like to believe this are apt to quote Burke to prove that they do not have to consider what their constituents think of the measures they pass, as if this reactionary politician's opinions had bound the British people for evermore.

17. The Spanish anarchist movement did in fact send representatives into the Republican government during the Civil War, fearing that the exclusion of working-class movements would lead to Communist Party domination. But their ministers in the Cabinet ceased to be revolutionary, and called for compromise with the government (including the communists).

18. The Roman Church was once said to be what the Communist Party has since become, "a lamb in adversity, a fox in equality, a tiger in supremacy".

19. cf. the Socialist Party of Great Britain (Fitzgeraldites) for an interesting illustration. It broke from the old Social Democrat Federation 60 years ago, adopted a programme based on the bowdlerised version of Marx then current, and has remained static ever since.

20. We are well aware that a libertarian can do whatever he chooses. It is not, however, by moral standards that one judges a revolutionary, but by actions. If we say that a total abstainer cannot drink whisky any more than beer, we are not laying down a rule but making a definition.

21. The Independent Labour Party, for instance, has a fortune of over a million sterling. It is a memorial to past struggles. The party has become a minor and forgotten sect. Its trustees sit on the cashbox like immovable buddhas. Yet if the money were allowed to be controlled by the party, the party would be flooded by outside elements coming in. It is often subject to attempted takeovers (CP, Trotskyists, Maoists etc.) which only the faceless bureaucracy has defeated.

22. cf. E. P. Thompson "The Making of the English Working Class". Luddism, incidentally, comes not from a Ned Ludd, if he ever existed, but from King Lud, the mythical British king commemorated in Ludgate Circus in London. The evocation of his name brought back the idea of a happy past before "the conquest", the idealised medieval past and a craftsman's utopia freed from those who had come to rule.

"As the liberty lads o'er the sea,
Bought their freedom, and cheaply, with blood,
So we boys, we, will die fighting, or live free,
And down with all kings but King Lud!"

23. cf. "God and the State" -- Michael Bakunin.

24. For a fascinating glimpse of how juvenile the scientific mind can sometimes be, outside its proper sphere, see the exchange of letters between Freud and Einstein on the causes of war; an ephemeral publication of the thirties. Einstein emotionally appeals to Freud to use his science to prove war to be wrong, and Freud explains that it is part of the human psyche. Neither has the least idea of its cause.

25. Correspondence in "The Times" following the publication of "Killing No Murder" by Edward Hyams revealed the true attitude of the Establishment. Apparently Hitler could have been assassinated and plans were submitted. But individual killing of leaders (as distinct from dissidents) was "always murder" and could have "undesirable repercussions". Presumably the Second World War was a "desirable" repercussion.