Table 1-2

Types of referendums used at the federal level in Switzerland

TypeSubcategory Signatures Description
Constitutional referendum __ None required Introduced in 1848. In cases of total revision of the Constitution, as well as in cases of amendments, the change must pass a referendum to take effect. All constitutional referendums must win a double majority -- more than 50 percent of the vote nationwide and a majority of voters in a majority of cantons.
Constitutional initiative For total revision 100,000 Introduced in 1848. The question is sent to the people first. If a popular majority agree, the parliament is dissolved and an assembly is elected to draft a new constitution. The resulting document is then submitted to a referendum, in which it must gain a double majority.
  For partial revision (Amendment) 100,000 Introduced in 1891. Specifically-worded amendments go to the government, which either endorses or rejects the change and is given the opportunity to offer a counterproposal. The initiative (and counterproposal, if there is one) is then presented for popular approval. A double-majority is required for passage. In cases of generally-worded changes, if the government agrees, a text is drafted and is submitted to the people for double-majority approval. If the government disagrees, the general text must first win a popular majority before specific drafting takes place. Then, a double-majority is required.
Optional legislative referendum __ 50,000 (or the vote of 8 cantons) Introduced in 1874. Also known as a 'facultative' referendum. Any law or decree of the Federal Assembly can be challenged. If a popular majority vote no, the law is nullified. In cases deemed 'urgent,' the law takes effect after passage, but loses force after one year if it is rejected in a subsequent referendum.
Optional treaty referendum Supranational communities None required Considered a Constitutional Amendment. See above.
  All other treaties 50,000 Introduced in 1921 and revised in 1977. The agreement must face a referendum if a petition with the required signatures is submitted. Only a popular majority is required.