Kris William Kobach, The Referendum: Direct Democracy in Switzerland, 1993.

List of tables

0-1 Incidence of nationwide referendums in European countries by decade, 1900-89 5

1-1 Chronology of the development of direct democracy in Switzerland 14

1-2 Types of referendums used at the federal level in Switzerland 15

1-3 Outcomes of Swiss referendums by type, 1848-1992 16

1-4 Voting on constitutional initiatives and counterproposals, 1891-1911 31

3-1 Swiss referendums, 1848-1992 70

3-2 Voter turnout in federal referendums by decade, 1880-1992, by percentage of the electorate 79

3-3 Average participation levels in single-question ballots versus multiple-question ballots, by decade 82

3-4 Participation levels in federal elections and referendums during election years, 1919-91 84

3-5 Outcomes of Swiss referendums by type, 1848-1992 87

3-6 Parliamentary measures rejected by voters in referendums, 1848-1992 87

4-1 Initiatives and counterproposals as a percentage of all federal ballot issues, 1950-92 93

4-2 Average number of initiatives submitted per year, 1891-1992 94

4-3 Distribution by subject matter of all initiatives submitted, 1974-92 99

4-4 Types of organizations submitting initiatives, 1974-92 101

4-5 Proportion of initiatives withdrawn, by decade, 1891-1992 110

4-6 Success rates of initiatives at the polls by subject matter, 1891-1992 119

5-1 Cases of significant distortion in referendum results (9% or greater variation), 1977-91 140

6-1 The arrangement of the Federal Council parties in roll-call votes, 1989 167

6-2 The unity indexes of the Federal Council parties in roll-call votes 168

6-3 Interest group representation in the National Council 171

6-4 The unity indexes of major Swiss interest groups in the National Council 172

6-5 National Council election results 181

8-1 Australian nationwide referendums, 1901-92 222

8-2 Italian referendums, 1946-92 229

8-3 Total number of state ballot issues in California, by decade 238

8-4 Number of California initiatives approved, 1970-92 239