Employment 1989 male female
     Gainfully employed persons 3 518,400
     Quota of employment (national mean) 49.8 62.8 37.5
     Working hours per week (hours, mean) 42.8
     Wages per hour, all economic sectors $15.27 $10.35
Strikes 1989
     Number 2
     Workers involved 22
     Working days lost 265
Share of total employees (%) Number of companies
Size of firms (%)
     Companies with 1-9 employees 31 359,796 88
     Companies with 10-99 employees 39 44,974 11
     Companies with 100+ employees 30 4,089 1
Sources: Bundesamt fiir Statistik, Statistisches Jahrbuch der Schweiz 1991 (Zurich; Verlag Neue Zurcher Zeitung, 1990); Rene Levy, Structure sociale de la Suisse (Zurich: Fondation Suisse de la Culture Pro Helvetia, 1983); Rudolf Strahm, Wirtschaftsbuch Schweiz (Zurich: Ex Libris, 1987); Eidg. Volkswirtschaftsdepartement, Die Volkswirtschaft, no. 3 (Bern: 1992).