Table 1.5 Foreigners and asylum seekers in Switzerland

Origin of foreigners, 1990 Thousands Per cent
Italy 379 34.4
Yugoslavia 141 12.8
Spain 116 10.6
Portugal 86 7.8
Germany 83 7.6
Turkey 64 5.8
France 50 4.5
Austria 29 2.6
Great Britain 17 1.5
Others 135 12.2
Total 1 100 100.0
Asylum seekers Number Quota of recognised
refugees (per cent)
1975 1324 91.5
1980 3 020 66.1
1985 9 703 14.2
1990 37 583 4.9
1991 41629 3.0

Sources: Society pour le Developpement de l'Economie Suisse, Miroir statistique de la Suisse 1991 (Geneve: 1992); Bundesamt für Flüchtlinge, Asylstatistik 1991 (Bern: 1992); additional information directly provided by the Bundesamt für Flüchtlinge.