The present work is a revised edition of my book on slavery as it was published in 1900.

Preparing this second edition, I saw that the general plan of the book could remain the same. The details, however, wanted improvement in many respects. The chapter treating of the geographical distribution of slavery among savage tribes has been much enlarged, as the information of which I disposed was far more complete now than when the book was originally written. The theoretical part, I hope, has also much improved. A closer study of the subject has led me to alter some passages and make several additions.

I have also profited by the remarks of my critics, among whom I especially mention Professor Tönnies (in Professor Schmoller's Jahrbücher, Vol. XXV) and Dr. Vierkandt (in Zeitschrift für Socialwissenschaft, Vol. IV). To these I may add Professor Westermarck, who, in his work on the origin and development of the moral ideas (1906-08), discusses at some length the conclusions to which I have arrived.

The fact that the first edition has been kindly received by the periodical press has encouraged me to prepare this,second edition. I was happy to notice that my study of some conditions of primitive culture was valued not only as a contribution to the knowledge or savags life, but as furthering the understanding of the structure of human society in general.

I will not conclude this preface without offering my sincere thanks to my teacher and friend Professor Steinmetz of Amsterdam, under whose guidance the first edition was written and whose help in preparing the present edition has been very valuable to me.

Rotterdam, Holland.
December 1909.

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