Richard Robinson, An Atheist's Values, 1964.


Topics mentioned in the list of Contents are not mentioned here
'Absolute', 18
Acton, 160, 174, 180, 220, 238 f., 240
Analytic synthetic, 39, 81 ft'., 90
Anscombe, G. E., 43
Aquinas, 68, 71, n8f.
Argument from ignorance, 88 f., 118
Aristotle, 14, 17, 24, 29, 33-34, 53. 67, 69, 70 f., 112, 154, 158, 160, 186, 221, 231 f.
Arnold, Matthew, 72, in, 139, 144, I78, 182, 183
Arnold, Thomas, 109, 112
Atheism, 218
Augustine, 59, 68, 69, n 1, 119
Authority, 97 f., 133
Bacon, Francis, 83
Barker, Ernest, 33 B.B.C., 10, 117, 130, 138
Beerbohm, 215
Belief, 74-77, 151
Benda, 67
Benson, Stella, 106
Bentham, 97
Berenson, Bernard, 60, 61
Bergson, 114
Berkeley, 79
Berlin, Isaiah, 159, 178
Bernal, J. D„ 196f.
Bernard, 68
Bevan, Aneurin, 182
Bible, 150, 209, 210, 215. See also New Testament
Boland, Francis J., 138, 204, 216
Bosanquet, Bernard, 36
Boswell, 135
Bradley, F. H., in British Labour Party, 17, 30, 160, 178, 179, 234. 241
Buliard, Roger P., 165
Burden of proof, 87
Burke, 114
Butler, Joseph, 88
Butterfield, Herbert, 138
Cambridge Journal, 9
Campbell, C. A., 93, 95
Cary, Joyce, 10
Castlereagh, 120
Catholicism, see Roman Church Censorship, 2i8f., 221
Christian Evidence Society, 115
Civil servants, 175, 193, 223
Classes, 182, 184, 241, 242
Clifford, W. K.., 94
Cohen, Morris, 94
Communism, 68f., 159, I96f., 215, 221, 228 f., 232, 237, 238, 249, 253
Conscience, 108-13, 128, 215
Consensus of mankind, 127
Conservatism, 159
Contempt, 182
Contradictories, 76, 210
Cranston, Maurice, 188
Cripps, 228
Croce, 159
Cromwell, 212 f.
Crossman, 228
Culture, 164 f., 192, 222
Descartes, 72, 84, 86, 94, 209
Design, 127 f.
Dewey, John, 29, 34
Dialectic, 247
Dignity, 70, 92, 105, 134, 157
Disraeli, 218
Economics, 195, 227, 234, 237, 242, 245 f.
Envy, 179 ff, 240
Euclid, 11, 84, 85, 94
Ewing, A. C., 162, 172
'Exception proves rule', 78
Faculties, 72 f., 101 ff.
Faith, 101, 103, 115, 118 ff.
Fallacies, 88 f., 212 f.
False question, 15-16
Fasnacht, G. E., 160, 220, 239, 240
Flaubert, 62
Forster, E. M., 240
Franklin, 139
Freedom, definition of, 194
Fry, Roger, 62
Gifford Lectures, 114
Godwin, 226
Gollancz, Victor, 10
Gore, 79, 92
Hare, R. M., 131
Harrod, R. F., 29, 103
Helvetius, 108
History, 170
Homosexuality, 113
Housman, A. E., 52, 107, 156
'How can ...?', 89
Hume, 73, 79, 86, 128, 220
Humility, 104, 147, 151, I53f-
Humphrey, 73
Huxley, Aldous, 40
Ignorance, 88 f.
Improvidence, 9, 141, 152, 237 f.
Interpretation, 141 ff.
Intuition, 22, 92, 101, 103, 140
Irvingites, 127
Jesus, in, 112, 226
Justice, 225 ff., 243
Kant, 56f., 101, 109, 110
Ker, W. P., 54
Killing, 56, 187
Koestler, 253
Langford, 76
Laver, James, 110
Law, 174, 176 ff., 186, 189, 193, 226, 243
Lawrence, D. H., 104
Lawyers, 63, 203, 213
Lecky, 220
Leibniz, 238
Leo XIII, 204-13, 218
Lewis, H. D., 116
Lewis, John Lewis Partnership, 224
Liberalism, 159
Licence, 190
Lincoln, Abraham, 191, 252
Linton" 72
Listener, The, 10, 138
Locke, 74, 94, 194, 2i4f., 218, 220, 223
Logic, 93 f.
Logical, 79
Lord, A. R., 163
Maitland, F. W., 171 f.
Malraux, 253
Manson, T. W., 142, 144, 146 f.
Mathematics, 58, 83 ff., 94, 123 f.
May, Erskine, 203
'May be', 88, 2i2f.
Meineke, 161
Mill, John Stuart, 18, 50f., 94, 111, 198 f., 201, 205, 206, 211 f., 220, 221, 230, 235 f., 240, 241-3, 252
Miracles, 127
Misology, 72, 80, 105
Montague, F. C., 199 f.
Moore, G. E., 21-23, 25, 29, 30, 32-33, 71, 77, 109, no, in, 158
Moral anarchy, 132 f.
Morality, 60, 100, no, in, 112, 130-8, 200, 203, 205 f., 226 f.
Nagel, Ernest, 94
Nationalism, 160 ff., 189, 191 f.
Nations, 165
Nelson, E. J., 76
Newman, J. H. 68, 86, 92, 96, 115, 120, 121, 150 f.
Newspapers, 219
New Testament, 59, 68, 74 f., 105 ff., 108, 115, 118, 119, 140 ff., 158, 209, 226
Newton, 84
Nonresistance, 146, 152, 159
Norfolk, 194
Old Testament, 150, 209, 210, 215
Orwell, George, 163
Otway, 182
Pascal, 68, 69, 74 f., 85, 93 f., 116
Paton, H. J., 26
Patriotism, 167
Peace, 224 f.
Persons, 171
Philosophy, 10-n, 247
Physicians, 247
Pigou, 227
Plato, 11, 14-20, 29, 32, 34, 52, 58, 59, 66f., 71, 72, 8of., 87, 93, 94, 104, 105, in, 122,  139, 158, 160, 162, 186, 190, 221, 227, 229, 243-8
Pope, The, 103
Popper, K. R., 50 f., 162, 179, 215, 218, 223, 237, 242, 252
Port-Royal Logic, 94
Possibility, 88, 212 f.
Post, Laurens Van der, 168
Pravda, 198
Prayer Book, The, 63 f., 149
Prediction, 246
Prichard, H. A., 130
Pride, 103 f., 163
Principles, 37-40, 48-53, 118, 172, 200, 201, 233
Propaganda, 218
Property, 178 ff., 223 f.
Purity, 65, 147, 153
Race, i64f., 183
Radio Times, 117
Ragg, Lonsdale, 141
Rationalist Annual, 10
Referendum, 230
Respect, 181-4
Revolution, 237, 251 f.
Roman Church, 138, 188, 204 f., 207, 209, 216 f.
Ross, W. D., 59, 74, 109
Rousseau, 96
Russell, Bertrand, 26
"Ryan, John A., 138, 204, 216
Sand, George, 182
Scepticism, 77
Schopenhauer, 54, 55
Scott, Douglas, 161
Selfrefutation, 210
Sex, 61 ff., 149
Sherrington, 114
Sidgwick, Henry, 100
Sin, 215
Skeaping, John, 55
Slavery, 189, 192
Smith, P. Nowell, 28
Snobbery, 181-4
'Social', 166
Society, 166
Society for Psychical Research, 95, 129
Sociology, 134
Soul, 185
Spinoza, 84, 108
Standards, 37 ff.
Steno, 84
Stephen, James Fitzjames, 107, 241
Stevenson, C. L., 37-38
Strachey, Lytton, 109
Suicide, 56?.
Sunday Times, 9
Tawney, R. H„ 178, 223 f.
Teachers, 214, 250 f.
'The', 16-17
Theology, 116
Thompson, Dorothy, 253
Thucydides, 226
Times, The, 89, no, 115, 161, 175, 196
Tocqueville, 240, 243
Tolstoy, 53, 114-
Tomas, V., 38
Toulmin, Stephen, 38
Trade unions, 179, 217, 235
Truth, 28, 65-70, 134; Criteria of, 28, 90f.
Ultimacy, 38-41, 65 f.
Unbelief, 74-77, 151
United Nations, 176, 184
United States, 179, 183, 222, 236, 240
Urmson, J. O., 37, 169, 170
Utilitarianism, 50 f.
Utopianism, 253
Validity, 86 f.
Values, 9-14, 18
Voltaire, 53
Wages, 227
Webb, Sidney and Beatrice, 235
Weldon, T. D. 166, 239
Welfare, 189, 191, 195, 227
Wellington, 120
Whitehead, 104, no
Whitman, 193
Wilhelmina, Queen, 196
Wilson, Woodrow, 164, 191
Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 26, 43
Wolf children, 128
World-State, 192, 225
Yeats, W. B., 62, 96