Government and Land Rights


Centralized Government

Decentralized Government

Free Land



No Free Land


Anarcho-Capitalism NeoliberalismLibertarianism

A| B| C| D| E| F| G| H| I| J| K| L| M| N| O| P| Q| R| S| T| U| V| W| X| Y| Z


See also "Books," "Video and Audio," and "Internet Sites"

This bibliography includes and expands on Robert Goehlert's "Anarchism: A Bibliography of Articles, 1900-1975," Political Theory, Vol. 4, No. 1. (Feb., 1976), pp. 113-127.

Adamiak, Richard

  • "The 'Withering Away' of the State: A Reconsideration." Journal of Politics, 32 (February 1970), 3-18.

    Adler, Georg

  • "Anarchismus," in Handwoerterbuch der Staatswissenschaflen, 2d ed. (Jena 1898), vol. 1 pp. 296-327.

    Adler, Max.

  • "Stirner, Max." Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. Ed. Edwin R. A. Seligman. New York: Macmillan, 1930. XIV, 393-94.

    Albon, Alan.

  • "Anarchism and Agriculture." Anarchy, no. 41 (July 1964), 197-202.
  • "Anarchism and the Needs of Men." Anarchy, no. 76 (June 1967), 190-92.

    Alexander, A. John.

  • "Ideas of Lysander Spooner." New England Quarterly, 23 (June 1950), 200-17

    Allen, B. Sprague.

  • "Minor Disciples of Radicalism in the Revolutionary Era." Modern Philology, 21 (February 1924), 277-301.
  • "William Godwin's Influence Upon John Thelwall." PMLA, 37 (December 1922), 662-82.

    Allen, Mary B.

  • "P J. Proudhon in the Revolution 1848." Journal of Modern History, 24 (March 1952), 1-14.

    Amster, Randall

  • "Restoring (Dis)Order: Sanctions, Resolutions, and 'Social Control' in Anarchist Communities," Contemporary Justice Review, v. 6, n.1, March, 2003: pp. 9-16.
  • "Anarchism as Moral Theory: Praxis, Property, and the Postmodern," Anarchist Studies Volume 6, No. 2, 2003.

    "Anarchism: The Idea and the Deed." Times Literary Supplement, no. 3278 (24 December 1964), 1153-54.

    "Anarchists Tamed." From Spain Correspondent. Economist, 208 (31 August 1963), 736.

    "Anarcho-Nihilism." From Latin America Correspondent. Economist, 237 (24 October 1970), 28,31.

    Anakiista Debato (Magazine of the International of Anarchist Federations (IAF)) -- in English.

    Anarchist Federation Pamphlets



  • "Fighting the Revolution: Makhno Durruti Zapata," N.A. London: Freedom Press, 1985.

    Apter, David E.

  • "The Old Anarchism and the New, Some Comments." Government and Opposition, 5 (Autumn 1970), 397-409.

    Arblaster, Anthony

  • "The Relevance of Anarchism," Socialist Register, Vol. 8, 1971.

    Arendt, Hannah

  • 'Truth and Polities', Philosophy, Politics and Society, Third Series (eds. P. Laslett and W. G. Runciman), Basil Blackwell, 1967.

    Arshinov, Peter

  • "The Two Octobers" (1927)

    Avakumovic, Ivan.

  • "Books on Anarchism and Anarchists." Review Article. Russian Review, 33 (January 1974), 86-88.

    Avrich, Paul.

  • "Anarchism and Anti-Intellectualism in Russia." Journal of the History of Ideas, 27 (July-September 1966), 381-90.
  • "The Anarchists in the Russian Revolution," Russian Review, Vol. 26, No. 4. (Oct., 1967), pp. 341-350. [pdf file] [pdf file]
  • "Russian Anarchists and the Civil War." Russian Review, 27 (July 1968), 296-306.
  • "Bakunin's 'God and the State.' " Anarchy, no. 115 (September 1970), 276-82.
  • "The Legacy of Bakunin." Russian Review, 29 (April 1970), 129-42.
  • "Berkman's Uncle," Freedom, Vol. 35, No. 3 (January 17, 1973): p. 3.

    Baecker, Harry.

  • "Technology, Science and Anarchism: Homo Aedificans." Anarchy, no. 25 (March 1963), 65-70.

    Baier, Kurt

  • "The Justitication of Governmental Authority," 69 Journal of Philosophy (1972): 701-16.

    Bakunin, Mikhail Aleksandrovich (1814-1876)

  • "Federalism, Socialism, Anti-Theologism," Speech Delivered, September 1867.

    Ballestrem, Karl G.

  • "Radicalism of Robert Paul Wolff." Review of Politics, 34 (January 1972), 16-39.

    Barclay, Harold.

  • "Josiah Warren: The Incomplete Anarchist." Anarchy, no. 85 (March 1968), 90-96.

    Bassani, Luigi Marco

  • "Life, Liberty, and . . . : Jefferson on Property Rights," Journal of Libertarian Studies Volume 18, no. 1 (Winter 2004), pp. 31–87.

    Basso, Lelio.

  • "Ritorno a Proudhon e a Bernstein." Rinascita, 17 (February 1960), 121-25.

    Bates, Stanley

  • "Authority and Autonomy" Journal of Philosophy, 69 (April 1972), 175-76.

    Baty, Thomas.

  • "Can Anarchy Be a State." American Journal of International Law, 28 (July 1934), 444-55.

    Bauermann, Rolf and Jochen Rotscher.

  • "Zur Ideologic der 'Neuen Linken.'" Deutsche Zeitschrift fuer Philosophie, 18 (1970), 282-304.

    Baugh, Graham

  • "The Poverty of Autonomy: The Failure of Wolff's Defence of Anarchism," in Dimitrios Roussopoulos (ed.), The Anarchist Papers. Montreal, Black Rose, 1986: pp. 107-121.

    Bayles, Michael D.

  • "In Defense of Authority" Personalist, 52 (Autumn 1971), 755-759.

    Beauchamp, Tom L. and Ken Witkowski.

  • "A Critique of Pure Anarchism." Canadian Journal of Philosophy, 2 (June 1973), 533-39.

    Bebel, August

  • "Assassinations and Socialism" -- from a speech by August Bebel, delivered at Berlin, November 2, 1898. Translated for the Daily People from the German by Boris Reinstein ([1898?]) [pdf file]

    Becklund, Laurie

  • "Sanctuary Movement Leaders Assailed." Los Angeles Times, November 16, 1985.

    Beehler, Rodger

  • "The Wolff at the Door," Canadian Journal of Political Science / Revue canadienne de science politique, Vol. 5, No. 4, (Dec., 1972), pp. 553-559.

    Bellegarigue, Anselme

  • "Anarchy Is Order," Liberty, XIII (December, 1897).

    Benello, George.

  • "Wasteland and Culture." Anarchy, no. 86 (June 1968), 163-88.

    Benson, Bruce L.

  • "Enforcement of Private Property Rights in Primitive Societies: Law without Government," The Journal of Libertarian Studies, Vol. IX, No. 1 (Winter 1989)

    Berlin, Isaiah.

  • "Tolstoy and the Enlightenment." Encounter, 16 (February 1961), 29-40.
  • "Georges Sorel." Times Literary Supplement, No. 3, 644; Friday, 31 December 1971; pp. 1617-22.

    Berneri, Marie Louise.

  • "Sexuality and Freedom." Anarchy, no. 105 (November 1969), 334-42.
  • "The Historical Background: Brenan's Spanish Labyrinth." Anarchy, no. 5 (July 1961), 137-43.

    Bestor, Arthur E.Jr.

  • "The Evolution of the Socialist Vocabulary," Journal of the History of Ideas, IX (June, 1948): 259-302.

    Billig, J.

  • "Der Zusammenbruch des Deutschen Idealismus bei den Russischen Romantikern." Archiv fuer Systematische Philosophie und Soziologie, 34 (1931), 287-315.

    Bhave, Vinoba

  • "On Government." Anarchy (London). No. 42 (Aug. 1964), pp. 237-239.

    Black, Bob

  • "The Abolition of Work"" The Abolition of Work and Other Essays, 1985.

    Blackwell, Russell

  • "Autonomy and Responsibility," Towards Anarchism, No. 50 (1965).
  • "Resolution of the Italian Anarchist Federation," Towards Anarchism, No. 50 (1965).

    Blau, Joseph L.

  • "Unfettered Freedom." Transactions of the Charles S. Pierce Society, 7 (Fall 1971), 243-58. dt>Bloom, Solomon F.
  • "The Dilemma of Anarchism," The New Republic, Sept. 22, 1937: 192-3.
  • " 'Withering Away' of the State." Journal of the History of Ideas, 7 (January 1946), 113-21.

    Bookchin, Murray

  • "Ecology and Revolutionary Thought." Fifth Estate, 4 (15 April 1970), 9, 14.
  • "The Meaning of Confederalism," Green Perspectives (20, November 1989). Also in Society & Nature, Vol. 1, No. 3 (issue 3), 1993.
  • "The Ghost of Anarcho-Syndicalism," Anarchist Studies Vol. 1, Number 1, 1993.
  • "The Meaning of Confederalism," Society and Nature Vol. 1, No. 3 (Issue 3), 1993: pp. 41-54.
  • "Whither Anarchism? A Reply to Recent Anarchist Critics," Anarchism, Marxism, and the Future of the Left: Interviews and Essays, 1993-1998. Oakland: AK Press, 1999.
  • "The Communalist Project." Harbinger: Communalism, 2002.

    Borsodi, Ralph

  • "Interview," Plowboy, Issue # 26 - March/April 1974.

    Boston, Richard.

  • "Conversations About Anarchism." Anarchy, no. 85 (March 1968), 65-75.

    Bougie, C.

  • "Proudhon, Pierre Joseph." Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. Ed. Edwin R. A. Seligman. New York: Macmillan, 1930. XII, 575-76.

    Brailsford, H. H.

  • "Godwin, William." Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. Ed. Edwin R. A. Seligman. New York: Macmillan, 1930. VI, 686.
  • "Brothers in Anarchism." Spain Correspondent. Economist, 227 (29 June 1968), 24.

    Breitbart, Myrna Margulies

  • "Petr Kropotkin, The Anarchist Geographer." in Geography, Ideology and Social Concern. D. R. Stoddart, ed. Totowa, NJ: Barnes and Noble Books, 1981: pp. 134-153.

    Broad, Chris

  • "Anarchy and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance." Anarchy (London), No. 26 (1978), pp. 1-4.

    Brooks, Frank H.

  • Review of For Anarchism: History, Theory, and Practice by David Goodway and of Kropotkin and the Rise of Revolutionary Anarchism 1872-1886 by Caroline Cahm, The American Political Science Review, Vol. 84, No. 4. (Dec., 1990), pp. 1355-1356.

    Brown, Jethro

  • "The Message of Anarchy." Riverside, Conn., 1912. (Reprinted from Hibbert Journal, July, 1910.)

    Buber, Martin.

  • "Society and the State." Anarchy, no. 54 (August 1965), 232-43.

    Buchanan, James M.

  • "Review" of David Friedman's The Machinery of Freedom, in Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XII, No. 3. September 1974. Pp. 914-15.
  • "A Contractarian Perspective on Anarchy," in J. Roland Pennock, & John W. Chapman, eds., Anarchism: Nomos XIX. New York: New York University Press, 1978.

    Buckley, Stephen

  • "Berrigan Released While Appealing Contempt Term." The Washington Post, March 28,1992.

    Buve, R. Th. J.

  • "Van Anarchisme tot Staatssindicalisme. De Mexicaanse Vakbeweging en de Revolutie, 1900-1918: Mutualisme, Anarcho-Sidicalisme en Reform-Sindicalisme." Internationale Spectator, 26 (March 1972), 502-559.

    Byington, T. "Translator's Preface," in Paul Eltzbacher, Anarchism, Translated by Steven T. Byington, 1908.

    Bylund, Per

  • "Man and Matter: A Philosophical Inquiry into the Justification of Ownership in Land from the Basis of Self-Ownership." (Lunds Universitet, 2005). [pdf file]
  • "Private Property or Possession: A Synthesis" (September 7, 2005).

    C. W.

  • "Adventure Playground: A Parable of Anarchy" Anarchy, no. 7 (September 1961), 193-201.
  • "Are We in Favour of Penal Reform?" Anarchy, no. 9 (November 1961), 257-263.
  • "Do-it-Yourself Anarchism: The Anarchist Idea." Anarchy, no. 77 (July 1967), 193-97
  • "Gustav Landaver." Anarchy, no. 54 (August 1965), 244-251.
  • "Workers' Control: Looking for a Movement." Anarchy, no. 2 (April 1961), 33-36.

    Cadogan, Peter.

  • "Non-Violence as a Reading of History" Anarchy, no. 20 (October 1962), 289-96.
  • "The Politics of Direct Action." Anarchy, no. 13 (March 1962), 67-70.

    Cahill, Tom

  • "Cooperatives and Anarchism: A Contemporary Perspective," in David Goodway (ed.), For Anarchism. London, Routledge, 1989: pp. 235-258.

    Campbell, Jeffrey, Joan Baez, and Albert Ellis.

  • "The Authentic Man: A Symposium." Humanist, 30 (January-February 1970), 19-26.

    Cams, Paul.

  • "Max Stirner, the Predecessor of Nietzsche." Monist, 21 (July 1911), 376-97

    Cantine, Jr., H. R.

  • "State or Revolution," Retort, II (June, 1944).

    Caplan, Bryan

  • "Anarchist Theory FAQ or Instead of a FAQ, by a Man Too Busy to Write One," Version 5.2.
  • "The Anarcho-Statists of Spain: An Historical, Economic, and Philosophical Analysis of Spanish Anarchism"

    Carr, E. H.

  • "Bakunin's Escape from Siberia." Slavonic Review, 15 (January 1937), 377-88.

    Carr, Raymond

  • "All or Nothing," The New York Review of Books. (13 October 1977) pp. 22 & 27.

    Carson, Robert B.

  • "On Future Developments in the College Left." Monthly Review, 21 (March 1970), 50-56.

    Carter, Alan

  • "Analytical Anarchism: Some Conceptual Foundations," Political Theory, Vol. 28, No. 2. (Apr., 2000), pp. 230-253.

    Carter, April

  • "Anarchism and Violence," in J. Roland Pennock, & John W. Chapman, eds., Anarchism: Nomos XIX. New York: New York University Press, 1978.

    Chomsky, Noam.

  • "Notes on Anarchism." The New York Review of Books, May 21, 1970, 31-35. Reprinted as the Introduction to Daniel Guerin, Anarchism: From Theory to Practice. N.Y.: Monthly Review Press, 1970.
  • "The Soviet Union versus Socialism," in The Radical Papers, ed. Dimitros I. Roussopoulos (Montreal: Black Rose, 1987).
  • "What is Anarchism?" Our Generation, 8 (April 1972), 58-70.
  • "The Relevance of Anarcho-syndicalism," Noam Chomsky interviewed by Peter Jay, The Jay Interview, July 25, 1976.
  • "Equality: Language Development, Human Intelligence, and Social Organization," in Equality and Social Policy, edited by Walter Feinberg (Champaign: University of Illinois Press, 1978).

    Christoyannopoulos, Alexandre

  • "Christian Anarchism: A Forgotten Alternative for the Peaceful Ordering of Society." Political Studies Association April 4-6, 2006.

    Chrucky, Andrew

  • "Beware of the Handmaid Scorned," APA Newsletter on Teaching Philosophy (Spring, 1995).
  • "The Aim of Liberal Education," DiText, September 1, 2003.
  • "Land and Liberty," Ditext, Sept. 24, 2005.
  • "Norman Finkelstein, DePaul, and U.S. Academia: Reductio Ad Absurdum of Centralized Universities," DiText, July 23, 2007.
  • "Milton Friedman's Hidden Anarchism in Capitalism and Freedom," Aug. 8, 2008.

    Crump, John

  • "The Anarchist Movement in Japan (1996; postscript 2008)

    Claeys, Gregory

  • "The Effects of Property on Godwin's Theory of Justice," Journal of the History of Philosophy 22 (1984): 81-101.

    Clamage, D.

  • "The Anarchist Revolution." Interview with M. Bookchin. Fifth Estate, 4 (6 August 1969), 14-15.

    Clark, John P

  • "On Anarchism in an Unreal World: Kramnick's View of Godwin and the Anarchists." American Political Science Review, 69 (March 1975), 162-67
  • "What Is Anarchism?" in J. Roland Pennock, & John W. Chapman, eds., Anarchism: Nomos XIX. New York: New York University Press, 1978.
  • "Anarchism," Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature, edited by Bron Taylor (London & New York: Continuum, 2005).
  • [Review] Marie Fleming, The Geography of Freedom: The Odyssey of Élisée Reclus. Sunday 2 December 2007.

    Cleaver, H.

  • "Kropotkin, Self-valorization and the Crisis of Marxism," Anarchist Studies. Vol. 2, Number 2 (1994): pp. 119-136.

    Coates, Ken.

  • "Definitions: Workers' Control and Self-Management." Anarchy, no. 80 (October 1967), 298-300.

    Collins, Sheila D.

  • "The New Underground Railroad." Monthly Review, May 1986.

    Colman, Marshall.

  • "Against the Law." Anarchy, no. 57 (November 1965), 331-41.

    Comfort, Alex.

  • "Latterday Anarchism." Center Magazine, 6 (September-October 1973), 4-8.

    Condit, Stephen

  • "Practical Millenarianism: Norms of Anarchism in the 21st Century." [pdf file]

    Condon, E. J.

  • "On Anarchy and Freedom." Anarchy, no. 107 (January 1970), 26-77

    Confino, Michael.

  • "Bakumn's Letter." Encounter, 39 (July 1972), 83.

    Conlon, Eddie

  • "The Spanish Civil War: Anarchism in Action," Workers Solidarity Movement (1986). [pdf file]

    Connell, R. W.

  • "A Sober Anarchism," Sociological Theory, Vol. 10, No. 1. (Spring, 1992), pp. 81-87.

    Coopman, Ted M.

  • Herding Cats: Anarchism, Organization, and Free Radio (This paper was presented at the 2000 Western States Communication Association's annual convention, February 25-29, Sacramento, CA)

    Coughlin, Michael E.

  • "Objections to Anarchism: The Principles of Anarchism are Timeless Truths," Dandelion, Summer 1977 and Summer 1979.

    Coy, Peter E.B.

  • "Social Anarchism: An Atavistic Ideology of the Peasant." Journal of Inter-American Studies and World Affairs, 14 (May 1972), 133-49

    Cranston, Maurice.

  • "A Dialogue on Anarchy" Anarchy, no. 22 (December 1962), 353-71.

    Crass, Chris

  • "Food Not Bombs and Anarchism (Towards a non-violent society: a position paper on anarchism, social change and Food Not Bombs)," Practical Anarchy, #12, 11/29/95.

    Crispi, Francesco

  • "The Antidote for Anarchy," in Daily Mail (London) no. 807 (1898) p. 4.

    Crone, P.

  • "Ninth-Century Muslim Anarchists" Past and Present, 167 (2000): pp. 3-28.

    Crosby, Peter.

  • "The Utopia of Competition." Personalist, 52 (Spring 1971), 379-411.

    Crowder, G.

  • 'Freedom and Order in Nineteenth-Century Anarchism', The Raven No. 20 (1992), pp. 342-357. Reprinted with some changes in L. Sekelj, ed., Anarchism: Community Community and Utopia (Prague: Filosoficky ustav AV CR, 1993).
  • 'Classical Anarchism: a Reply to Kinna', Anarchist Studies, vol. 1, no. 2 (1993), pp. 147-153.
  • 'La reflexion morale dans les courants anarchistes' ('Moral Reflections in Anarchist Thought'), in M. Canto-Sperber, ed., Dictionnaire d'ethique et de philosophie morale (Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1996).
  • 'Anarchism', in E Craig, ed., Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy (London, Routledge, 1998).
  • 'Three Sources of Anarchism', in Suzanne Dewsbury, ed., Nineteenth- Century Literature Criticism: 19th-Century Literary Criticism, Vol. 79 (Detroit, MI: Gale Group, 1999). A reprint of Classical Anarchism, Chapter 1.
  • 'Petr Alekseevich Kropotkin', in A. Dinega Glillespie, ed., Russian Literature in the Age of Realism, Dictionary of Literary Biography Volume 277 (Detroit: Gale, 2003).
  • 'Anarchism', 'Negative and Positive Liberty', and 'Pluralism', in T. Mautner,ed. Penguin Dictionary of Modern Thought (Harmondsworth: Penguin, forthcoming).

    Crowley, George, and Louise Crowley

  • "Beyond Automation." Anarchy, no. 49 (March 1965), 68-80.

    Crump, John.

  • "Not Quite an Anarchist." Anarchy, no. 44 (October 1964), 312-14.

    Dagger, Richard

  • "Philosophical Anarchism and Its Fallacies: A Review Essay," Law and Philosophy, Vol. 19, No. 3. (May, 2000), pp. 391-406.

    Dallmayr, W. R.

  • "Proudhon et la Coexistence: Une Interpretation de La Guerre et la Paix." Revue Internationale d'Histoire Politique et Constitutionnelle, 23 (July-September 1956), 205-17

    Dana, Charles A.

  • "Proudhon and his "Bank of the People"," New York: Benj. J. Tucker, Publisher, 1896.

    Daniels, Robert V

  • "The Kronstadt Revolt of 1921: A Study in the Dynamics of Revolution." American Slavic and East European Review, 10 (December 1951), 241-54.

    Davidson, Carl.

  • "Towards a Student Syndicalist Movement." Anarchy, no. 80 (October 1967), 303-310.

    Davies, Penny

  • "Jurisprudence: The Jurists' Game." Anarchy, no. 57 (November 1965), 321-27

    Dayan-Herzbrun, S.

  • "Proudhon, Critique de Platon." Revue Philosophique de la France et de l'Etranger, 97 (January-March 1972), 15-25.

    De George, Richard T.

  • "Anarchism and Authority," in J. Roland Pennock, & John W. Chapman, eds., Anarchism: Nomos XIX. New York: New York University Press, 1978: pp. 91-110.

    DeGrazia, Sebastian

  • "What Authority Is Not," American Political Science Review, LIII (1959): 321-31.

    DeHaan, Richard.

  • "Kropotkm, Marx and Dewey" Anarchy, no. 55 (September 1965), 271-86.

    Deleon, David.

  • "American as Anarchist: Social Criticism in the 1960's." American Quarterly, 25 (December 1973), 516-37

    Dewitt, Rebecca

  • "Abe Bluestein: An Anarchist Life." Perspectives on Anarchist Theory Newsletter, Institute for Anarchist Studies, Spring 1998.

    Diaz, Carlos.

  • "El Anarquismo, Filosofia Politica del 'Apoyo Mutuo.'" Pensamiento. 28 (April-June 1972), 193-205.
  • "La Moral del Apoyo Mutuo Anarquista." Pensamiento, 28 (July-September 1972), 347-61.
  • "Libertad y Demopedia Anarquista." Pensamiento, 28 (October-December 1972), 431-44.
  • "Marxismos, Hoy" Pensamiento, 29 (April 1973), 195-207
  • "3 Biografias (Proudhon-Bakunin-Kropotkm)." Cuadernos Para el Dialogo;Coleccion los Supplementos, no. 38 (1973), 7-50.

    Dickens, Bob.

  • "Thoreau on Slavery, Economy and Alienation." Anarchy, N. S., no. 8 (1971), 18-24.

    Dillard, Dudley

  • "Keynes and Proudhon." Journal of Economic History, 2 (May 1942), 63-76.

    Dillon, Michael R.

  • "The Perennial Appeal of Anarchism." Review Article. Polity, 7 (Winter 1974), 234-47.

    Dorsey, Gary

  • "Jonah House Under Seige: Convicts of Strong Conviction." Christian Century, April 15, 1998.

    Douglas, Mary

  • Review of Community, Anarchy and Liberty (Taylor 1982). Ethics 96 (1985): 189-191.

    Dowa, Henry.

  • "Africans and Anarchism." Anarchy, no. 16 (June 1962), 183-86.

    Doyle, Kevin

  • "The Revolution in Spain," Feb. 1999.

    Drahomanov, Mykhaylo

  • (and M. Pavlyk, S. Podolynsky) "The Program of the Review Hromada" (1880).
  • "Free Union: Draft of a Ukrainian Political and Social Program (1884)," in Mykhaylo Drahomanov: A Symposium and Selected Writings, The Annals of the Ukrainian Academy of Arts and Sciences in the U.S., Vol. II, Spring, 1952, No. 1 (3).

    Drescher, Nuala McGann, ed.

  • " 'To Play the Hypocrite'- Terence V Powderly on the Anarchists." Labor History, 13 (Winter 1972), 60-62.

    Drinnon, Richard.

  • "Back to the Future." Anarchy, no. 114 (August 1970), 241-45.
  • "The Blast of Alexander Berkman." Anarchy, no. 104 (October 1969), 310-15.
  • "Emma Goldman, Alexander Berkman, and the Dream We Hark Back to. " Anarchy, no. 114 (August 1970), 229-39.
  • "Neither God Nor Master." Anarchy, no. 109 (March 1970), 65-67.
  • "Thoreau's Politics of the Upright Man." Anarchy, no. 26 (April 1963), 117-28.

    Duberman, Martin B.

  • "Anarchism Left and Right." Partisan Review, 33 (Fall 1966), 610-15.

    Dubovik, A. & A. Skrozitsky "A Survey of the Anarchist Movement in the Ukraine 1987-1994" Novy Svyet, no. 2 (33), summer 1995. Translated from Russian by Will Firth.

    Duerksen, Roland A.

  • "Caleb Williams, Political Justice, and Billy Budd." American Literature, 38 (November 1966), 372-76.

    Dugger, W.M.

  • "Veblen and Kropotkin on Human Evolution," Journal of Economic Issues, XVIII (1984): pp. 971-85.

    Dworkin, Gerald

  • Review of Robert Paul Wolff In Defense of Anarchism, Journal of Philosophy lxviii, 18 (Sept. 16, 1971): 561-567.

    Dziewanowski, M. K.

  • "Herzen, Bakunin, and the Polish Insurrection of 1863." Journal of Central European Affairs, 8 (April 1948), 58-78.

    Eayrs, James

  • "The Political Ideas of the English Agrarians, 1775-1815," The Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science, Vol. XVIII, no. 3, Aug., 1952, pp. 287-302.

    Ellerby, John. "Anarchism and Social Control." Anarchy, no. 32 (October 1963), 319-25.

  • "The Anarchism of Alex Comfort." Anarchy, no. 33 (November 1963), 329-39.
  • "The Anarchism of Jean Vigo." Anarchy, no. 6 (August 1961), 163-73.
  • "Fields, Factories and Workshops Tomorrow." Anarchy, no. 41 (July 1964), 206-212.
  • "Martin Buber." Anarchy, no. 54 (August 1965), 225-31.
  • "The World of Paul Goodman." Anarchy, no. 11 (January 1962), 1-19.

    Ellingham, Francis.

  • "Anarchism, Society and the Socialised Mind." Anarchy, no. 63 (May 1966), 152-60.
  • "Automation and Individualism." Anarchy, no. 52 (June 1965), 178-83.

    The Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1910.

  • "Anarchism,"

    Evanoff, Richard

  • "Social Ecology: Basic Principles, Future Prospects -- An Interview with Murray Bookchin" Japan Environment Monitor, 1996.

    Falk, Richard A.

  • "Anarchism and World Order," in J. Roland Pennock, & John W. Chapman, eds., Anarchism: Nomos XIX. New York: New York University Press, 1978.

    Featherstone, Godfrey.

  • "Radio Freedom-An Anarchist Approach." Anarchy, no. 93 (November 1968), 329-39.

    Feinberg, Joel

  • "Civil Disobedience in the Modern World," Humanities in Society 2 (1979)

    Ferraro, D.

  • "Anarchism in Greek Philosophy" Anarchy, no. 45 (November 1964), 321-25.

    Finch, Roy.

  • "The New Peace Movement-Part I." Dissent, 10 (Winter 1963), 86-95.
  • 'The New Peace Movement-Part II." Dissent, 10 (Spring 1963), 138-48.

    Fine, Sidney

  • "Anarchism and the Assassination of McKinley " American Historical Review, 60 (July 1955), 777-99.

    Fishman, W J.

  • "Rudolf Rocker: Anarchist Missionary (1873-1958)." History Today, 16 (January 1966), 45-52. Bibliography, p. 71.

    Fleming, Antony

  • "Anarchism and Revolution." Anarchy, no. 106 (December 1969), 360-76.
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    Fleming, Marie

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