The following table lists the selections by the following:
"Savants Select Most Influential Volumes," English Journal 25 (1936). [25 selections each by Edward Weeks, editor of the Atlantic Monthly Press; Charles A. Beard, historian; John Dewey, philosopher]
Malcolm Cowley and Bernard Smith, Books That Changed Our Minds (1939). [12 selections]
Horace Shipp, Books That Moved the World (1945). [10 selections]
Robert B. Downs, Books That Changed the World (1956) [16 selections]
Author | Dates for Author | Title | Date of pub. | Type of Work | Search in Google | Dewey | Weeks | Beard | Downs | Cowley and Smith | Shipp |
Adams, Henry | 1838-1918 | Education of Henry Adams, The | 1907 | Novelized biography | Search | X | X | X | |||
Angell, Sir Norman | 1872-1967 | Great Illusion, The | 1910 | Economic and political treatise | Search | X | |||||
Augustine, Saint | 354-430 | City of God, The | c.413-426 | Theology | Search | X | |||||
Beard, Charles A. | 1874-1948 | Rise of American Civilization, The | 1927 | Economic and social history | Search | X | |||||
Beard, Charles A. | 1874-1948 | Economic Interpretation of the Constitution | 1913 | Economic and social history | Search | X | |||||
Beard, Mary Ritter | 1876-1958 | Rise of American Civilization, The | 1927 | Economic and social history | Search | X | |||||
Bellamy, Edward | 1850-1898 | Looking Backward | 1888 | Novel | Search | X | X | X | |||
Boas, Franz | 1858-1942 | Mind of Primitive Man, The | 1911 | Anthropological study | Search | X | |||||
Bohr, Neils | 1885-1962 | Atomic Theory and the Description of Nature | 1934 | Physics | Search | X | |||||
Bunyan, John | 1628-1688 | Pilgrim's Progress, The | 1678 | Novel | Search | X | |||||
Butler, Samuel | 1835-1902 | Way of All Flesh, The | 1903 | Novel | Search | X | |||||
Copernicus | 1473-1543 | On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres (De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium) | 1543 | Astronomy | Search | X | |||||
Dante Alighieri | 1265-1321 | Divine Comedy, The | c.1307 | Poem | Search | X | |||||
Darwin, Charles | 1809-1882 | On the Origin of Species | 1859 | Biological study | Search | X | X | ||||
Dewey, John | 1859-1951 | School and Society, The | 1907 | Education | Search | X | |||||
Dewey, John | 1859-1952 | Studies in Logical Theory | 1910 | Logic, epistemology | Search | X | |||||
Doyle, Arthur Conan | 1859-1930 | Adventures of Sherlock Holmes | 1892 | Novel | Search | X | |||||
Eddington, Sir Arthur | 1882-1944 | Inernal Constitution of the Stars, The | 1920 | Astrophysics | Search | X | X | ||||
Einstein, Albert | 1879-1955 | Relativity: The Special and the General Theory | 1916 | Physics | Search | X | X | X | |||
Ellis, Havelock | 1859–1939 | Psychology of Sex, The | 1897-1928 | Psychology | Search | X | |||||
Fay, Sidney Bradshaw | 1876–1967 | Origins of the World War | 1928 | History | Search | X | |||||
Frazer, Sir James George | 1854-1941 | Golden Bough, The | 1890, 1900, 1907-1915 | Anthropology | Search | X | X | X | |||
Freud, Sigmund | 1856-1939 | Interpretation of Dreams, The | 1900 | Psychological study | Search | X | X | X | X | ||
Gibbs, Sir Philip Hamilton | Now It Can Be Told | 1920 | History | Search | X | ||||||
Hardy, Thomas | 1840-1928 | Tess of the d'Urbervilles | 1891 | Novel | Search | X | |||||
Harvey, William | 1578-1657 | On the Motion of the Heart and Blood in Animals (De Motu Cordis) | 1628 | Biology | Search | X | |||||
Hitler, Adolf | 1889-1945 | My Battle (Mein Kampf) | 1925-27 | Autobiography | Search | X | X | ||||
Hobson, John Atkinson | 1858-1940 | Imperialism | 1902 | Economics/history | Search | X | |||||
Ibsen, Henrik | 1828-1906 | Hedda Gabler | 1852 | Drama | Search | X | |||||
James, Henry | 1843-1916 | Golden Bowl, The | 1904 | Novel | Search | X | |||||
James, William | 1842-1910 | Principles of Psychology | 1890 | Psychology | Search | X | X | ||||
Jeans, Sir James Hopwood | 1877-1946 | Mathematical Theory of Electricity and Magnetism, The | 1925 | Physics | Search | X | X | ||||
Joyce, James | 1882-1941 | Ulysses | 1922 | Novel | Search | X | X | ||||
Jung, Carl G. | 1875-1961 | Psychology of the Unconscious, The | Psychological monographs | Search | X | ||||||
Keynes, John Maynard | Economic Consequences of the Peace, The | 1919 | Economics/history | Search | X | X | |||||
Kipling, Rudyard | 1865-1936 | Barrack-Room Ballads | 1892 | Ballads | Search | X | X | ||||
Lenin, Vladimir Ilich | 1870-1924 | Imperialism, The State and Revolution | 1918 | Political treatise | Search | X | X | X | |||
Lewis, Sinclair | 1885-1951 | Babbitt | 1922 | Novel | Search | X | X | ||||
Lewis, Sinclair | 1885-1951 | Main Street | 1920 | Novel | Search | X | X | ||||
Machiavelli, Niccolo | 1469-1527 | Prince, The | 1532 | Political philosophy | Search | X | |||||
Mackinder, Sir Halford J. | 1861-1947 | Geographical Pivot of History, The | 1904 | History and Geography | Search | X | |||||
Mahan, Alfred | 1840-1914 | Influence of Seapower on History, The | 1890 | History | Search | X | X | X | |||
Malthus, Thomas | 1766-1834 | Essay on the Principle of Population | 1789 | Social science | Search | X | |||||
Mann, Thomas | 1875-1955 | Magic Mountain, The | 1924 | Novel | Search | X | |||||
Marx, Karl | 1818-1883 | Kapital (Capital), Das | 1867, 1885-1894 | Political economy | Search | X | X | X | X | X | |
Milton, John | 1608-1674 | Areopagitica | 1644 | Philosophic address | Search | X | |||||
Newton, Sir Isaac | 1642-1727 | Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy (Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica) | 1687 | Scientific and philosophical treatise | Search | X | |||||
Paine, Thomas | 1735-1809 | Common Sense | 1776 | Political treatise | Search | X | |||||
Pareto, Vilfredo | 1848-1923 | Treatise on General Sociology | 1916 | Sociology | Search | X | |||||
Parrington, Vernon Lewis | 1871-1929 | Main Currents in American Thoughts | 1927-1930 | History of ideas | Search | X | |||||
Planck, Max | 1859-1947 | Lectures on the Theory of Heat Radiation | 1906 | Physics | Search | X | |||||
Plato | 427-347 B.C. | Republic | middle | Political philosophy, metaphysics, epistemology | Search | X | |||||
Proust, Marcel | 1871-1922 | Remembrance of Things Past | 1913-1927 | Novel | Search | X | |||||
Remarque, Erich Maria | 1897- | All Quiet on the Western Front | 1928 | Novel | Search | X | X | ||||
Richards, I.A. | 1893- | Principles of Literary Criticism | 1924 | Critical treatise | Search | X | |||||
Rolland, Romain | 1866-1944 | Jean-Christophe | 1904-1912 | Novel | Search | X | |||||
Russell, Bertrand | 1872-1970 | Principia Mathematica | 1910, 1912, 1913 | Philosophy of mathematics | Search | X | |||||
Shakespeare, William | 1564-1616 | Plays | Drama | Search | X | ||||||
Shaw, Bernard | 1859-1950 | Man and Superman | 1905 | Drama | Search | X | |||||
Shaw, Bernard | 1859-1950 | Plays Pleasant and Unpleasant | 1898 | Drama | Search | X | |||||
Sinclair, Upton | 1878- | Jungle, The | 1906 | Novel | Search | X | |||||
Smith, Adam | 1723-1790 | Wealth of Nations, The | 1776 | Economic treatise | Search | X | |||||
Spengler, Oswald | 1880-1936 | Decline of the West, The | 1922 | History | Search | X | X | X | X | ||
Stopes, Marie Carmichael | 1880-1958 | Married Love and Wise Parenthood | 1918 | Sex manual | Search | X | X | ||||
Stowe, Harriet Beecher | 1811-1896 | Uncle Tom's Cabin | 1852 | Novel | Search | X | |||||
Sumner, William Graham | 1840-1910 | Folkways | 1907 | Political, sociological, and anthropological theory | Search | X | |||||
Tarbell, Ida M. | 1857-1944 | History of the Standard Oil Company | 1904 | History | Search | X | |||||
Thoreau, Henry David | 1817-1862 | Civil Disobedience | 1849 | Political essay | Search | X | |||||
Tolstoy, Count Leo | 1828-1910 | Kreutzer Sonata, The | 1889 | Novel | Search | X | |||||
Trotsky, Leon | 1879-1940 | History of the Russian Revolution | 1930 | History | Search | X | |||||
Turner, Frederick Jackson | 1861-1932 | Frontier in American History, The | 1920 | History | Search | X | X | ||||
Veblen, Thorsten | 1857-1929 | Theory of the Leisure Class, The | 1899 | Sociological essay | Search | X | X | ||||
Veblen, Thorsten | 1857-1929 | Business Enterprise | 1904 | Sociological essay | Search | X | |||||
Wells, H.G. | 1866-1946 | Outline of History | 1920 | History | Search | X | X | ||||
Whitehead, Alfred North | 1861-1947 | Principia Mathematica | 1910, 1912, 1913 | Philsosophy of mathematics | Search | X | |||||
Bible, The | Religion | Search | X | ||||||||
Koran, The | Religion | Search | X |