Paul Avrich, The Russian Anarchists, 1967.



Archive of Russian and East European History and Culture, Columbia University.
Contains an outstanding collection of leaflets of the 1905 period. In addition, there are proclamations and manuscripts of the emigre groups in Paris, Geneva, and Zurich between 1905 and 1917, and a manuscript on the Durnovo dacha affair.

Bund Archives of the Jewish Labor Movement, New York City.
Rich in Yiddish and Russian materials, mostly on the 1905 period.

International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam.
Houses the archives of Senya Fleshin, Max Nettlau, Alexander Berk-man, Emma Goldman, Boris Yelensky, Pierre Ramus, and Ugo Fedeli. These contain files of the anarchist relief committees, letters from anarchist prisoners in Russia, and an immense correspondence among the anarchists in exile. Leaflets and proclamations of Makhno's Insurgent Army of the Ukraine are in the Fedeli Archive. The Institute also possesses a unique collection of photographs.

Labadie Collection, University of Michigan.
Numerous pamphlets (most of them from the post-1917 period) and a small number of manuscripts and photographs.

Max Nomad, private collection, New York City.
Manuscripts, letters, and publications of Jan Waclaw Machajski and his wife.

Dissertations and other unpublished works are listed in the next section.


Abramovitch, Raphael R.

  • In tsvey revolutsies. 2 vols., New York, 1944.
  • The Soviet Revolution, 1917-1939. New York, 1962.

    Adams, Arthur E.

  • Bolsheviks in the Ukraine: the Second Campaign, 1918-1919. New Haven and London, 1963.

    Adler, Georg

  • Anarkhizm. St. Petersburg, 1906.

    Al'manakh: sbornik po istorii anarkhicheskogo dvizheniia v Rossii. Ed. N.. Rogdaev. Paris, 1909.
    An indispensable collection of reminiscences and studies of the Russian anarchist movement from 1903 to 1908 by leading participants; perhaps the single most important work on the 1905 period.

    Anarkhiia po Prudonu. Kiev, 1907.

    "Di Anarkhisten bay der arbayt," Folk-Tsaytung, Vilna, 24 and 28 May 1906.

    Anarkhizm i khuliganstvo. St. Petersburg, 1906.

    Anisimov, S.

  • "Sud i rasprava nad anarkhistami-kommunistami," Katorga i Ssylka, 1932, No. 10, pp. 129-176.
    The trial of the Ekaterinoslav terrorists described by an attorney for the defense.


  • Chto takoe anarkhizm? St. Petersburg, 1907.

    Antologiia russkoi sovetskoi poezii. 2 vols., Moscow, 1957.

    Anweiler, Oskar

  • Die Ratebewegung in Russland, 1905-1921. Leiden, 1958.
    A pioneering study of the Soviets.

    Arshinov, P. A.

  • Dva pobega (iz vospominanii anarkhista 1906-9 gg.). Paris, 1929.
    Reminiscences of Arshinov's early years in the anarchist movement.
  • Istoriia makhnovskogo dvizheniia (1918-1921 gg.). Berlin, 1923.
    A valuable history of Makhno's movement by one of his closest associates.
  • Novoe v anarkhizme (K chemu prizyvaet organizatsionnaia platforma). Paris, 1929.
    A reply to the critics of his "Organizational Platform."

    Arskii, R.

  • "Professional'nye soiuzy i zavodskie komitety," Vestnik Narodnogo Komissariata Truda, 1918, No. 2-3, pp. 122-128.

    B. S. Otkrytoe pis'mo I. Grossmanu-Roshchinu (Otvet sovetskim "anarkhistam"). Moscow?, 1920.
    An attack on "Soviet anarchism."

    Bakunin, M. A.

  • Gesammelte Werke. 3 vols., Berlin, 1921-1924.
  • Izbrannye sochineniia. 5 vols., Petrograd and Moscow, 1919-1922.
  • Oeuvres. 6 vols., Paris, 1895-1913.
  • Pis'ma M. A. Bakunina k A. I. Gertsenu i N. P. Ogarevu. Ed. M. P. Dragomanov. Geneva, 1896.
  • Sobranie sochinenii i pisem, 1828-1876. Ed. Iu. M. Steklov. 4 vols., Moscow, 1934-1936.

    Balabanoff, Angelica

  • My Life as a Rebel. New York, 1938.

    Baron, Salo W.

  • The Russian Jew under Tsars and Soviets. New York, 1964.

    Baron, Samuel H.

  • Plekhanov: The Father of Russian Marxism. Stanford, 1963.

    Bel'skii, T.

  • "Ob elementakh anarkhii v russkoi revoliutsii," in Politicheskoe polozhenie i takticheskie problemy. Moscow, 1906, pp. 82-98.

    Berezin, M.

  • Fun keyten tsu frayhayt. New York, 1916.
    Memoirs of an Anarchist-Communist who escaped from Siberia to New York on the eve of World War I.
  • Kontr-revoliutsionery li my? n.p., n.d. [Chicago?, 1918?]

    Berkman, Alexander

  • The "Anti-Climax": The Concluding Chapter of My Russian Diary "The Bolshevik Myth." Berlin, 1925.
  • The Bolshevik Myth (Diary 1920-1922). New York, 1925.
    An absorbing diary by the famous Russian-American anarchist. The full manuscript (with much additional material of importance) is in the Berkman Archive.
  • The Kronstadt Rebellion. Berlin, 1922.
    A brief but significant account of the uprising from the anarchist point of view. Also published in German.
  • Now and After: The ABC of Communist Anarchism. New York, 1929. Also published as What Is Communist Anarchism?
  • The Russian Tragedy (a Review and an Outlook). Berlin, 1922.

    Berlin, Isaiah

  • "Herzen and Bakunin on Individual Liberty," in Ernest J. Simmons, ed., Continuity and Change in Russian and Soviet Thought, Cambridge, Mass., 1955, pp. 473-499.

    Berlin, P. A.

  • Apostoly anarkhii: Bakunin -- Kropotkin -- Makhaev. Petrograd, n.d. [1917?]

    Bernstein, E.

  • Anarkhizm. St. Petersburg, 1907.

    Bidbei, A. [Nikolai Romanov]

  • O Liutsifere, velikom dukhe vozmushcheniia, "nesoznatel'nosti," anarkhii i beznachaliia. n.p. [Paris?], 1904.
    A vitriolic attack on the Social Democrats by the leader of the Beznachalie group.
  • O revoliutsii i o kazarmennykh dobrodeteliakh gospod Tuporylovykh. n.p. [Paris?], 1904.

    Billington, James H.

  • Mikhailovsky and Russian Populism. London, 1958.

    Bogrov, V.

  • Dmitrii Bogrov i ubiistvo Stolypina. Berlin, 1931.

    Bol'shaia sovetskaia entsiklopediia. 1st edn., 65 vols., Moscow, 1926-1947.

    Bol'sheviki Petrograda v 1917 godu: khronika sobytii. Leningrad, 1957.

    Bol'sheviki v period podgotovki i provedeniia Velikoi Oktiabr'skoi sotsialisticheskoi revoliutsii: khronika sobytii v Petrograde, aprel'-oktiabr" 1917 g. Leningrad, 1947.

    Bol'shevistskaia diktatura v svete anarkhizma: desiaf let sovetskoi vlasti. Paris, 1928.
    An acerbic critique of the Bolshevik regime by an anarchist group in Paris.

    Borovoi, A. A.

  • Anarkhizm. Moscow, 1918.
    A thoughtful study of anarchist doctrine by a prominent individualist anarchist.
  • Istoriia lichnoi svobody vo Frantsii. Moscow, 1910.
  • Lichnost i obshchestvo v anarkhistskom mirovozzrenii. Petrograd and Moscow, 1920.
    An attempt to reconcile individualist anarchism with the tenets of Anarchist-Communism and Anarcho-Syndicalism.
  • Obshchestvennye idealy sovremennogo obshchestva. Moscow, 1906.
    An early statement of the Anarchist-Individualist position.
  • (ed.) Mikhailu Bakuninu, 1876-1926: ocherk istorii anarkhicheskogo dvizheniia v Rossii. Moscow, 1926.
    An invaluable collection of essays on the Russian anarchist movement from its nineteenth-century origins until the 1920's; one of the most important works on the subject.
  • (and N. Lebedev, eds.) Sbornik statei posviashchennyi pamiati P. A. Kropotkina. Petrograd and Moscow, 1922.
  • (and N. Otverzhennyi) Mif o Bakunine. Moscow, 1925.

    Brissenden, Paul F.

  • The I.W.W.: A Study of American Syndicalism. 2nd edn., New York, 1957.

    Browder, R. P. and A. F. Kerensky

  • (eds.) The Russian Provisional Government, 1917. 3 vols., Stanford, 1961.

    Brupbacher, Fritz

  • Marx und Bakunin: ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Internationalen Arbeiterassoziation. Berlin, 1922.

    Bugaev, B. N.

  • "Na perevale," Vesy, 1906, No. 8, pp. 52-54.

    Bukharin, N. I.

  • Anarchismus und wissenschaftlicher Kommunismus. Hamburg, 1920?
    A Bolshevik view of anarchist doctrine.

    Bukhbinder, N. A.

  • Istoriia evreiskogo rabochego dvizheniia v Rossii. Leningrad, 1925.

    Bunyan, James and H. H. Fisher

  • eds. The Bolshevik Revolution, 1917-1918: Documents and Materials. Stanford, 1934.

    Burgin, H.

  • Di Geshikhte fun der yidisher arbayter bavegung in Amerike, Rusland un England. New York, 1915.

    Carbo, Eusebio C.

  • "Alexander Schapiro," L'Adunata dei Refrattari, 22 March 1947, pp. 3-4.

    Carmichael, Joel

  • A Short History of the Russian Revolution. New York, 1964.

    Carr, Edward Hallett

  • The Bolshevik Revolution, 1917-1923. 3 vols., New York, 1951-1953.
  • Michael Bakunin. London, 1937.
    The standard biography in English.

    Chamberlin, W. H.

  • The Russian Revolution, 1917-1921. 2 vols., New York, 1957.

    Chapelier, E. and G. Marin.

  • Anarchists and the International Language, Esperanto. London, 1908.
    A report to the International Congress of Anarchists in Amsterdam, August 1907.

    Chego dobivaiutsia Anarkhisty-Kommunisty. Iaroslavl, n.d.

    Cherevanin, N. [F. A. Lipkin].

  • "Dvizhenie intelligentsii," in Obshchestvennoe dvizhenie v Rossii v nachale XX-go veka, eds. L. Martov, P. Maslov, and A. Potresov, 4 vols., St. Petersburg, 1909-1914, i, 259-290.

    Cherkezov, V. N.

  • Concentration of Capital: A Marxian Fallacy. London, 1911.
  • Doktriny marksizma: nauka-li eto? Geneva, 1903.
    An early critique of Marxism by a respected Russian anarchist, exiled in London.
  • Nakonets-to soznalis'! Otvet k Kautskomu. Tiflis, 1907.
  • Pages of Socialist History. New York, 1902.

    Chernoe znamia. St. Petersburg, 1906.
    A collection of articles by Kropotkin, Malatesta, and other leading anarchists.

    Chernov, V. M.

  • The Great Russian Revolution. New Haven, 1936.

    Chernyi, L. [P. D. Turchaninov].

  • Novoe napravlenie v anarkhizme: assotsiatsionnyi anarkhizm. 2nd edn., New York, 1923.
    The credo of "associational anarchism," a brand of Anarchist-Individualism, by its originator. (1st edn., Moscow, 1907).
  • O klassakh. Moscow, 1924.

    Chertkov, V. G.

  • Protiv vlasti. Christchurch, England, 1905.
    By the leading disciple of Tolstoy.

    Chikagskaia drama, 1-go Maia, 1886-go goda. 2nd edn., New York, 1916.

    Chto nam delat' v armii? (Mysli ofitsera). n.p., 1903.
    One of the earliest antimilitarist tracts by the Russian anarchists.

    Chudnov, M. N.

  • Pod chernym znamenem (Zapiski anarkhista). Moscow, 1930.
    Memoirs of an anarchist guerrilla who fought in the Ukraine during the Civil War.

    Ciliga, Anton

  • The Kronstadt Revolt. London, 1942.

    Cohen, J.

  • Di yidish-anarkhistishe bavegung in Amerike. Philadelphia, 1945.

    Cole, G. D. H.

  • A History of Socialist Thought. 5 vols, in 7, London, 1953-1960.

    Congres anarchiste tenu a Amsterdam Aout 1907. Paris, 1908.

    Dallin, David

  • (and Boris Nicolaevsky) Forced Labor in Soviet Russia. New Haven, 1947.

    Daniels, Robert V.

  • The Conscience of the Revolution: Communist Opposition in Soviet Russia. Cambridge, Mass., 1960.
  • "The Kronstadt Revolt of 1921: A Study in the Dynamics of Revolution," American Slavic and East European Review, X (December 1951), 241-254.

    Dave, Victor (and Georges Yvetot)

  • Fernand Pellut'e i revoliutsionnyi sindikalizm vo Frantsii. St. Petersburg, 1920.

    David, Henry

  • The History of the Haymarket Affair. New York, 1936.

    "Deklaratsiia" gruppy russkikh anarkhistov sodeistviia "Delu Truda": prakticheskie zadachi anarkhizma v sovremennuiu epokhu. Buenos Aires, 1930.

    Doklady Mezhdunarodnomu revoliutsionnomu rabochemu kongressu 1900-go goda. London, 1902.

    Dolinin (Moravskii), E. Z.

  • V vikhre revoliutsii. Detroit, 1954.
    A collection of essays and sketches by a disciple of Apollon Karelin.

    Dolleans, Edouard

  • Histoire du mouvement ouvrier. 2 vols., Paris, 1936-1946.

    Dr. Leo (pseud.)

  • Pochemu i kak my priblizhaemsia k anarkhii? Berlin, n.d.

    Driker, N.

  • Anarkhizm i sindikalizm (Doklad prednaznachennyi dlia Vserossiiskogo S'ezda Anarkhistov). Kiev, n.d.

    Drinnon, Richard

  • Rebel in Paradise: A Biography of Emma Goldman. Chicago, 1961.

    Dubnow, S. M.

  • History of the Jews in Russia and Poland. 3 vols., Philadelphia, 1916-1920.
  • (and G. la. Krasnyi-Admoni, eds.) Materialy dlia istorii antievreiskikh pogromov v Rossii. 2 vols., Petrograd, 1919- 1923.


  • S. Garber-bund un bershter-bund. Warsaw, 1937.

    Dunin, A. A.

  • "Graf L. N. Tolstoi i tolstovtsy v Samarskoi gubernii," Russkaia Mysl', 1912, No. 11, pp. 156-166.

    25-e sentiabria 1919 goda: pamiati pogibshikh pri vzryve v Leont'evskom pereulke. Moscow, 1925.
    Materials on the bombing of the Moscow Committee of the Communist Party.

    Edel'shtadt, D.

  • Anarkhizm kommunizm. New York, 1917.

    Ekonomicheskoe polozhenie Rossii nakanune Velikoi Oktiabr'skoi sotsialisticheskoi revoliutsii: dokumenty i materialy, mart-oktiabr' 1917. 2 vols., Moscow, 1957.

    Elliott, William Y.

  • The Pragmatic Revolt in Politics. New York, 1928.

    Eltzbacher, Paul

  • Der Anarchismus. Berlin, 1900.

    Evzel'man, A. Ia.

  • "Bol'sheviki Petrograda v bor'be za bol'she- vizatsiiu profsoiuzov i fabzavkomov v period podgotovki i provedeniia Velikoi Oktiabr'skoi sotsialisticheskoi revoliutsii," dissertation, Moscow State University, 1951.

    Fabzavkomy i profsoiuzy: sbornik statei. Moscow, 1925.

    Fedotoff White, D.

  • The Growth of the Red Army. Princeton, 1944.

    Fin, Ia.

  • Fabrichno-zavodskie komitety v Rossii. Moscow, 1922.

    Fischer, Louis

  • The Life of Lenin. New York, 1964.

    Flerovskii, I.

  • "Miatezh mobilizovannykh matrosov v Peterburge 14 oktiabria 1918 g.," Proletarskaia Revoliutsiia, 1926, No. 8, pp. 218-237.

    Florinsky, Michael T.

  • The End of the Russian Empire. New Haven, 1931.

    Footman, David

  • Civil War in Russia. London, 1961.
    Contains an excellent chapter on Makhno.

    Frank, H.

  • Anarkho-sotsialistishe ideyen un bavegungen bay Yidn. Paris, 1951.
  • "Di Bialystoke tkufe fun der ruslendisher anarkhistisher bavegung," in Geklibene shriftn, New York, 1954, pp. 388-411.
  • Natsionale un politishe bavegungen bay Yidn in Bialystok. New York, 1951.

    Friedmann, Aurel

  • Das anarcho-kommunistische System des Fursten Peter Kropotkin. Cologne, 1931.

    Gaudeaux, Jean

  • Six mois en Russie bolcheviste. Paris, 1924.
    By a French syndicalist delegate to the First Profintern Congress.

    Gay, Peter

  • The Dilemma of Democratic Socialism. New York, 1952.

    Ge (Ghe), A.

  • Lettre ouverte a P. Kropotkine. Lausanne, 1916.
    Takes sharp issue with Kropotkin's stand on the war.
  • Put' k pobede. Lausanne, 1917.
    A sweeping attack on the anarchist "defensists."

    Genkin, I.I.

  • "Anarkhisty: iz vospominanii politicheskogo kator-zhanina," Byloe, 1918, No. 9, pp. 163-183.
  • Po tiur'mam i etapam. Petrograd, 1922.
    Incorporates the material in the preceding article; a valuable source of information on the Beznachal'tsy.
  • "Sredi preemnikov Bakunina," Krasnaia Letopis', 1927, No. 1, pp. 170-205.

    Georgievskii, E.

  • Sushchnost' anarkhizma. Odessa, n.d.

    Di Geshikhte fun Bund. Eds. G. Aronson et al. 2 vols., New York, 1962.
    The principal source of information on the Jewish Bund.

    Geyer, Dietrich

  • Lenin in der russischen Sozialdemokratie: Die Arbeiterbewegung im Zarenreich als Organisationsproblem der revolutiondren Intelligenz, 1890-1903. Cologne, 1962.

    Girard, A.

  • Idei revoliutsionnogo anarkhizma sredi Frantsuzskogo proletariata. Moscow, 1917.

    Gladkov, I. A.

  • Ocherki sovetskoi ekonomiki, 1917-1920 gg. Moscow, 1956.

    Goldman, Emma

  • Anarchism and Other Essays. New York, 1910.
    A Russian translation of the first five essays was published in Petrograd in 1921.
  • The Crushing of the Russian Revolution. London, 1922.
  • Living My Life. New York, 1931.
    A memorable autobiography, with much material on the Russian anarchists.
  • My Disillusionment in Russia. Garden City, New York, 1923.
  • My Further Disillusionment in Russia. Garden City, New York, 1924.

    Goneniia na anarkhizm v Sovetskoi Rossii. Berlin, 1922.
    Contains capsule biographies of leading Russian anarchists; an important source on the suppression of the anarchists after 1917.

    Gordin, Abba

  • Communism Unmasked. New York, 1940.
  • Ot iuridicheskogo anarkhizma k fakticheskomu. Moscow, 1920.
  • Zikhroynes un kheshboynes. 2 vols., Buenos Aires, 1955-1957.

    Gordiny, Brat'ia [A. L. and V. L. Gordin]

  • Manifest pananarkhistov. Moscow, 1918.

    Gordon, M.

  • Uchastie rabochikh v organizatsii proizvodstva. Leningrad, 1927.

    Gorelik, A. [Grigorii Gorelik]

  • Anarkhisty v rossiiskoi revoliutsii. Berlin, 1922.
    Brief history of the anarchists in the revolution by a member of the Nabat Confederation; tends to exaggerate the anarchists' role.
  • Vospitanie v sovetskoi Rossii. Buenos Aires, 1923.

    Gorev, B. I. [B. I. Gol'dman]

  • Anarkhizm v Rossii (Ot Bakunina do Makhno). Moscow, 1930.
    A brief history by a Social Democrat; the best work of its kind in Russian.
  • "Apoliticheskie i antiparlamentskie gruppy (anarkhisty, maksimalisty, makhaevtsy)," in Obshchestvennoe dvizhenie v Rossii v nachale XX-go veka, III, 473-534.

    Gray, Alexander

  • The Socialist Tradition: Moses to Lenin. London, 1946.

    Grossman-Roshchin, I.

  • "Dumy o bylom (Iz istorii belostotskogo anarkhicheskogo 'chernoznamenskogo' dvizheniia)," Byloe, 1924, No. 27-28, pp. 172-182.
  • Iskusstvo izmeniat' mir. Moscow, 1930.
  • Kharakeristika tvorchestva P. A. Kropotkina. Moscow and Petrograd, 1921.

    Guillaume, James

  • L'Internationale: documents et souvenirs (1864-1878). 4 vols., Paris, 1905-1910.

    Hagadah shol peysakh. Vilna [London], 1886.
    An illegal pamphlet in the form of a prayerbook, smuggled into Russia by anarchists in London.

    Haimson, Leopold H.

  • The Russian Marxists and the Origins of Bolshevism. Cambridge, Mass., 1955.

    Hans, Nicholas

  • History of Russian Educational Policy, 1701-1917. London, 1931.

    Harcave, Sidney

  • First Blood: The Russian Revolution of 1905. New York, 1964.

    Hard, William

  • Raymond Robins' Own Story. New York and London, 1920.

    Hershberg, A. S.

  • Pinkos Bialystok. 2 vols., New York, 1950.
    A useful chronicle of the events in Bialystok, including the activities of the anarchists during the 1905 period.

    Herzen, A. I.

  • "Kolokol": izbrannye stat'i A. I. Gertsena, 1857-1869. Geneva, 1887.

    Hughes, H. Stuart

  • Consciousness and Society: The Reconstruction of European Social Thought, 1890-1930. New York, 1958.

    Iakovlev, Ia. A.

  • Les "Anarchistes Syndicalistes" russes devant le tribunal du proletariat mondial. Moscow, 1921.
  • Russkii anarkhizm v velikoi russkoi revoliutsii. Moscow, 1921.
    A polemical study by a Bolshevik writer.

    Iarchuk, E.

  • Kronshtadt v russkoi revoliutsii. New York, 1923.
    By a prominent anarchist who was active in Kronstadt during 1917.

    Iaroslavskii, E. E.

  • Anarkhizm v Rossii. Moscow, 1937.
    Probably the worst history of the anarchists. There is a widely distributed English translation.

    The International Working Men's Association, I.W.M.A.: Its Policy, Its Aims, Its Principles, n.p., 1933.
    A basic document.

    Istoriia grazhdanskoi voiny v SSSR. 4 vols., Moscow, 1935-1959.

    Itkin, M. L.

  • "Bor'ba petrogradskikh proletariata pod rukovodst-vom partii Lenina-Stalina za rabochii kontroP v promyshlen-nosti v 1917 godu (fevral'-oktiabr')," dissertation, Leningrad State University, 1953.

    Iushkevich, P.

  • Teoriia i praktika sindikalizma. St. Petersburg, 1907.

    Ivaniukov, I.I.

  • Chto takoe anarkhizm? 2nd edn., St. Petersburg, 1906.

    Ivanov-Razumnik [R. V. Ivanov]

  • Chto takoe makhaevshchina? St. Petersburg, 1908.
    A perceptive study of "Makhaevism."

    Ivanovich, M. [M. I. Bulgakov]

  • "Anarkhizm v Rossii," Sotsialist-Revoliutsioner, 1911, No. 3, pp. 75-94.

    Ivanovich, S.

  • Anarkhisty i anarkhizm v Rossii. St. Petersburg, 1907.
  • Anarkhizm v Rossii i bor'ba s nim," Sovremennyi Mir, 1906, No. 1, part 2, pp. 1-11.

    Joll, James

  • The Anarchists. London, 1964.
    A stimulating interpretive account of the anarchist movement in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries; well-written and incisive.

    Kakie nuzhny poriadki. Moscow, n.d. [1919?]

    Kaminski, H.-E.

  • Michel Bakounine: la vie d'un rivolutionnaire. Paris, 1938.

    Karelin, A. A.

  • Chto takoe anarkhiia? Moscow, 1923.
  • Gorodskie rabochie, krest'ianstvo, vlasf i sobstvennost'. Buenos Aires, 1924.
  • Gosudarstvo i anarkhisty. Moscow, 1918. A popular anarchist critique of the state.
  • (A. Kochegarov, pseud.). K voprosu o kommunizme. n.p., 1918.
  • Novoe kratkoe izlozhenie politicheskoi ekonomii. New York, 1918.
  • Obshchestvennoe vladenie v Rossii. St. Petersburg, 1893.
  • (A. Kochegarov, pseud.). Polozhitel'nye i otritsatel'nye storony demokratii s tochki zreniia anarkhistov-kommunistov. Geneva, n.d.
  • Smertnaia kazn'. Detroit, 1923.
  • Tak govoril Bakunin. Bridgeport, Conn., n.d.
  • Vol'naia zhizn'. Detroit, 1955.
    A fairly broad selection of Karelin's writings, with a biographical introduction.
  • (A. Kochegarov, pseud.). Zemel'naia programma anarkhistov-kommunistov. London, 1912.
    A brief exposition of the Anarchist-Communist land program.

    Katkov, George

  • "The Kronstadt Rising," Soviet Affairs, No. 2, 1959, pp. 9-74.
    An intelligent account of the revolt.

    Keep, J. L. H.

  • The Rise of Social Democracy in Russia. London, 1963.
    A superb history of the Social Democrats through 1907.

    Kenafick, K. J.

  • Michael Bakunin and Karl Marx. Melbourne, 1948.

    Kennan, George F.

  • Russia Leaves the War. Princeton, 1956.

    Kharkhardin, I.

  • Kropotkin, kak ekonomist. Moscow, 1922.

    Khleb i volia: stat'i P. Kropotkina, V. Cherkezova, E. Rekliu, L. Bertoni i drugikh. St. Petersburg, 1906.
    A collection of articles by eminent anarchists.

    Kindersley, Richard

  • The First Russian Revisionists. London, 1962.

    Knizhnik, I. S. (I. Vetrov, pseud.)

  • Anarkhizm: ego teoriia i praktika. St. Petersburg, 1906.
  • (A. Kratov, pseud.). Novaia Rossiia i evrei. Petrograd, 1917.
  • (I. Vetrov, pseud.). Ocherk sotsial'noi ekonomiki s tochki zreniia anarkhicheskogo kommunizma. Paris, 1908.
  • (A. Kratov, pseud.). Podgotovka k uchreditel'nomu sobraniiu. Petrograd, 1917.
  • "Vospominaniia o Bogrove, ubiitsa Stolypina," Krasnaia Letopis', 1923, No. 5, pp. 287-294.
  • "Vospominaniia o P. A. Kropotkine i ob odnoi anarkhistskoi emigrantskoi gruppe," Krasnaia Letopis', 1922, No. 4, pp. 28-51.
    A personal memoir about the anarchist emigres in Paris between the two revolutions; by a member of the colony.

    Kollontai, A.

  • The Workers Opposition. Chicago, 1921.

    Kol'tsov, D. [B. A. Ginzburg]

  • "Rabochie v 1890-1904 gg.," in Obshchestvennoe dvizhenie v Rossii v nachale XX-go veka, I, 183-229.

    Korn, M. [M. I. Gol'dsmit]

  • Bor'ba s kapitalom i vlasfiu; Nashi spornye voprosy. London, 1912.
  • Revoliutsionnyi sindikalizm i anarkhizm; Bor'ba s kapitalom i vlast'iu. Petrograd and Moscow, 1920.
    Essays by a leading Kropotkinite and pro-syndicalist.
  • Revoliutsionnyi sindikalizm i sotsialisticheskie partii. London, 1907.
    An important syndicalist pamphlet.

    Kornatovskii, N. A., ed.

  • Kronshtadtskii miatezh: sbornik statei, vospominanii i dokumentov. Leningrad, 1931.

    Kozlovskii, L. S.

  • Ocherki sindikalizma vo Frantsii. Moscow, 1906.
  • Sotsial'noe dvizhenie v sovremennoi Frantsii. Moscow, 1908.

    Kreizel', lu. B.

  • Iz istorii profdvizheniia g. Khar'kova v 1917 godu. Kharkov, 1921.

    Krest'ianskoe dvizhenie 1902 goda. Moscow and Petrograd, 1923.

    Kritskaia, N.

  • (and N. Lebedev) Istoriia sindikal'nogo dvizheniia vo Frantsii, 1789-1907. Moscow, 1908.

    Kropotkin, P. A.

  • Der Anarchismus in Russland. Berlin, 1905.
  • Buntovskii dukh. Geneva, 1905.
  • La Conquete du pain. Paris, 1892.

    The Russian translation (1902), issued under the title of Khleb i volia, had a great influence on the movement.
  • Etika. Petrograd, 1922.
  • Fields, Factories, and Workshops. London, 1899.
    A work of major importance.
  • The Great French Revolution, 1789-1793. London, 1909.
  • Kropotkin's Revolutionary Pamphlets. Ed. Roger N. Baldwin. New York, 1927.
    A good collection.
  • "A Letter on the Present War," Freedom (London), October 1914, pp. 76-77.
  • Memoirs of a Revolutionist. Boston, 1899. A classic.
  • Modern Science and Anarchism. New York, 1908.
  • Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution. London, 1902. Another major work.
  • Paroles d'un revolte. Paris, 1885.
  • Russkaia revoliutsiia. Geneva, 1905.
  • (ed.) Russkaia revoliutsiia i anarkhizm. London, 1907.

    Kubanin, M.

  • Makhnovshchina. Leningrad, n.d. [1927]|.

    Kulczycki, L.

  • Anarkhizm v Rossii. St. Petersburg, 1907.
    Also published as Anarkhizm v sovremennom sotsial'no-politicheskom dvizhenii v Rossii.
  • Sovremennyi anarkhizm: izlozhenie, istochniki, kritika. St. Petersburg, 1907.
    A thoughtful study.

    Kurchinskii, M. A.

  • Apostol egoizma: Maks Shtirner i ego filosofiia anarkhii. Petrograd, 1920.

    Lampert, E.

  • Studies in Rebellion. London, 1957.

    Lane, David.

  • "The Russian Social Democratic Labour Party in St. Petersburg, Tver and Ashkhabad, 1903-1905," Soviet Studies, xv (January 1964), 331-344.

    Lazarev, E.

  • "Dmitrii Bogrov i ubiistvo Stolypina," Volia Rossii, 1926, No. 8-9, pp. 28-65.

    Lebedev, N. K.

  • Elize Rekliu, kak chelovek, uchenyi i myslitel'. Petrograd, 1920.
  • Muzei P. A. Kropotkina. Leningrad and Moscow, 1928.
    A description of the Kropotkin Museum by its secretary.
  • P. A. Kropotkin. Moscow, 1925.
  • Rabochie soiuzy. Moscow, 1917.

    Lenin, V. I.

  • Leninskii sbornik. 35 vols., Moscow, 1924-1945.
  • Sochineniia. 2nd edn., 31 vols., Moscow, 1931-1935.

    Lenskii, Z.

  • "Natsional'noe dvizhenie," in Obshchestvennoe dvizhenie v Rossii v nachale XX-go veka, I, 349-371.

    Letters from Russian Prisoners. London, 1925.
    Material on the Bolshevik repression of political opponents, including the anarchists.

    Levin, Sh.

  • Untererdishe kemfer. New York, 1946.

    Levine, Louis

  • Syndicalism in France. 2nd edn., New York, 1914.
    Still the best treatment of the subject.

    Liashchenko, P. N.

  • Istoriia narodnogo khoziaistva SSSR. 2 vols., Leningrad, 1947-1948.

    Litvak, A.

  • Vos geven. Vilna, 1925.

    Lorwin, V. R.

  • The French Labor Movement. Cambridge, Mass., 1954.

    Louis, Paul

  • Histoire du mouvement syndical en France. 2 vols., Paris, 1947-1948.

    Lozinskii, E. Iu.

  • Chego zhdat russkim rabochim ot vseobshchego izbiratel'nogo prava? St. Petersburg, 1907.
  • Chto zhe takoe, nakonets, intelligentsiia? St. Petersburg, 1907.
    A Makhaevist treatise.
  • Itogi parlamentarizma: chto on dal i mozhet li on chto- to dat' rabochim massam? St. Petersburg, 1907.
  • (E. Ustinov, pseud.). Sovremennyi anarkhizm: ego konechnye idealy, progrdmma, taktika i nravstvenno-klassovaia sushchnost'. Geneva, 1905.
    Also published in Moscow, 1906, under another pseudonym, "Podolianin."

    Lozovskii, A. [S. A. Dridzo]

  • Anarkho-sindikalizm i kommunizm. Moscow, 1923.
    An attack on syndicalism by a Bolshevik trade union official.
  • Rabochii kontrol'. Petrograd, 1918.

    Lur'e, S. la.

  • Predtechi anarkhizma v drevnem mire. Moscow, 1926.

    Luxemburg, Rosa

  • The Mass Strike: The Political Party and the Trade Union. Detroit, n.d.

    Machajski, Jan Waclaw

  • (A. Vol'skii, pseud.). Bankrotstvo sotsializma XIX stoletiia. n.p. [Geneva], 1905.
  • Burzhuaznaia revoliutsiia i rabochee delo. n.p. [Geneva], 1905.
  • Umstvennyi rabochii. 3 vols, in 1, Geneva, 1904-1905.
    Machajski's magnum opus.
  • "An Unfinished Essay in the Nature of a Critique of Socialism," manuscript photocopy, Paris, 1911.

    Maitron, Jean

  • Histoire du mouvement anarchiste en France (1880-1914). Paris, 1951.
    An authoritative history.

    Makhno, N. I.

  • Makhnovshchina i ee vcherashnie soiuzniki-bol'sheviki (Otvet na knigu M. Kubanina "Makhnovshchina"). Paris, 1928.
  • Pod udarami kontr-revoliutsii (aprel'-iiun' 1918 g.). Paris, 1936.
  • Russkaia revoliutsiia na Ukraine (ot marta 1917 g. po aprel' 1918 god). Paris, 1929.
  • Ukrainskaia revoliutsiia (iiul'-dekabr' 1918 g.). Paris, 1937.
    This and the two preceding entries constitute Makhno's recollections of his guerrilla army in the Civil War.

    Maksimov (Maximoff, Maximov), G. P.

  • Beseda s Bakuninym o revoliutsii. Chicago, 1934.
  • Bolshevism: Promises and Reality. Glasgow, n.d.
  • Constructive Anarchism. Chicago, 1952.
    Contains the credo of a leading Anarcho-Syndicalist.
  • The Guillotine at Work: Twenty Years of Terror in Russia. Chicago, 1940.
    An indictment of the suppression of the anarchists, with many supporting documents.
  • Moe sotsial'noe kredo. Chicago, 1933.
    An English translation of this pamphlet is included in Constructive Anarchism.
  • "Rassvet" provodnik russkogo fashizma. Chicago, 1933.
  • (G. Lapot', pseud.). Sovety rabochikh soldatskikh i krest'ianskikh deputatov i nashe k nim otnoshenie. New York, 1918.
  • Za chto i'kak bol'sheviki izgnali anarkhistov iz Rossii? n.p. [Berlin?], 1922.
  • (ed.) The Political Philosophy of Bakunin: Scientific Anarchism. Glencoe, Ill., 1953.

    Malia, Martin

  • Alexander Herzen and the Birth of Russian Socialism, 1812-1855. Cambridge, Mass., 1961.

    Manifest protesta anarkhistov-kommunistov protiv bol'shevistskogo pravitel'stva k proletariatu vsego mira. New York?, 1922.
    Also published in English.

    Markin, I. V.

  • "Ot rabochego kontrolia nad proizvodstvom k rabochemu upravleniiu promyshlennost'iu (1917-1918 gg., g. Petrograd)," dissertation, Leningrad State Pedagogical Institute, 1950.

    Martov, L. [Iu. O. Tsederbaum]

  • Politicheskie partii v Rossii. St. Petersburg, 1906.

    Marx, K. and F. Engels.

  • Kritika ucheniia Shtirnera. 2 parts, St. Petersburg, 1913.
  • Selected Works. 2 vols., Moscow, 1962.
  • Sviatoe semeistvo. 2 vols., St. Petersburg, 1906.
    Translation and notes by Waclaw Machajski. The notes are of great interest.

    Masaryk, T. G.

  • The Spirit of Russia. 2 vols., London, 1955.

    Maslov, P. P.

  • Agrarnyi vopros v Rossii. 2 vols., St. Petersburg, 1908.

    "Materialy k istorii rabochego kontrolia nad' proizvodstvom (1917-1918 gg.)," Krasnyi Arkhiv, 1940, No. 6, pp. 106- 129.

    Matiushenko, A. I.

  • Ot vorovstva k anarkhizmu. St. Petersburg, 1908.

    Maximoff, Maximov (see Maksimov).

    Maynard, Sir John

  • Russia in Flux. New York, 1951.

    Mehring, Franz

  • Karl Marx: Geschichte seines Lebens. Leipzig, 1918.

    Meijer, J. M.

  • Knowledge and Revolution: The Russian Colony in Zuerich (1870-1873). Assen, 1955.

    Mendel, Arthur P.

  • Dilemmas of Progress in Tsarist Russia. Cambridge, Mass., 1961.

    Mett, Ida

  • La Commune de Cronstadt: Crepuscule sanglant des Soviets. Paris, 1949.
    An anarchist account of the uprising.

    Miliukov, P. N.

  • Istoriia vtoroi russkoi revoliutsii. 1 vol. in parts, Sofia, 1921-1923.

    Mitel'man, M. I., et al.

  • Istoriia Putilovskogo zavoda, 1789-1917. 3rd edn., Moscow and Leningrad, 1941.

    Mushin, A.

  • Dmitrii Bogrov i ubiistvo Stolypina. Paris, 1914.

    Na pomoshch' ispanskim bortsam. New York, 193?.

    Nacht, S.

  • Vseobshchaia stachka i sotsial'naia revoliutsiia. Paris, 1904.
    Also printed in New York, 1916, under pseudonym of Arnold Roller.

    Natsionalizatsiia promyshlennosti v SSSR: sbornik dokumentov, 1917-1920 gg. Moscow, 1954.

    Nedrov, A. [A. S. Tokarev]

  • Rabochii vopros. St. Petersburg, 1906.

    Nestroev, G.

  • Maksimalizm i bol'shevizm. Moscow, 1919.

    Nettlau, Max

  • Der Anarchismus von Proudhon zu Kropotkin. Berlin, 1927.
    Second volume of an encylopedic history of anarchism, of which only three volumes were published. The sequel, which carries the history from 1886 to 1914, is in manuscript form in the International Institute of Social History.
  • Anarchisten und Sozialrevolutiondre. Berlin, 1931.
    Third volume of his history of anarchism.
  • Bibliographic de L'anarchie. Brussels, 1897.
  • "Michael Bakunin: eine Biographie," 3 vols., manuscript photocopy, London, 1896-1900.
    A detailed biography, containing much unique material.
  • "A Memorial Tribute: To Marie Goldsmith and Her Mother," Freedom (New York), i, No. 10, 18 March 1933, p. 2.
  • Der Vorfrühling der Anarchie. Berlin, 1925.
    First volume of his history of anarchism.

    Nikolaevskii, B.

  • "Varlaam Nikolaevich Cherkezov (1846-1925)," Katorga i Ssylka, 1926, No. 4, pp. 222-232.

    Nomad, Max

  • Apostles of Revolution. Boston, 1939.
    Includes valuable studies of Bakunin, Nechaev, and Makhno.
  • Aspects of Revolt. New York, 1959.
  • Dreamers, Dynamiters, and Demagogues. New York, 1964.
    Reminiscences of a former disciple of Machajski.
  • Rebels and Renegades. New York, 1932.
  • "Reminiscences," New Politics, II (Winter 1963), 89-95.

    Norton, Henry K.

  • The Far Eastern Republic of Siberia. London, 1923.

    Novomirskii, D. I. [la. Kirillovskii]

  • Chto takoe anarkhizm? n.p, 1907.
  • Iz programmy sindikal'nogo anarkhizma. n.p. [Odessa], 1907.
    The fullest exposition of Novomirskii's Anarcho-Syndicalist views.
  • Manifest Anarkhistov-Kommunistov. n.p., 1905.
    An English translation was issued in New York in 1921.

    Novyi pokhod protiv sotsial' demokratii: dokumenty po delu N. I. Muzilia. Geneva, 1905.

    Oktiabr'skaia revoliutsiia i fabzavkomy: materialy po istorii fabrichno-zavodskikh komitetov. 3 vols., Moscow, 1927-1929.
    The most important source on the factory committees.

    Organizatsionnaia platforma vseobshchego soiuza anarkhistov (Proekt). Paris, 1926.
    A controversial proposal for organizational reform in the anarchist movement.

    Orgeiani, K. [G. Gogeliia]

  • Kak i iz chego razvilsia Revoliutsionnyi Sindikalizm. n.p. [London?], 1909.
    By a leading exponent of syndicalism.
  • O rabochikh soiuzakh. London, 1907.
  • O revoliutsii i revoliutsionnom pravitel'stve. London, 1905.
    Issued under another pseudonym, K. Iliashvili.
  • Ob inielligentsii. London, 1912.
  • Pamiati chikagskikh muchenikov. Geneva, 1905.
    By "K. Iliashvili."

    Otverzhennyi, N.

  • Shtirner i Dostoevskii. Moscow, 1925.

    Otvet neskol'kikh russkikh anarkhistov na organizatsionnuiu platformu. Paris, 1927.

    Our Position. Chicago?, 1934?
    Resolutions adopted at the Chicago convention of the Federation of Russian Anarchist-Communist Groups in the United States and Canada, September 1934.

    P. A. Kropotkin, 1842-1922: k 80-tiletiiu so dnia rozhdeniia. Moscow, 1922.
    Articles by members of the Kropotkin Museum Committee.

    P. A. Kropotkin i ego uchenie: internatsional'nyi sbornik, posviashchennyi desiatoi godovshchine smerti P. A. Kropotkina. Ed. G. P. Maksimov. Chicago, 1931.
    An important collection of essays and materials on the Russian anarchist movement.

    Padenie tsarskogo rezhima. 1 vols., Leningrad, 1924-1927.

    Pamiati Petra Alekseevicha Kropotkina. Petrograd and Moscow, 1921.

    Pankratova, A. M.

  • Fabzavkomy i profsoiuzy v revoliutsii 1917 goda. Moscow and Leningrad, 1927.
  • Fabzavkomy Rossii v bor'be za sotsialisticheskuiu fabriku. Moscow, 1923.

    Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, 1918: Russia. 3 vols., Washington, 1931.

    Pares, Sir Bernard

  • The Fall of the Russian Monarchy. London, 1939.

    Pazhitnov, K. A.

  • Polozhenie rabochego klassa v Rossii. St. Petersburg, 1906.

    Pelloutier, Fernand

  • Histoire des bourses du travail. Paris, 1902. Russian translation, St. Petersburg, 1906.

    Pereval (pseud.)

  • Bezgosudarstvennyi kommunizm i sindikalizm. n.p., 191?.

    Pervaia konferentsiia anarkhistskikh organizatsii Ukrainy "Nabat": Deklaratsii i rezoliutsii. Buenos Aires, 1922.

    Pervaia rabochaia konferentsiia fabrichno-zavodskikh komitetov. Petrograd, 1917.

    Pervyi vserossiiskii s"ezd professional'nykh soiuzov, 7-14 ianvaria 1918 g. Moscow, 1918.

    Peterburzhets [K. M. Takhtarev]

  • Ocherk peterburzhskogo rabochego dvizheniia 90-kh godov: po lichnym vospominaniiam. London, 1902.

    Philips Price, M.

  • My Reminiscences of the Russian Revolution. London, 1921.

    Pipes, Richard

  • "Narodnichestvo: A Semantic Inquiry," Slavic Review, xxni (September 1964), 441-458.
  • Social Democracy and the St. Petersburg Labor Movement, 1885-1897. Cambridge, Mass., 1963.

    "Pis'ma P. A. Kropotkina k V. N. Cherkezovu," Katorga i Ssylka, 1926, No. 4, pp. 7-28.

    Pis'ma anarkhista bratu rabochemu. Moscow, 1917.

    Pis'mo Vladimira Lapidusa (Strigi). n.p. [Geneva?], 1907.
    Letter of a leading Chernoznamenets shortly before his death from a bomb explosion.

    Plekhanov, G. V.

  • Anarkhizm i sotsializm. St. Petersburg, 1905.
    A widely read Marxist critique of anarchism, translated into several languages.
  • Sochineniia. 24 vols., Leningrad, 1923-1927.

    Pollack, Emanuel

  • The Kronstadt Rebellion. New York, 1959.

    Polonskii, V. A.

  • "Anarkhisty i sovremennaia revoliutsiia," Novaia Zhizn', 15 November 1917, p. 1.
  • Materialy dlia biografii M. Bakunina. 3 vols., Moscow, 1923-1933.

    Posse, V. A.

  • Kakova dolzhna byt' programma russkikh proletariev? Geneva, 1905.
  • Moi zhiznennyi put': dorevoliutsionnyi period (1864- 1917 gg.). Moscow and Leningrad, 1929.
    Memoirs of a noted "legal Marxist," who became a syndicalist before the Revolution of 1905.
  • Rabochie stachki: ocherki. St. Petersburg, 1906.
    One of a series of pamphlets by Posse under the general title of Biblioteka rabochego.
  • Uchreditel'noe sobranie. Petrograd, 1917.
  • Vospominaniia V. A. Posse (1905-1917 gg.). Petrograd, 1923.
    A condensed version of Moi zhiznennyi put'.
  • Vseobshchaia stachka. Geneva, 1903.

    Pravda o Kronshtadte. Prague, 1921.
    An important collection of documents on the Kronstadt revolt.

    Prawdin, Michael

  • The Unmentionable Nechaev: A Key to Bolshevism. London, 1961.

    Preobrazhenskii, E. A.

  • Anarkhizm i kommunizm. 2nd edn., Moscow, 1921.

    Professional'noe dvizhenie v Petrograde v 1917 g.: ocherki i materialy. Leningrad, 1928.

    Protokoly 1-go Vserossiiskogo s"ezda professional'nykh soiuzov tekstil'shchikov i fabrichnykh komitetov. Moscow, 1918.

    Prugavin, A. S.

  • O L've Tolstom i o tolstovtsakh. Moscow, 1911.

    Pukhov, A. S.

  • Kronshtadtskii miatezh v 1921 g. Leningrad, 1931.

    Putilovets na putiakh k Oktiabriu: iz istorii "Krasnogo puti-lovtsa." Moscow and Leningrad, 1933.

    Pyziur, Eugene

  • The Doctrine of Anarchism of Michael A. Bakunin. Milwaukee, 1955.
    A capable exposition of Bakunin's theories.

    Rabochee dvizhenie v 1917 godu. Eds. V. L. Meller and A. M. Pankratova. Moscow and Leningrad, 1926.

    Rabochii kontrol' i natsionalizatsiia promyshlennykh predpriiatii Petrograda v 1917-1919 gg.: sbornik dokumentov. Leningrad, 1947.

    Radek, Karl

  • Anarchismus und Rateregierung. Hamburg, n.d.
  • Anarkhisty i sovetskaia Rossiia. Petrograd, 1918.

    Radkey, Oliver H.

  • The Agrarian Foes of Bolshevism. New York, 1958.
  • The Sickle under the Hammer. New York, 1963.

    Raevskii, M. [L. Fishelev]

  • Anarkho-sindikalizm i "kriticheskii" sindikalizm. New York, 1919.
    An important work by the editor of Golos Truda.

    Rafes, M.

  • Ocherki po istorii "Bunda." Moscow, 1923.
  • (ed.) Der yidisher arbeter. 2 vols., Moscow, 1925.

    Ramus, Pierre [Rudolf Grossmann]

  • Vil'iam Godvin, kak teoretik kommunisticheskogo anarkhizma. Moscow, 1925.

    Rashin, A. G.

  • Formirovanie promyshlennogo proletariata v Rossii. Moscow, 1940.

    Ravich-Cherkasskii, M.

  • Anarkhisty. Kharkov, 1929.
    One of the better Soviet histories.

    Rech' Emilia Ami pered sudom. Geneva, 1898.

    Rech' Matreny Prisiazhniuka v Kievskom voenno-okruzhnom sude 19-go iiulia 1908 goda. New York, 1916.
    Trial speech of a Kiev Anarchist-Individualist.

    Reed, John

  • Ten Days that Shook the World. New York, 1960.

    Resolutions approuvees par le Congres Anarchiste tenu a Amsterdam, Aout 24-31, 1907. London, 1907.
    Also published in English and German.

    Revoliutsiia 1917 goda: khronika sobytii. 6 vols., Moscow and Leningrad, 1923-1930.

    Revoliutsiia 1905-1907 gg. v Rossii: dokumenty i materialy. 16 vols., Moscow and Leningrad, 1955-1963.

    Rezoliutsii pervogo s"ezda Konfederatsii anarkhstiskikh organizatsii Ukrainy "Nabat." Buenos Aires, 1923.

    Rezoliutsii s"ezda imevshego mesto v gorode Brianske s 6-go po 11-oe avgusta 1918 g. Moscow, 1918.

    Rimlinger, Gaston V.

  • "Autocracy and the Factory Order in Early Russian Industrialization," Journal of Economic History, XX (March 1960), 67-92.
  • "The Management of Labor Protest in Tsarist Russia, 1870-1905," International Review of Social History, V (1960), 226-248.

    Robinson, Geroid T.

  • Rural Russia under the Old Regime. New York, 1957.

    Robitnichii kontrol' i natsionalizatsiia promislovosti na Ukraine: zbirnik dokumentiv i materialiv. Kiev, 1957.

    Rocker, Rudolf

  • Anarcho-Syndicalism. London, 1938.
    The best general work on the subject.
  • The London Years. London, 1956.
    Reminiscences by the leader of the Jewish Federation of Anarchists in London.

    Rogdaev, N. [N. I. Muzil']

  • Internatsional'nyi kongress anarkhistov v Amsterdame. n.p., 1907.
    A report on the Amsterdam Congress by a Russian delegate.

    Romanov, F.

  • "Moskovskie tekstil'shchiki ot Fevralia k Oktiabriu," Voprosy Profdvizheniia, 1935, No. 7-8, pp. 71-87.

    Rostovtsev, T. [N. V. Divnogorskii]

  • Nasha taktika. Geneva, 1907.
    The tactics of the Beznachalie group as presented by a principal member.
  • Za vsiu zemliu, za vsiu voliu. n.p., 1905?

    Rudenko, P.

  • Na Ukraine: povstanchestvo i anarkhicheskoe dvizhenie. Buenos Aires, 1922.

    Rudnev, V. V. (V. Bazarov, pseud.)

  • Anarkhicheskii kommunizm i marksizm. St. Petersburg, 1906.
    A Menshevik critique of anarchist communism.
  • Makhnovshchina. Kharkov, 1928.

    Russell, Bertrand

  • Proposed Roads to Freedom. New York, n.d. [1919].

    Russia: the Official Report of the British Trades Union Delegation to Russian and Caucasia, Nov. and Dec, 1924. London, 1925.

    The Russian Revolution and the Communist Party. Berlin, 1922. Also in German, 1921.
    A denunciation of the Bolshevik regime by four Moscow anarchists; smuggled out of Russia in 1921.

    Russkaia revoliutsiia i anarkhizm. n.p., 1922.

    Sandomirskii, G. B.

  • Fashizm. 2 vols., Moscow, 1923.
  • Plekhanov i anarkhisty. Moscow, 1918.
  • "Po povodu starogo spora," Katorga i Ssylka, 1926, No. 2, pp. 11-34.
  • Torzhestvo antimilitarizma (K istorii anarkhistskogo dvizheniia). Moscow, 1920.
  • V nevole: ocherki i vospominaniia. 3rd edn., Moscow, 1923.
    Prison memoirs of a well-known Kiev anarchist.
  • (ed.) Materialy genuezskoi konferentsii. Moscow, 1922.

    Sazhin, M. P.

  • "Russkie v Tsiurikhe (1870-1873 gg.)," Katorga i Ssylka, 1932, No. 10, pp. 25-78.

    Sbornik dekretov i postanovlenii po narodnomu khoziaistvu (25 oktiabria 1917 g.-25 oktiabria 1918 g.). Moscow, 1918.

    Scalapino, Robert A.

  • (and George T. Yu.) The Chinese Anarchist Movement. Berkeley, 1961.

    Schapiro, Leonard

  • The Communist Party of the Soviet Union. New York, 1960.
    The best general history.
  • The Origin of the Communist Autocracy. Cambridge, Mass., 1956.
    An outstanding work.

    Scheibert, Peter

  • Von Bakunin zu Lenin: Geschichte der russischen revolutiondren Ideologien, 1840-95. Part 1, Leiden, 1956.

    Schwarz, Solomon

  • "Betriebsräte und Produktionskontrolle in Russland," in Die sozialen Probleme des Betriebes, ed. Heinz Pothoff, Berlin, 1925.

    Sefer Biale-Podlaske. Tel Aviv, 1961.

    Serge, Victor

  • L'An I de la revolution russe. Paris, 1930.
  • Memoires d'un revolutionnaire. Paris, 1951.
    There is a good English translation (1963, slightly abridged) of these absorbing reminiscences.
  • Russia Twenty Years After. New York, 1937.

    Shatilova, T.

  • Fabzavkomy i profsoiuzy v 1917-1918 gg. Leningrad, 1927.

    Shatz, Marshall S.

  • "Anti-Intellectualism in the Russian Intelligentsia: Michael Bakunin, Peter Kropotkin, and Jan Waclaw Machajski," certificate essay, the Russian Institute, Columbia University, 1963.

    Shchepetev, A.

  • "Sovremennyi anarkhizm i klassovaia tochka zreniia," Russkoe Bogatstvo, 1907, No. 1, pp. 114-148.

    Shliapnikov, A. G.

  • Sem'nadtsatyi god. 4 vols., Moscow, 1923-1931.

    Shlossberg, D.

  • "Vseobshchaia stachka 1903 g. na Ukraine," Istoriia Proletariata SSSR, VII (1931), 52-85.

    Shub, David

  • "Kropotkin and Lenin," Russian Review, XII (October 1953), 227-234.
  • Lenin. New York, 1948.

    Simmons, Ernest J.

  • Leo Tolstoy. Boston, 1946.

    Soiuz S-R Maksimalistov.

  • O rabochem kontrole. Moscow, 1918.
  • Trudovaia sovetskaia respublika. Moscow, 1918.

    Sorel, Georges

  • Reflections on Violence. Glencoe, 111., 1950.

    Souchy, Augustin

  • Wie lebt der Arbeiter und Bauer in Russland und in der Ukraine? Berlin, n.d., [1921?]

    Spektorskii, E. V.

  • "Russkii anarkhizm," Russkaia Mysl', 1922, No. 1-2, pp. 230-253.

    Stanislav [A. Vol'skii -- A. V. Sokolov]

  • Teoriia i praktika anarkhizma. Moscow, 1906.

    Steklov, Iu. M.

  • Mikhail Aleksandrovich Bakunin: ego zhizn' i deiatel'nost', 1814-1876. 4 vols., Moscow, 1926-1927.
    The principal biography in Russian.

    Stirner, Max [Johann Kaspar Schmidt]

  • Der Einzige und sein Eigenthum. Leipzig, 1845.
    An extremely influential book by the German theorist of individualist anarchism.

    Strel'skii, P. [V. Iu. Lavrov]

  • Novaia sekta v riadakh sotsialistov. Moscow, 1907.

    Sukhanov, N. N. [Himmer]

  • The Russian Revolution, 1917. New York, 1955.
    Abridged translation of 4 vol. memoirs, Zapiski o revoliutsii, Petrograd and Moscow, 1922-1923.

    Sviatlovskii, V. V.

  • Ocherki po anarkhizmu. Petrograd, 1922.

    Svoboda i trud: anarkhizm-sindikalizm. St. Petersburg, 1907.
    A collection of articles on syndicalism.

    Svobodnoe trudovoe vospitanie: sbornik statei. Ed. N. K. Lebedev. Petrograd and Moscow, 1921.

    Syrkin, L. N.

  • Makhaevshchina. Moscow and Leningrad, 1931.

    Taktika, fortiflkatsiia i prigotovlenie vzryvchatykh veshchestv. Geneva?, 1907.
    Rostovtsev's instructions on the preparation of bombs.

    Teper (Gordeev), I.

  • Makhno. Kiev, 1924.

    Tiurin, S. P.

  • "Ot''ezd P. A. Kropotkina iz Anglii v Rossiiu i ego pis'ma," Na Chuzhoi Storone, 1924, No. 4, pp. 216-238.

    Tokmakoff, George.

  • "Stolypin's Assassin," Slavic Review, xxrv (June 1965), 314-321.

    Tolstaia, A.

  • Otets: zhizn' L'va Tolstogo. 2 vols., New York, 1953.

    Treadgold, Donald W.

  • Lenin and His Rivals: The Struggle for Russia's Future, 1898-1906. New York, 1955.

    Tret'ia vserossiiskaia konferentsiia projessional'nykh soiuzov, 3-11 iiulia (20-28 iiunia st. st.) 1917 g. Moscow, 1927.

    Trotsky, Leon

  • The History of the Russian Revolution. 3 vols. in 1, Ann Arbor, Mich., 1957.
  • Mein Leben. Berlin, 1930.

    Trus, A.

  • (and J. Cohen)
  • Breynsk: sefer ha-zikheron. New York, 1948.

    Tseitlin, D. A.

  • "Fabrichno-zavodskie komitety Petrograda v fevrale-oktiabre 1917 goda," Voprosy Istorii, 1956, No. 11, pp. 86-97.

    Tsereteli, I. G.

  • Vospominaniia o fevral'skoi revoliutsii. 2 vols. in 1, Paris, 1963.

    Tsyperovich, G. V.

  • Sindikaty i tresty v Rossii. 3rd edn., Petrograd, 1920.

    Tucker, Benjamin R.

  • Instead of a Book. 2nd edn., New York, 1897.

    Tugan-Baranovskii, M. I.

  • Russkaia fabrika v proshlom i nastoiashchem. 3rd edn., St. Petersburg, 1907.

    Ulam, Adam B.

  • The Bolsheviks. New York, 1965.
    A penetrating study.
  • The Unfinished Revolution. New York, 1960.

    Urussov, S. D.

  • Memoirs of a Russian Governor. London and New York, 1908.

    Utechin, S. V.

  • "Bolsheviks and their Allies after 1917: The Ideological Pattern," Soviet Studies, X (October 1958), 114-135.
  • "The 'Preparatory' Trend in the Russian Revolutionary Movement in the 1880's," Soviet Affairs, No. 3, 1962, pp. 7-22.

    Velikaia Oktiabr'skaia sotsialisticheskaia revoliutsiia: dokumenty i materialy. 10 vols., Moscow, 1957-1963.

    Velikaia Oktiabr'skaia sotsialisticheskaia revoliutsiia: khronika sobytii. 4 vols., Moscow, 1957-1961.

    Velikhov, L.

  • Sravnitel'naia tablitsa russkikh politicheskikh partii. Petrograd, 1917.

    Velikii opyt. n.p., n.d.
    Anarchist pamphlet criticizing the Bolshevik regime.

    Venturi, Franco.

  • Roots of Revolution. New York, 1960.
    A monumental study of the Populist movement.

    Vetrov, A.

  • "Proshloe i nastoiashchee anarkhizma," Fakel, 1907, vol. 2, 163-190.

    Vizetelly, Ernest Alfred

  • The Anarchists: their Faith and their Record. London, 1911.

    Vmesto programmy: rezoliutsii I i II Vserossiiskikh konferentsii anarkho-sindikalistov. Berlin, 1922.

    Volin (Voline) [V. M., Eikhenbaum]

  • Le Fascisme rouge. Paris, 1934?
  • Raz"iasnenie. Paris, 1929.
  • Revoliutsiia i anarkhizm (sbornik statei). Kharkov?, 1919.
    A selection of Volin's articles and editorials from Golos Truda.
  • La Revolution inconnue (1917-1921).
    An important work by one of Russia's leading anarchists. A large portion of the book has been translated into English: Nineteen-Seven- teen: the Russian Revolution Betrayed and The Unknown Revolution (New York and London, 1954-1955).
  • Stikhotvoreniia. Paris, 1927.
  • La Veritable revolution sociale. Paris, 1935.

    Von Laue, Theodore H.

  • "Factory Inspection under the Witte System, 1892-1903," American Slavic and East European Review, XIX (October 1960), 347-362.
  • "Russian Peasants in the Factory, 1892-1904," Journal of Economic History, XXI (March 1961), 61-80.

    Vseobshchaia stachka na iuge Rossii v 1903 godu: sbornik dokumentov. Moscow, 1938.

    Vserossiiskii s"ezd predstavitelei rabochikh zavodov, portov i uchrezhdenii Morskogo vedomstva, 1-i. Petrograd, 1917.

    Witte, S. Iu.

  • Vospominaniia. 2 vols., Berlin, 1922.

    Wolfe, Bertram D.

  • Three Who Made a Revolution. New York, 1948.

    Woodcock, George

  • Anarchism: A History of Libertarian Ideas and Movements. New York, 1962.
    A comprehensive and lucid history; the best introduction to the subject.
  • (and Ivan Avakumovic) The Anarchist Prince. London, 1950.
    The best biography of Kropotkin.

    Woytinsky, W. S.

  • Stormy Passage. New York, 1961.

    Yarmolinsky, Avrahm

  • Road to Revolution. London, 1957.

    Yelensky, Boris

  • In the Struggle for Equality: The Story of the Anarchist Red Cross. Chicago, 1958.

    Zabrezhnev, V.

  • Ob individualisticheskom anarkhizme. London, 1912.

    Zadachi sotsial'noi revoliutsii. n.p. [Paris?], n.d.

    Zagorsky, S.O.

  • La Republique des Soviets. Paris, 1921.

    Zaiats, S.

  • Kak muzhiki ostalis' bez nachal'stva. Moscow, 1906.

    Zaiavlenie pered sudom Zhorzha Et'evana. Geneva, 1903.

    Zaitsev, D.

  • "Marksizm i makhaevshchina," Obrazovanie, 1908, No. 3, pp. 35-71.

    Zalezhskii, V.

  • Anarkhisty v Rossii. Moscow, 1930.
    A tendentious study of the Russian anarchists by a Soviet historian.

    Zenker, E. V.

  • Anarkhizm: istoriia i kritika anarkhicheskikh uchenii. Moscow, 1906.

    Zevaes, Alexandre

  • Histoire du socialisme et du communisme en France de 1871 a 1947. Paris, 1947.


    Amerikanskie Izvestiia. New York, 1920-192?.

    Anarkhicheskie Organizatsii: Pamiati Petra Alekseevicha Kropotkina. Moscow, 1921.
    A single number, 8-13 February, to eulogize the deceased Kropotkin.

    Anarkhicheskii Vestnik. Berlin, 1923-1924.

    Anarkhiia. Moscow, 1918.
    Organ of the Moscow Federation of Anarchist Groups. Moscow, 1919. Organ of the Underground Anarchists. Buenos Aires, 1930. Published by the Delo Truda group of South America.

    Anarkhist. Geneva, 1907; Paris, 1908-1910. Edited by German Askarov. Rostov na/Donu, 1917.
    Organ of the Don Federation of Anarchist-Communists.

    Der Arbayter Fraynd. London, 1885-1960.
    Organ of the Jewish Federation of Anarchists, edited by Rudolf Rocker and others.

    Bez Rulia. Paris, 1908.
    Only one number appeared (September).

    Bezvlastie. Kharkov, 1918.
    Journal of the Kharkov Association of Anarchists. Luga, 1921. Organ of Luga Anarchists.

    Biulleten' Initsiativnoi Gruppy Anarkhistskoi Molodezhi Ukrainy "Nabat." Kharkov?, 1919.

    Biulleten' Kievskoi Gruppy Anarkhistskoi Molodezhi. Kiev, 1920.

    Biulleten' Osvedomitel'nogo Biuro Anarkhistov Rossii. Kharkov, 1917.

    Bulletin du Congres Anarchiste International. London, 1914. Edited by Alexander Schapiro.

    Bulletin of the Joint Committee for the Defense of Revolutionists Imprisoned in Russia. Berlin, 1923-1926.

    Bulletin of the Relief Fund of the International Working Men's Association for Anarchists and Anarcho-Syndicalists Imprisoned or Exiled in Russia. Berlin, Paris, 1926-1932.

    Buntar'. Paris, 1906; Geneva, 1908-1909. Edited by Iuda Grossman-Roshchin and others.

    Buntovshchik. Tomsk, 1918.

    Burevestnik. Paris, 1906-1910.
    Edited by Maksim Raevskii and Nikolai Rogdaev; the outstanding emigre journal of the Russian anarchists during the post-1905 period. Petrograd, 1917-1918. Organ of the Petrograd Federation of Anarchist Groups. Odessa, 1920. New York, 1921-1922.

    Chernoe Znamia. Geneva, 1905.
    Only one number appeared (December); organ of the Chernoe Znamia group abroad. Vladivostok, 1918. Organ of the Vladivostok Union of Revolutionary Anarchist-Communists.

    The Clarion. New York, 1932-1934. Edited by Abba Gordin.

    Delo Truda. Paris, Chicago, New York, 1925-1939. Edited by Petr Arshinov and later by Grigorii Maksimov.

    Delo Truda-Probuzhdenie. New York, 1940------. Established by a merger of Delo Truda (New York) and Probuzhdenie (Detroit); edited by Maksimov until 1950.

    Fraye Arbeter Shtime (Freie Arbeiter Stimme). New York, 1890------.

    Dos Fraye Vort. Buenos Aires, 1956------.

    Glos Rewolucyjny. Warsaw, 1906. Published by the Warsaw Federation of Anarchist Groups "International."

    Golos Anarkhii. Saratov, 1917. Organ of the Saratov Free Association of Anarchist Groups.

    Golos Anarkhista. Ekaterinoslav, 1918. Edited by Petr Arshinov and others.

    Golos iz Podpol'ia. Argentina [Buenos Aires?], 1930-1931.

    Golos Ssyl'nykh i Zakliuchennykh Russkikh Anarkhistov. New York, 1913-1914. Organ of the Anarchist Red Cross in New York.

    Golos Truda. New York, 1911-1916. Organ of the Union of Russian Workers of the United States and Canada. Petrograd, Moscow, 1917-1918. Organ of the Union of Anarcho-Syndicalist Propaganda. One number, in the form of a journal, was published in Petrograd and Moscow in December 1919.

    Golos Truzhenika. Chicago, 1918-1927. An IWW publication. Edited for a time by Maksimov.

    Izvestiia VTsIK (earlier Izvestiia Petrogradskogo Soveta and Izvestiia Tslk). Petrograd, Moscow, 1917------.

    K Svetu. Kharkov, 1918-1919. Organ of the Kharkov Association of Anarchists.

    Khleb i Volia. Geneva, 1903-1905. The first journal of the Russian anarchist movement. Paris, 1909. One issue appeared (No. 1-2, March-July). New York, 1919. Organ of the Union of Russian Workers.

    Klich Anarkhistov. New York, 1921. A single issue (May) as a memorial tribute to Kropotkin.

    Kommuna. Kronstadt, 1917. Organ of the Petrograd Federation of Anarchist-Communists.

    Listki "Khleb i Volia." London, 1906-1907. A continuation of Khleb i Volia, published by the Kropotkin circle.

    Listok gruppy Beznachalie. Paris, 1905. Organ of Bidbei's Beznachalie group.

    Maksimalist. Moscow, 1918-1921. Organ of the Union of SR Maximalists.

    Man: A Journal of the Anarchist Ideal and Movement. San Francisco, 1933-1940.

    Metallist. Petrograd, 1917-1919.

    Molot. Paris, 1912? Organ of the Group of Free Socialists. Only one number appeared.

    Moskovskii Metallist. Moscow, 1917-1918.

    Mother Earth. New York, 1906-1918. Edited by Emma Goldman.

    Nabat. Kharkov, Elizavetgrad, Odessa, Guliai-Pole, 1917-1920. Organ of the Nabat Confederation of the Ukraine. Other Nabats were published in Geneva, 1916, and Altai, 1920.

    Narodnaia Mysl'. n.p., 1950-1953. Mimeographed anarchist monthly.

    New Trends. New York, 1945-1946. Edited by Alexander Schapiro.

    Novyi Mir. Paris, 1905. Edited by Novomirskii; only one number appeared (15 October).

    Novyi Put'. Petrograd, 1917-1918. Monthly journal of the Central Council of Factory Committees.

    Osvobozhdenie Profsoiuzov. Paris, 1928.

    Pochin. Moscow, 1923.

    Pravda. Petrograd, Moscow, 1917------.

    Probuzhdenie. Detroit, 1927-1939.

    Protiv Techeniia. St. Petersburg, 1907. Edited by Evgenii Lozinskii.

    Put' k Svobode. Geneva, 1917. Publication of the Zurich and Geneva Group of Anarchist-Communists (Grossman-Roshchin, Orgeiani, and others); only one number appeared (May). Guliai-Pole, 1919-1920. Organ of Makhno's Insurgent Army of the Ukraine.

    Rabochaia Mysl'. New York, 1916-1917. A journal of the Union of Russian Workers. Kharkov, 1917. An Anarcho-Syndicalist publication.

    Rabochaia Revoliutsiia. Moscow, 1918. Written by A. Vol'skii (Waclaw Machajski); only one number was issued (June-July).

    Rabochee Znamia. Lausanne, 1915.

    Rabochii Mir. Zurich, London, 1912-1914.

    Rabochii Put'. Berlin, 1923. Anarcho-Syndicalist journal.

    Rabochii Zagovor. n.p. [Geneva], 1907. Written by Machajski; one number of 83 pages was published (September-October).

    Rassvet. New York, Chicago, 1924-1937.

    Rech'. St. Petersburg, 1906-1917.

    Revoliutsionnoe Tvorchestvo. Moscow, 1918.

    The Road to Freedom. Stelton, New Jersey; New York City, 1924-1932.

    Sotsialisticheskii Vestnik. Berlin, Paris, New York, 1921------.

    Svoboda. Kiev, 1919. Journal of Kiev Association of Free Anarchists; only one number appeared (September).

    Svobodnaia Kommuna. Petograd, 1917. Organ of the Petrograd Federation of Anarchist-Communist Groups.

    Svobodnoe Obshchestvo. New York, 1920-1921.

    Svobodnoe Slovo. Christchurch, England, 1901-1905. Tolstoyan journal; edited by Vladimir Chertkov.

    Der Syndikalist. Berlin, 1918-1933.

    Trud i Volia. Moscow, 1919. Organ of the Union of Anarchist-Syndicalist-Communists.

    Trudovaia Respublika. London, 1909.

    Universal. Moscow, 1920. Organ of the Anarcho-Universalists. V Pomoshch' -- Der Hilf-Ruf. London, 1911-1912. Organ of the Anarchist Red Cross in London, in Russian and Yiddish; edited by Rocker.

    Vestnik Anarkhii. Briansk, 1918. Organ of the Briansk Federation of Anarchists.

    Vil'na Gromada. n.p. [New York?], 1922. Organ of Ukrainian Anarchist-Communists.

    Volia Ukraini. Newark, New Jersey, 1923.

    Volna. n.p. [New York], 1920-1924.

    Vol'naia Mysl'. Buenos Aires, 1932.

    Vol'naia Volia. Moscow, 1903.

    Vol'naia Zhizn'. Moscow, 1919-1921. Organ of Karelin's All-Russian Federation of Anarchist-Communists.

    Vol'nyi Golos. Elizavetgrad, 1919.

    Vol'nyi Golos Truda. Moscow, 1918. Anarcho-Syndicalist publication, edited by Maksimov and others.

    Vol'nyi Kronshtadt. Kronstadt, 1917.

    Vol'nyi Rabochii. Odessa, 1906. Published by Novomirskii; one issue appeared (25 December).

    Zsherminal. London, 1900-1912. Theoretical monthly of the Jewish Federation of Anarchists; edited by Rocker.