Teaching Theory of Knowledge

Contemporary Epistemology

CONTRIBUTOR: Philip Peterson.

      Designed for graduate students in philosophy, and for advanced, philosophically experienced undergraduates (e.g., philosophy majors), this course begins with a brief review of traditional examples and theories of human knowledge and a look at typical contemporary skeptical arguments. Then it moves to critical assessments of the views that one knows that p only if one's belief that p can't be wrong, and if and only if one's belief that p is true and adequately justified. Out of these analyses (both pro and con) six theoretical approaches to explicating factual knowledge arise, and will be surveyed -- namely, foundationalism, coherentism, reliabilism, explanation theory, information theory, and naturalized epistemology. The course concludes with attention to current research on four problems of human knowledge -- namely, memory, perception, a priori knowledge, and rationality. Among the topics to be considered in the course discussions are fallibilism, externalism/internalism, realism, knowledge and belief "contents", and cognitive science.


Pappas, G. and Swain, M. (eds.). Essays on Knowledge and Justification. Cornell University Press, 1978. Hereafter cited as 'P&S'.

Phillips-Griffiths, A. (ed.). Knowledge and Belief. Oxford University Press, 1967. Hereafter cited as 'P-G'.

Goldman, A. I. Epistemology and Cognition. Harvard University Press, 1986. Here after cited as 'E&C'.

Topics and Readings

Part I: Is There Knowledge?
Week 1: Is there knowledge?

Plato, Republic 506d-518d
Aristotle, Metaphysics 1.1
Descartes, Meditations l; selections from 111
Hume, Inquiry VI, Xll
Kant, Prolegomena 4,5
Russell, Human Knowledge, XID
A. I. Goldman, Epistemology and Cognition, chapter 2
P. Unger, "A Defense of Skepticism" (P&S)
K. Lehrer, "Why Not Skepticism?" (P&S)

Part II: The "Traditional" Concept of Knowledge
Week 2: The "traditional concept of knowledge"

N. Malcolm, "Knowledge and Belief" (P-G)
E. Gettier, "Is Justified True Belief Knowledge?" (P-G)
A. I. Goldman, "A Causal Theory of Knowing" (P&S)
Lehrer and Paxson, "Knowledge: Undefeated Justified True Belief" (P&S)

Part III: Six Theories of Factual Knowledge
Week 3: Introduction

D. Armstrong, Belief, Truth, and Knowledge ( 137-8, 150-61)
E. Sosa, "The Raft and the Pyramid" (1980)

Week 4: Foundationalism

W. Alston, "Two Types of Foundationalism" (1976)
W. Alston, "Has Foundationalism Been Refuted?" (1976)

Week 5: Coherentism

K. Lehrer, "Systematic Justification" (P&S)
K. Lehrer, "Coherence Theory of Knowledge" (1986)

Week 6: Reliabilism
Readings: A. I. Goldman, "Discrimination and Perceptual Knowledge" (P&S)

A. I. Goldman, E&C, chapters 3-5
W. Alston, "Concepts of Epistemic Justification" (1985)

Week 7: Explanationism and Information Theory

G. Harman, "Selections from Thought" (P&S)
A. I. Goldman, "An Explanatory Analysis of Knowledge" (1984)
F. Dretske, Knowledge and the Flow of Inforrnation (selections)

Week 8: Naturalized Epistemology

W. V. Quine, "Epistemology Naturalized"
H. Kornblith, "Beyond Foundationalism and the Coherence Theory"
H. Putnam, "Why Reason Can't Be Naturalized?" (1982)

Part IV: Four Problems of Knowledge
Week 9: Memory

Martin and Deutscher, "Remembering" (1966)
C. Ginet, Knowledge, Perception, and Memory (selections)
A. I. Goldman, E&C, chapter 10

Week 10: Perception

R. Chisholm, Perceiving (selections)
Jackson, Perception (selections)
Goldrnan, E&C, chapter 9

Week 11: The A Priori

W. V. Quine, "Two Dogmas of Empiricism"
S. Kripke, Naming and Necessity (selections)
N. Chomsky, selections in S. Stich, Innate Ideas
P. Kitcher, Nature of Mathematical Knowledge (selections)

Week 12: Rationality

Cohen, "Can Irrationality Be Experimentally Demonstrated?" (1981)
Goldman, E&C, chapter 13
Harman. Change In View (selections)