Peter Kropotkin, The Great French Revolution, 1789-1793 (N. F. Dryhurst, Trans.), 1909.
- Abbaye (prison), soldiers released from, 69; attacked by Federals, 297; massacres at, 299
- Absolutism, abolition of, 577-79
- Acapts, 203
- Agrarian Law, fear of, 169; progress of, 242; repudiated by" Gironde, " 342 , meaning of, 403-4; supporters penalised, 500
- Agrier, 203
- Aiguillon, Duc d', against feudalism, 121
- Albitte, socialism of. 506, 507
- Allier, Claude, organises conspiracy, 250, 251
- Allies, mistake of, 466
- " Amalgams, " 545, 548, 549
- Amar, reports on Girondins, 514; attacked, 544
- America, North, inspires liberty, 21 et seq.; young Republic of, 141
- " Ami du Peuple, " 395
- Anarchism, principles of, 184; beliefs of, 354-55; modern, 365
- Anarchists, 4, 13, side with people, 346; persecution of, 347; denounced by Brissot, 350, 392; influence of, 353, 357; attacked by Girondins. 3159; called Coblentzians, 486 , called Levellers 511
- Anarchy defined by Brissot, 351; in politics, 479
- " Ancicn regime." vices of, 149
- Angremont d', conspiracy of, 293
- " Annales patriotiques, " quoted , 2 305, 307-8
- " Ansassigen, " 416; deprived of rights, 418
- Archbishop of Aries, tried and executed, 302
- Archives, National, records of peasant risings in, 39
- Archives of France, vi., provincial, importance of, 409
- Argenson, d', cited, 12
- Argonne, Forest of, Prussians halt in. 325
- Aristocracy, worst form of, 499
- Aries, Archbishop, accused of massacre, 302
- Armies. Four, of France, 556
- Arms, search for, 294
- Army, French, weakness of, 284; unreliability of, 290 : corruption in, 223, 329
German, enters France, on frontier, 323, 324-25 , retreat of, 325; recrosses Rhine, 538
of Republic (Fr), condition of, 462-63; disorganisation and tactics of, 464 , retreat of, 465 , reorganisation of, 410, 515
- Artois, Count d', plans coup d'etat, hated, 70; escape of, 91; protests against Constitution, 238; in exile, 248; manufactures assignats. 444 , heads Breton rising, 466
land system in. 417, 433
- Assemblies electoral, in Faris, 47; of Notables. 29, 33, log , of Representatives, 186, of Commissioners, 273, Village, 416, Communal, 417
- Assembly, Constituent, character of, 172 , maintains mortmain, 201, reaction in, 202 , protects property, 203, 204; imposes redemption, 210; opposes popular revolution, 214; reinstates King, 233; dissolves, 234; decrees on land, 277; recognises money as merchandise, 374; opposes land solution, 417; abolishes titles, 429; mistakes of, 499
Legislative, sells communal lands, 21; opposes people, 214, 217; formation of, 234; servility of, 237; proceeds against Count de Provence, 239; moderation of, 256; King takes refuge in, 275; threatened, 278, 307; bad policy of, 279; dissolution of, 280; declares against monarchy, 306-7; dissensions in, 315; members bought, 332; disappoints peasants about land, 417; laws of, 418-20; sells emigres' lands, 435; mistake of, 499; sells communal lands, 502
National, inevitability of, 33; enthusiasm in, 118 et seq.; condemns riots, 120; temporises over feudal rights, 131; work of, 135, 173; resolutions of, 135; effect on peasants, 136; composition of, 148, 162; threatened, 152; fears people, 159; method of electing, 163-64; opposition to, 167; King's intentions towards, 175; concocts municipal constitution, 184-85; lessens power of Districts, 191; destroys feudalism, 198; resolutions of 200 legalises feudalism, 205; ignores King, 232; reaction in, 232-33; suppresses Lafayette's letter, 245; absolves Lafayette, 285; yields to threats, 288; libelson, 289. Vide National
- Assignats, vide Paper-currency, issue of, 44, 171, 371; depreciation of, 434, 442-3; forging of, 444
- Atheism, 479
- Avenel, cited, 327; quoted , 433, 455. 502, 547
- August 4, renunciations of, 118 e seq.
- Aulard, 'research by, v., quoted , 39, 101, 217, 220, 245, 298, 316, 319. 365. 366, 367, 473, 506, 507, 521, 525; cited, 481, 482, 483, 526, 527
- Aumont, Duke d', refuses command of National Guards, 76
- Austria, army, on frontier, 224; urged to invade, 239; war declared against, 240
- " Austrian Committee, " 283
- Author, cited, 40
- Autonomy of towns, 100
- Babeau, quoted, 98, 99
- Babeuf, apostle of communism, 489, 490. 491, 492, 494, 579; conspiracy of, 485, 569, 571; suicide of, 571
- Bachmann (Commander of Swiss), escapes punishment, 293
- Bailly (Mayor of Paris), President of Assembly, 56; pinstricolour in King's hat, 91; on Municipal Council, 101; quoted , 152; importance of, 160; plans organisation, 183; agrees to free assembly, 184-85; demands dismissalof ministers, 192; execution of, 517; a freemason, 540
- Balkan States, cited, 579
- Banalites, 37, 129, 131, 202
- Bankruptcy of State, 33, 149, 168
- Banquets, October 1 and October 3, 1789, 152, 153
- Barbaroux, justifies massacres, 321; favours centralisation, 367; stirs up revolt, 368, 446
- Barbes, secret society of, 580
- Barbot, Berthelet de (Abbe), narrative of, 302
- Barentain (Keeper of Seals), addresses States General, 51-52, 54; hooted by people, 56
- Barere, suggests Commission of Twelve, 397; report of, 441, 500 , takes lead, 483; daring of, 511; attachment to Robespierre, 565, 567
- Barnave, silence of, 35; member of Breton Club, 61; in middle-class triumvirate, 162; won over by King, 332; executed, 517
- Bastille, taking of (July 14, 1789), official account, 57; true version, 58; 78 et seq., 87
- Batz, Baron de, conspires with Count d'Artois, 444; organises Queen's escape, 516; cleverness of, 539; agent of, on Committee of Public Safety, 561
- Baudot, quoted , 369; explains Girondins' defence of property, 485; cited, 550
- Bault, warder of Queen, 516
- Bayon, pursues King, 228
- Bazire, tries to stop mssacres, 299; in royalist port, 539; tried and executed, 548
- Beauvais, Bishop of, stoned, 56
- Beck, Baron de, Prussian Minister, objects to clemency, 335
- " Bed of Justice, " 25-26
- Bedoin, burning of, 556
- Beffroy, communism of, 498
- Beggary, increase of, 30
- Benolt (banker) in Royalist plot, 539
- Bernardins, the massacre of convicts at, 303
- Bernier, heads Council of Insurrection, 386
- Berthier, arrested, 92 , trampled to death, 93; effect of death, 100 , memory of, 149
- Besancon, rising at, 27
- Besenval, Marquis de, commands troops in Pans, 72, 78, 80
- Betrayals, 282 et seq.
- Beuvron, Duchess de, boasts of, 65
- Bicetre (prison), loathed by people, 79; massacres at, 303
- Billaud-Varennes, in war-council, 305; against wealth, 486; makes terms with Communists, 500 , insight of, 501 on Committee of Public Welfare, 535 , slanders Hebertists, 545; attacked by Robespierre, 565-67
- " Blackgangs" (Bandes noires), speculations of, 511
- Blanc, Louis, quoted and cited, 59, 62, 134, 161, 172, 227, 299, 321, 366, 367, 444, 450, 557, 568; as authoritarian, 194; criticises Robespierre, 243-44; on leaders, 272; excellent at description, 274; criticises Brissot, 356; cites law of suspects, 513; on freemasons, 540; guillotine statistics of, 561
- " Blancs, " origin of, 290
- Blanqui, secret society of, 580
- " Blue Terror, " 430
- Boissel, communism of, 488; Catichisme of, 490; note, 491
- Bonaparte, Napoleon, vanity of, 464; way paved for, 492; coup d'etat of, 572
- Boncerf, quoted , 130-31
- " Bonnet rouge " (cap of liberty), 308
- Bonneville, appeals to arms, 69
- Book of National Charity, 506
- " Bornage, " 414-15
- " Bouche de fer sec, " 85
- Boucheron, quoted, 85
- Bouchotte, Minister of War, 467, 534
- Bouill6, Marquis de, in royalist plot, 153; commands army of east, 223; massacres at Metz, 224-25
- Bourbotte, executed, 570
- Bourdon (of the Oise), quoted , 369; as Dantonist, 535; attacks Commission of Public Welfare, 537.
- Bourgeoisie, prosperity of, 376; peasant, 416; power of, 578; vide middle classes
- Bourges, priests abdicate at, 523
- " Bread for all " (1793), 355
- Bread, scarcity of, 235; prices of, 438 et seq.
- Breda, taken by Dumouriez, 383
- Brest, federals from, 272
- Breteuil, Baron de, effigy of, burned 29; plots with Court, 65, 153; changes prison into granary, 79; corresponds with Fersen, 335
- Bretons, civic hymn of, 446
- Bridet, Pierre, proposes land nationalisation, 424
- Brienne, Lotnenie de (Archbishop of Sens), Minister, 28, 33
- " Brigands, " legend of the, 114, 116, 207
- Brisson, ex-cure, resigns, 523
- Brissot, municipal constitution of, 184; politics of, 197; against people, 241; against Republic, 284; quoted , 293; house of, searched, 295, 307; cited, 305; negotiates with England, 327; accused by Billaud-Varenne, 338; leads " Gironde, " 341; defends property, 341; rival of Robespierre, 344, 367; pamphlets of, 346, 349 et seq.; attacks Revolutionists, 347; on crimes of Anarchists, 354 et seq.; knows England, 382; " To his Constituents, " 392; stirs up revolt, 446; on Commission of Constitution, 470; attacks communism, 486; attacks Montagnards, 500; a freemason, 540
- " Brissotins, " 399
- British Museum, Pamphlets in, vi., 224. 338. 420. 441. 490 . 491.523
- Brittany, risings in, 26 et seq.; disturbances in, 39; counter-revolution in, 383, 445; discontent in, 433
- Broglie, Marshal de, plots with Court, 65; defied by people, 70; threatens Paris, ft, 80; fails King, 1 91; plans coup d'etat, 92
- Brnnot, won over by Royalists, 516
- Brunswick, D. of, intrigues of, 290; fear of, 292; aspires to throne 307-8; marches on Coblentz, 324; defeat of, 325; negotiations with, 331; mildness of, 335
- Brussels, emigres at, 17
- Bruyere, La, quoted , 436
- Buchez and Roux, quoted and cited, 127, 128, 135. 152. 187, 299, 300, 304-5, 314, 439
- Buonarotti, explains 9th Thermidor, 507; cited, 550; commission of, 579
- " Bureau de Ville, " 186
- Buzot, protests against martial law, 161; cited, 344; stirs up revolt, 446; Memoires of, quoted , 447
- Cafe du Caveau, patriots enrol at, 70
- Cahier General, 36; d'Aval, Songin, 113
- Cahiers de doleances, 35; moderation of, 36; pamphlet on, 37; demand destruction of Bastille79; delayed, 103; on elections, U2; socialism in, 484-85
- " Ca ira " sung by volunteers, 323, 324
- Calendar, Republican, 519
- Calende, ex-cure, resigns, 523
- Calonne, effigy burned, 26, 29; convokes Assembly of Notables (1787), 33; dismissed, 33
- Cambaceres, advises Convention, 385; disloyalty of, 464
- Cambon, ideas on landed property, 327; issues new paper-currency, 380; proposes forced loan, 396, 410, and disestablishment of church, 520; as Terrorist, 535; authority in finance, 550; abused by Robespierre, 566-67
- Campan, Mme., disclosures of, 155
- Canton (system), partisans of, enemies of Commune, 475
- Carmelite Convent, massacre at, 302
- Carnot, authority in war, 550; attacked by Robespierre, 550
- Carra, quoted , 307; denounced by Robespierre, 307-8
- Carrier, drowns prisoners at Nantes, 457; amnestied, 542; advocates insurrection, 545
- Carteaux commands Rep. troops, 459
- Cathelineau, Vendean leader, 386, 456
- Catherine II. (Russia] helps counter-revolution, 253
- Catholicism, triumph of, 527
- Cassagnac, Granier de, cited, 296, 302
- Casuels, 203
- Cazotte, saved by Maillard, 301; daughter of, 302
- Cellier arrested, 545; succeeds Chaumette, 546
- Centralisation, evils of, 149
- Chabot, silenced, 285; tries to stop massacres, 299; motion of, 306; tried and executed, 540, 548
- Chalier, represents people at Lyons, 377; leads workers and arrested, 459; head carried through streets, 538; forefather of Fourierisrn, 579
- Chambery, taken, 326
- Chambon succeeds Petion, 322
- Champerty (champart), 203, 209
- Champion (ex-cure), resignation of, 523
- Champs-de-Mars, Fete in, 178; massacre in, 179, 233, 257
- Chapelier, Le, guillotined, 559
- Charette, urges peasants to kill Republicans, 387; brutality of, 457; massacres prisoners, 515
- Charles I. (England), influence of history on Louis XVI., 91, 151
- Charrier, chief of counter-revolution, 250
- Chartres, Duke de, candidate for throne, 308, 326, 331; intrigues with Dumouriez, 326, 387; fails with soldiers, 388
- Chassin, quoted and cited, 36, 42, 43. 44. 69. 73. 79. 386. 484.485
- Chateaux burned, 42, 95, 113, 115, 135, 207, 252
- Chatelet (prison), revolt in, 73
- Chatellier, du, cited, 40; quoted , 126
- Chaumette, quoted , 245, 246, 273, 396; Procurator of Commune, 322, 364; law of maximum of, 375; demands revolutionary tribunal, 385; promotes income tax, 396; advocates market-gardening, 406; accuses Roux, 504; arrested, 505; promises bread, 510; purifies revolutionary committees, 513; new cult preached, 520, 522; organises fete, 524; guillotined, 527, 546; communism of, 534; attacked by Desmoulins, 536; arrested, 545; character, 547
- " Chemises Rouges, " 560
- Chevalier, Francois, describes massacre in Vendee, 386
- Chevremont, cited, 395
- Chiennage, 202
- Chiffonistes, 251
- Chollet, Vendeans defeated at 515
- Chouans, costume of, 570
- " Chronique de Paris, " cited, 305, 307; foretells Manat's death, 450
- Church, tithes relinquished, 132; property, value of, 169; expropriation of -- lands voted, 170, and speculation in, 171; liquidation of property, 185; treasures sent to Mint, 522
- Ci-devants, expelled from Paris, 555
- " Citizen Kings, " 157
- Citizens, " active and passive, " 163 et seq.. 191, 212; response of, 209
- Civic Fasts, 439
- Civil War, avoided, 306; fear of, 384
- Clairvaux, papers found at, 409
- Claude Payan, Mayor of Paris, 546
- Claviere (Girondist Minister of Finance), 240, 318; dismissed, 244
- Clermont-Tonnerre dissolves Grenoble parlement, 27
- Clive, Ed. Le, cited, 40; quoted , 114
- Cloots, Anacharsis, advocates internationalism, 522; organises Fete of Liberty, 524; enthusiasm of, 525; attacked by Robespierre, 536; chargeagainst, 545, guillotined, 546
- Club, Breton, revolutionary centre, 60, 61, 64 (vide Jacobins) Constitutional, formed, 43 Cordeliers' (vide Cordeliers)
- " Coalition of Kings, " 336
- Coblentz, emigres at, 17, 248, 249, 332
- Coburg, Duke of, proclamation, 388; besieges Le Quesnoy, 467
- Coffinhal, tries to save Robespierre, 567
- Collardot resigns, 253
- " Collectivism, " founders of, 11, 253
- Colonies, English, revolt of, 22
- Combes, Anacharsis, cited, 40; quoted , 114
- " Commercantistes, " 253
- Commerce, a social function, 498
- Commission of Twelve, 347; consternation of, 292; prosecution of sections, 397; suppressed, 400, 403
of Six, 399, 474
- Commissioners of Convention, supervise war, 389; levy toll from rich, 463; march sword in hand, 468; functions of, 480-81; defects of, 482; attacked by people, 498; treat with foreign Courts, 516; stringent measures of, 527
of Departments, 366
of Sections, 314
- Committee, Agricultural, 494, 498;
Civil (of Districts), 182
of Commerce, 498
of Defence, 472
District assumes police duties, 530;
Feudal, report of, 200
to frame Constitution, 470
of General Safety, vide Public Safety
Insurrectionary, good sense of, 274; wins Commune, 388
of Militia, 82
Permanent, 69; illegality of, 128
of Public Instruction, 518
of Public Safety (April 1793), 319; deterioration of, 365; ferocity of, 394-95, 458; dictatorship of, 471; authority of, 480; suppresses Communism, 506; power of, 508; policy of, 509; constitution of, 509; incapacity of, 511; jealous of Commune, 512, 550; sinister force of, 513; organises relief works, 530; controls police, 531; new power given to, 544; triumph of, 546; used by Robespierre, 550; unpopularity of, 565
of Public Welfare, deteriorates, 365; formed, 388-89; treats with Austria, 467; dictatorship of, 468, 477, 480; pompous circular of, 505 ; suppresses communism, 506 ; constitution of, 508-9; power of, 508, 534-35; policy of, 509; opposes cultof Reason, 525; demands decree on religious liberty, 526; accused of incapacityand treachery, 536-37; authority restored, 538; parries attack, 538; slanders Hebertists, 545; attacked by Robespierre, 566
Revolutionary, orders arrest of Girondins, 403
Search, 531
of " Subsistence, '' 53; report of, 63
Watch, of Commune, 301
- Committees, Civic, functions of, 193-94
Revolutionary, 477
- Commune, definition of, 189-90; Actes de la, 186
of Paris, 77, 183; popular work of, 180 et seq.; divisions of, 182; coerces National Assembly, 187; functions of, 219; attacks property, 245; Revolutionary, 273; Insurrectionary, 275; power of, 281, 357; holds King prisoner, 283; threatens massacre, 288; foresight of, 292; opposes Directory, 292; releases prisoners, 294; attacked byAssembly, 295; rings tocsin, 296; protects prisoners, 298 et seq.; stops massacres, 303; how constituted, 312; at Hotel de Ville, 315; authority of, 319; attacked by Gironde, 317; honesty questioned, 320; success of attack on, 322; constitution of (1793), 322; demands trial of King, 332; difiers from Convention, 340; dissolution demanded, 347; anarchistsrally round, 353; dissolution of, 364; hoists black flag, 383; backs Jacobin Triumvirate, 384; collaborates with " Mountain, " 388; decrees progressive incometax, 396; opposes Terror, 400; levies tax on rich, 403; fixes maximum andreorganises army, 410; power of, destroyed, 472, 532; real strength of, 528; separated from Sections, 531; agrees with Hebertists anddownfall of, 547
of France, 176
of Strasbourg, 105
- Communes, administration and creation of, 165; federation of, 315
Peasant, joint responsibilityof, 210, 279
Village, composition of (1789), 211
- Communism, signs of, 41; importance of, 101; Godwin's, 327; supporters of, 451; of Republic, 362-63, 580; efforts towards, 369; tendencies towards, 474; warnings against, 485; in Revolution, 488-89, 579; at Lyons, 496
Constructive, need of, 499
- Communist Movement (1891), 363; 484 et seq., 500 et seq.; representatives of, 487
- Communists, threatened by Convention, 500; of the " Forties, " 498
- " Compagnies de Jesus, " massacres by, 571 du Soleil, " massacres by, 571
- " Compromising auxiliaries, " 74-75
- Conches, J. Feuillet de, quoted , 28, 135
- Conciergerie (prison), attacked, 298 Queen in, 516
- Conde, Prince de, plans coup d'etat 54. 65 occupied by Austrians, 387
- Condorcet, municipal scheme of, 192; sincerity of, 243; supports Republic, 307; defends free trade, 373; and equality, 484; author of Constitution, 470; communism of, 485; suicide of, 517; a freemason, 540
- " Confederation of Clubs, " 151
- Confederation, National, 188
- " Conquest of Power, " 196-97
- Considerant, communism of, 488
- Conspiracies, at Grenoble; 248; in South, 248
- " Conspiracy of the Right, " 567
- Constitution, discussed, 20, 68; of 1791, 102, 343; oath to, 178; quoted , 192; function of, 256; framing of, 470 et seq.; democratic character of and summary of, 473; Montagnards', 475; proclaimed, 476
- Constitutional Government, firstconditions of, 160; guarantees of, 475
- Constitutionalists, royalist, limitations of, 36
- Conti, Prince de, plans coup d'etat, 54
- Convention, National, contests in, 14; abolishes feudal system 210; convoked, 280; how elected, 309; three parties in; abolishes royalty, 310; Conservatives in, 311; cowardice of, 316; conflicts with, 318 et seq.; orders prosecution for massacres, 321; defies monarchies, 327; sovereign rights of. 333; decrees King's trial 337; publishes pamphlets, 338 votes on King's sentence, 339 differs from Commune, 340
inactivity of, 362, 424; purification of, 364, 385; struggle in, 369; raises bread fund, 375; middle-class power in, 376; levies men, 380; tries to grasp judicial power, 385; helplessness of, 386; grasps executive power, 388; treachery in, 390; child of Revolution, 391; battles in, 395-97; besieged by people, 400, 402; galleries opened to public, 403; tries to overawe people, 404; legislative work of, 407; false step of, 422; legislative stability of, 426; abolishes pecuniary rights, 429; breaks uplarge estates, 434; fixes maximum, 439-441; Commissioners, zeal of, 448; work finished, 476-79, 481; attempts socialisation, 498; mistakes of, 499; threatens Communists, 500; defends middle classes, 507; checks speculation, 512; jealous of Commune, 513; free fight in, 514; accepts Revolutionary Government, 515; receives resignation of bishops, 522-23; refuses to broach question of priests' pay 524-25; storm in, 566; dissolves, 571; wrecking of, 573
- Co-proprietorship, 406
- Corday, Charlotte d'Armont, 447, 449-50
- Cordeliers, demand Republic, 232; reaction among, 238; attack property, 245; aid Fraternal Societies, 257; favour Republic, 284; supportrising, 291; reinforce Jacobin Club, 317; champion communism, 487; action of,
538, 544
Club of, 197; anarchists in, 353; Robespierre visits, 503; Hebertists in, 534
- Corney, Ethis de, parleys with de Launey, 83, 84, 85
- Corporations of Guilds, abolished, 19
- Correspondence bureaux, 182
- Cost of production, inquiry into 442
- Council, General, of Paris Commune, suppressed, 190; elected by people, 287; attacked, 295; change in, 364; hastens events, 525; appeals to people, 567
General of Departments, constitution of, 166; functionsof, 530-31
General Revolutionary, 402
Ministerial, 318-19
Municipal, pays members, 371
Provisory Executive, 389
of the Three Hundred, 160
- Councils, of Departments, 166; functions of, 530; take police duties, 531
local, election of, 164
take pledge against violence, 401
- Counter-revolution, 176, 220, 221, 223, 245, 247, 251, 363-64, 404, 445 537, 556
- Coup d'etat, of August 10, 275
of Counter-revolution, 256
of Court, 54, 56, 57 et seq., 68, 71; fails, 87; doubted, 91, 154; supported by foreign Courts, 244
of Girondins, 359, 537
of Napoleon III., 336
of Thermidor 311, 317, 341
- Coupe, abolished, 114
- " Courrier Francais, " quoted , 113Parisien, " quoted , 128de Versailles et dc Paris, " quoted , 63
- Court, rejects overtures, 48; middle class supports, 76-77; stupidity of, 89; intrigues with foreigners, 162
Party, 58
Plots, 64, 65 et seq., 150, 274; evidence of, 283
- Courtois, cited, 552
- Couthon, report on land laws, 277; criticises " Gironde, " 344; raises army of peasants, 460-61; favours pacification, 461; mocks relics, 526; Robespierrist, 535; arrested, 567
- Crown Lands, division of, 433
- " Culottes doreea " invade Sections, 371
- " Cult of Supreme Being, " 527
- Currents, Two, of Revolution, 1 et seq. popular, 195
- Cusset, advocates nationalisation of industries, 496
- Custine, commands Republican army, 326; retreats, 387, 465
- Dalloz, cited, 199, 205; quoted , 198, 418-19
- Danton, silence of, 35; rousespeople, 154; inspires masses, 183; policy of, 192; demandsdismissal of ministers, 192; persecution of, 234; in London, 235; inactivity of, 273; supports Sections, 291; courageof, 292; orders search forarms, 294; saves prisoners, 298 et seq.; Minister of Justice, 318; forced to resign, madeMinister of Foreign Affairs, 319; libelled, negotiates withD. of Brunswick, 325; frustrates plots in Brittany, 326; treats with England, 327; parleys with Prussians, 331; demands King's condemnation, 338; stays with army, 338; respects property, 343; believes in English Whigs, 382; appeals for unity and patriot-ism, 383; incites rising, 384; insists on action, 385; triesto win back Dumouriez, 387; activity of, 389; tries compromise, 392; opposes Terror, 400; secret negotiations of, 467; daring of, 511; speaksof " armed nation, " 512; renews energy, 515; returns toParis, 525; attacks atheism, 526; group of, 535; weary ofmankind, 537; a freemason, 540; arrested, tried and exe-cuted, 548; illusion of, 556
- Dauch, Martin, refuses oath inTennis Court, 56
- Daudet, Ernest, quoted , 248, 251
- Daunon, speaks in favour ot King, 338
- Dauplime, insurrections in, 27; executions in, 128, 166
- Debt, National, 171
- Declaration of Rights, 22, 163, 473, 500
- Decrees (1790), re-establish feudalism, 201; spurious, 207
- " Defenders of property, " 197
- Delaunay, forgery of, 539; trial of, 548
- Demeunier proposes joint redemp-tion, 134
- Democracy, influence of, 147
- Departments, Government, 160
- Deputies, flight of, 292
- Deschamps against Sections, 529
- Deseze defends King, 338
- Desmoulins, Camille, speech of, 57 appeals to arms, 72; exults, 159; despairs, 235; a Dantonist, 535; calumnies of, 536-37, 538, excluded from Jacobin Club, 539; rejoices at Hebertists fall, 547; arrested, tried, executed, 548
Lucile, journal, cited, 273; guillotined, 545
- Desormaux, ex-canon, resigns, 523
- Dessonville conspires, 293
- " Deux Amis de la Liberte, " quoted , 79, 94, 127; cited, 227
- Deville, proves injustice to Babeuf, 491
- Dictatorship, military, forced on France, 328
- Diderot, socialistic ideas of, 484
- Dietrich congratulates new rigime at Strasbourg, 105
- Dijon, riots at, 23
- " Direct action, " 190
- " Direct Self-Government, " 183
- Directories, revolutionary, 216; favours counter-revolution, 364; strengthened, 472
- Directory, attempts progressive taxation, 411; succeeds Convention, 571
- Disorder, the use of, 345
- " Distribution of Produce, " 488
- Districts of Paris organise resistance, 69, 180 et seq., autonomy of, 182
- Dolivier, Pierre, sympathises with people, 242; favours agrarian law, 243; on land question, 494-95; insight of, 498-99
- " Don gratuit, " 39 .
- Doniol, quoted , 111
- Dragoons fraternise with people, 70
- Drouet pursues and captures King, 227 et seq.
- Droz, quoted , 48, 79
- Dubarry, Madame, guillotined, 517
- Dubois (Minister), house of, burned, 28
- Dubois (curt), resigns, 523
- Dubois-Crance treats with Lyons, 460
- Ducos accuses " Mountain, " 337
- Ducroquet arrested, 545
- Dufourney against sectional so-cieties, 529
- Dulaure, cited, 40
- Dumantier resigns, 253
- Dumas, letter of, 80
- Dumouriez at Caen, 65; treachery of, 236, 380, 381, 383, 387, 388; Minister of Foreign Affairs, 240; supports Duke de Chartres, 308, 326, 387; plans invasion of Belgium, 324; victory of, at Valmy, 325; intrigues with Jacobins, 326; enters Belgium, 326; hastens to Paris, 338; defeat of, at Neerwinden, 346; beguiled by Pitt, 382; suspected, 383; makes pact with Austrians, 383; retreats, 387; treachery of, confirmed, 388; frustrated, 390
- Duperret receives Ch. Corday, 449
- Duport, Adrien, arms middle classes, 117; forms " Confederation ofClubs, " 151; in ModerateTriumvirate, 162; quoted by Michelet, 533
- Duquesnoy executed, 570
- Duranthon, Minister for Justice, 240
- Duroy executed, 570
- Dusaulx. quoted , 73; tries to stop September massacres, 299
- Edicts forged, 23
- Education, scheme of, 517
- Egaliti de fait, 403, 479, 493
- Eglantine, Fabre d', points out injustice of land laws, 420; names months for Republican Calendar, 519; a Dantonist, 535; attacks Committee of Public Welfare, 537; arrested, 539; guillotined, 540
- Elections, qualifications for, 164; new law for, 277
- Elisabeth, Mme., letter on feudal rights, 135; negotiations concerning, 331; guillotined, 559
- Emigration of nobility, 238-39
- Emigres (emigrant nobles) abandon King, 17; arrest of, 92; speculate, 219; decrees against 235; intrigues of, 238; orderedto return, 239; activity of, 245; obstinacy of, 249; at Chambery, 250; return to Paris, 290; falsehoods of, 324; flock to Turin, 383; inJersey, 384; fight at Lyons, 460
- Enclosure Acts, effect of, 97
- Encyclopedists, influence of, 170
- England, example of, 8; war with, 22, 381; helps counter-revolution, 251-52; attacks west of France, 253; rtle of, 327; policy of, 328, 465; as modelfor Girondins, 343; aims at French sea-power, 381 et seq.; effect of war with, 437; false assignats made in, 444; subsidises Prussia, 469
- English Ambassador, testimony of, 75
Government helps Royalists,
Revolution taken as model, 196
- Enrages (Extremists), character of, 362; support Varlet and Roux, 372; insight of, 373; used against " Gironde, " 376; inspire people, 385; lead in Pans, 388 , demand " Terror, " 400; defend property, 401; desire equality, 487; conciliated, 500; suppressed, 345, 534
- Entraigues, d', Les Droits des Etats-Giniraux, by, 46
- Epsic (Benedictine) resigns, 523
- " Equalisation of Wealth, " 241, 243. 484
- Equality, doctrine of, 143; opposed, 147; aim of poor, 277; era of, 315; danger to property of, 349; effort towards, 369
- Erckmann and Chatrian, cited, 38
- Espagnac, Abbe d', executed, 540
- Espreminil, d', opposes old regime, 35; injured by crowd, 55; guillotined, 559
- Estaing, Count d', letter of, to Queen, 227
- Eudistes refuse oath to Constitution, 294
- Europe indebted to French peasants, 578-79
- Everard, Catherine, eulogy of, 450
- Evolution, 102, 576
- Exchequer Court, protest by, 26
- Existence, sacredness of, 405
- " Expropriation, " fear of, 170
- Extremists, vide Enrages
- " Families, " the, 416
- Famine extent of, 46 et seq.; " Compact, " 149; in 1792, 328; all over France, 362; increase of, 395; disappearance of, 435-36; struggle against, 437 et seq.
- Farms, limitation of, 497-98
- Faubourgs, St. Antoine and St.Marceau, attack Tuileries, 276
- Fauchet, Abbe, founds " Cercle Social, " 496
- Federalism of Girondins, 365, 366
- Federals from Brest and Marseilles, 272, 275
- Federation of counter-revolution, 250; of districts, 183-84, 187
- Fersen, Count, correspondence of, 155, 335, 516; discusses Council of Regency, 466
- Festivals, popular, 177
- Fete of Federation, 174 et seq., 187, 223; gives firm basis to Revolution, 250
of Liberty and Reason, 524
of Supreme Being, 527
- Feudal Law, Sagnac quoted on, 205-6; renewed, 202 et seq.
Dues, 37 et seq., 99 et seq.;
redemption of, 201; exacted 207; enumerated, 202 etseq.; sacredness of, 210; abolished, 278; question of 36l
Legislation (1790), 205 et seq.; 209 et seq.
Rights, linked with royalty, 60; in towns, 99; effect of, in; upheld, 129 et seq.; abolition pronounced, 134; but delayed, 195 et seq.; retention of, 278; finalabolition of, 427 et seq.
- " Feudal Seizure " abolished, 210
- Feudal System, hatred of, 14, 414; broken at Strasbourg, 105; decrees against, 210; landunder, 413 et seq.Taxes refused, 44
- Feudalism, survivals of, 36, 255; re-established, 201
- Feuillants, Club of, 221; position of, 238; fight patriots, 252; oppose Republic, 308; treachery of, 462
- Fils de fatmille, battalions of, 383
- Finances, condition of, 32; difficulties of, 168 et seq.
- Flammermont, quoted , 71, 74, 80, 84, 85
- Flanders, regiment of, 153
- Flesselles (Provost of Merchants]corresponds with Court, 65; disarms people, 76-77; shot, 86-87
- Fleuriot-Lescaut succeeds Pache, 546
- Fleurus, victory of, 564
- Fonfrfide arrested, 445
- Force, La (prison], attacked, 73, 298
- " Forced loans, " 242, 409-10; in Herault, 411
- " Forty Years' Possession Act, " 421, 423
- Foubert, M. L., quoted , 189, cited,
- 191Fouchd, socialism of, 506-7; on burial, 521; attacked by Robespierre, 565
- Foulon, arrested, 92; hanged, 93; effect of death of, 100, 149
- Fouquier-Tinville, Public Prosecu-tor, 509; " accelerates plead-ings, " 517
- Fourier, ideas of, 373; followers of, 488; teaching of, 498
- Fourierism, descent of, 579
- Fournees (" batches " }, 514; horror of, 561, 564
- Fournier inspires people, 385
- " Fourth Legislative Body, " 529
- Fox, Charles James, hopes in, 467
- France, financial ruin of, 22; unification of, 177-78; transformation of, 346; dividedinto hostile camps, 361-62; regenerated, 408-9, 574; democratised, 436; interior condition of, 465-66; organisedin communes, 476; communistspirit in, 506; dechristianising of, 519-21; productivity of, 575
- Franc-fief, 59
- Francois (of Neufchateau], motionof, 279; tries to stop massacres299; proposes division ofcommunal lands, 418
- Frankfort-on-the-Maine, occupiedby sans-culottes, 326
- Fraternal societies, task of, 257
- " Fratermte, La, " quoted , 509
- Freedom of opinion, 143
- Freemasons, Brotherhood of, revolutionaries in, 331
- Free trade, in grain, 19; opposed, 497
- Freon organises jeunesse dorie, 570
- Freron persecuted, 234
- Freys (Austrian Bankers), in plot, 539; executed, 540
- " Fury of purification, " 303
- Gabelle (salt tax) abolished, 169
- Gaillard, suicide of, 505
- Gamam reveals secret safe, 293, 332
- Game laws, 59; abolished, 121, 126, 133
- Garat succeeds Danton, 319
- Gardes francaises, vide Guards
- Gamier, letters of, 527
- Gay-Vernon, Bishop, resigns, 522
- Gazette de Paris, editor of, recruits
Royalists, 248
- Geneva, emancipation of, 44
- Gensonne accused, 338; fails Danton, 387; under home-arrest, 445; on Constitution Committee, 470
- German armies, expected in Paris, 256; influence of, 257
- Germany, comparison with, 214; attacks Alsace and Lorraine, 253
- Gertruydenberge taken, 383
- Girant, evidence of, 321
- Girey-Dupre executed, 517
- " Gironde, " the, programme of, 62; defends property, 106, 358; composition of, 310, 311; protects King, 312; impotence of, 319; opposes King's trial, 333; versus " Mountain, " 340 et seq.; tries to end Revolution, 359; rallies reaction, 363; necessary to crush, 378; sends volunteers, 379; hostility to, 402
- Girondins, party of, 197, 310; position of, 238; agree with Court, 241; ministry of, 240, 244, 292, 318; fight Anarchists, 252, 384; indecision of, 276; attitude towards massacres, 304-5; ready to admit foreign troops, 307; power of, 311; work against Revolu-tion, 319 et seq., 348 et seq.; try to form reactionary guard, 321; expelled, 322, 398, 404; favour war, 323; attack Convention, 327; accuse " Mountain, " 333; try to save King, 336-37; policy and aims of, 341-42, 389; characteristicsof, and hatred for people, 344, 348; methods of, 346; intrigues of, 347; dreams of, 348; object to equality, 5^2; programme of, 359; Robespierre's opinion of, 360; ambition of, 369; attack section:, 371; accuse " Mountain, " 375; printing-presses of, smashed, 385; fall inevitable, y> " ; persecute JIarat, 303; failureof, 395; incite departmentsagainst Pans, 397, 406; outlawed, 406; result of expulsion, 407 ( opposed to " maximum, " 441; stir up revolt,
- 445. 455-56; work with Royalists, 446; discouraged by Bretons, 447; Marseillaise of, 447. defeat of, 459; in hiding, 461; treachery of, 463; in framing Constitution, 470 et seq.; use Constitution, 471; divide legislative body, 473; ideas of, 474; spread calumnies, 476; prosecution of, demanded, 514; execution of, 22, 517; similarity with Jacobins, 533
- Glezen, 60
- Gobel (Bishop of Paris) resigns, 522; guillotined, 527, 546
- Godwin, W., cited, 184, 327, 373
- Goethe at Battle of Valmy, 325
- Gorsas, quoted , 63
- Goujon executed, 570
- Government centralised, 318; federative, 367
Revolutionary, 384, 508 et seq., 545. 555
- Grand Chatelei (prison), thieves massacred at, 303
- Grand' - Maison (actress) guillotined, 560
- Grave, War Minister, 24
- " Great Unknown, " 272-73
- Gregoire, Abbe, 61; report of, 200; refuses to resign, 523
- Grenelle, attempt to raise camp at, 571
- Grenoble insurrection, 27
- Guadet, silence of, 35; stratagem of, 245; report of, 295; speech of, 296; motions of, 307; accused, 338; fails Danton, 387; stirs up revolt 446
- Guards, French, refuse to fire, 64; distribute bread, 71; fire on German regiment, 72
Municipal, " restore order, " 108
National (faithful to King), formation of, 160; passivecitizens excluded from, 160; disperse, 274-75; supports
people, 375; refuse to stopmassacres, 300; officers of, dismissed, 314; controlledby middle classes, 401
- Guillaume, helps capture King, 227
James, thanks to, vii; on Resolutions of National Assembly, 137 et seq.; on democratic beliefs, 143; quoted , 143; cited, 199, 518, 555
- Hanriot, General of NationalGuard, 402; terrorises Convention, 404; arrested, 567; released, 568
Hardy English bookseller], quottd,
68, 70
- Harvests, effect of, no, 328
- Hassenfratz excuses pillage, 401
- " Haves and Have-Nots, " 354
- Hebert, 305; commissioner of Convention, 273; Procurator of Paris Committee, 364; arrested, 397; anti-religious campaignof, 479; character of, 501; denounces Roux, 504; recommends itinerant guillotine, 512; organises jtte, 524; burnsrelics, 525; communism of, 534; attacked by Desmoulins, 536; attacks Amar, 544; ar-rested, 347, 5441 guillotined, 545
- Hebertists, struggle against, 533 « *seq.; miscalculation of, 534; arrest of, 537; fall of, 542 et seq,
- Helvetius, socialism of, 484
- Henri Quatre, statue saluted, 29
- Herbois, Collot d'. President ofNational Convention, 309; quoted , 439; ordered to destroyLyons, 479; alludes to title-deeds, 482; makes terms withcommunists, 500; socialism of, 506-7; on Committee of Public Welfare, 535; attemptto kill, 558-59; attacked by Robespierre, 565-67
- Herman proposes to purge prisons, 564
- High Court (Orleans), safeguards conspirators, 293
- Historians, omissions, 24, 134; shortcoming of, 94-95; ignore counter-revolution, 249; embroideries of, 304; limitationsof, 306, 409
- Hobbes, cited, 6
- Hoche takes the offensive, 469
- Holbach, school of, 501
- Holland threatened, 328, 382
- Hondschoote, Duke of York attacked at, 467
- Hotel des Invalides, attack on, proposed, 70; arms seized at, 77; attacked, 80de Ville, congratulates As-sembly, 61; becomes centre jof Revolution. 69-74
- Hue, de. Commander of Swiss Guards, letter of, 82; saved, 86
- Htnez, de (Mayor of Troyes, killedby peasants, 107 \
- viulin attacks Bastille, 85, 86
- Hume, cited, 6
- Illuminates, " vow of, 540
mbert-Colomies, royalist agent, 460
- Imperative Mandate, " 185i ncome tax, details of, 410-ui odian Company, power of, 5 39industries, socialisation of, 493 etseq.; nationalisation of, 495-96
Insurrection, vide Risings; cause
- of, 41; uncertainty of, 401
Intellectuals, " retrogression of, 243; disbelieve in Revolution, 256; compared with Radicals, 256; inclined to monarchy, 33i
- International Working Men's Asso-ciation, 580; Congress (Bale, 1869), 487
- Interregnum, 282 et seq.
- invasion, foreign, 181, 238; sup-ported by foreign Courts, 324
- (snard, President of Convention, 397; threatens to obliteratePans, 398, 461
- Jacobins, reaction of, 221, 238; repudiate Republic, 232; support war, 240; attackedby Lafayette, 244; povertyof, 252; mistaken ideaabout, 257; advanced partyof, 272; threatened, 275, 283; punishment of, planned, 289; support advanced revolutionists, 317; intrigue with Dumouriez, 326; extermination planned by Fersen, 335; " do not understandpoor, " 374; pledged to defend property, 401; support Committees of Public Welfare and General Safety, 508; jealousof sections, 510
Club (Paris), silence of, 284; electors meet at, 309; declares, itself Republican, 310; weapon of " Moun-tain, " 316-17; reinforcedby Cordeliers, 317; revokesdecrees against Duke ofOrleans, 337; influence of, 400; affiliation with, 508; demands trial of Girondins, 512; against Popular So-cieties, 528; " purification" of, 535; Robespierre com-plains to, 565Government concentrate police functions, 530
Republicans, officer army, 463Jacqueries, 15; necessity of, 52;
character of, 115" Jacques Bonhomme, " noJales, confederation of, corresponds
with King and emigris, 250Jaures, cited, 24, 365, 374, 505; shows error of Michelet, 338; quoted on communist move-ment, 373; on Marat, 395Jeanbon, vide Saint-AndreJemmapes, victory at, 326Jewish question, 185Julien-de-Dieu (Benedictine) re-signs, 523
- Jullien (Commissioner), letter of, 447; burns titlt-deed, 482; in Royalist company, 539; trial of, 548; describesnoyades at Nantes, 542
Madame, letters quoted . 221, 274, 286-87; cited, 344
- July 14 (1790), consequences of,
88 el seq.; importance of, 177
- June 2 (1793). rising of, 403
- Jura, wheat convoys plundered in, 43
- Jureurs a.ndnon-jureurs, vide Priests, 520
- " Justices of Peace, " 102
- Kar£eff, Professor, quoted , 39Kellerman repulses Piedmontese, 460; reinforced by Commissioners, 461
- Kerengall, Le Guen de, denounces feudalism, 123
- Kersaint, report of, 290; embraces Danton, 343; executed, 517
- King, power of, limited, 335
- Kings.right divine of.destroyed, 336
- King's Council, decree of (April 3, 1789). 63
- Klinckovstrom, Baron R. M. de, cited, 335
- Knights of Malta, help counter-revolution, 253 of the Poignard, 246
- Lacombe, Rose, communist, 487; leader of revolutionary women, 489
- Lacoste, Minister for Marine, 240; letter of, 482
- Lacroix, Sigismund, quoted , 182, 183, 184, 186, 187, 188, 193; arrested, 547; tried, 548
- Ladmiral tries to kill d'Herbois, 558-59; guillotined, 559
- Lafayette (Commander of NationalGuard), plots with Court, 65; on Municipal Council, 101; at Versailles, 156; importanceof, 160; intrigues, 227; chiefof Feuillants, 244; supportsroyalty in letter, 245; ab-solved, 274; suspected, 285-86; denounces Jacobins, 286; sideswith Royalty, 286; treacherydiscovered, 289; fate of, 289; plans invasion of Belgium, 324; treachery of, 380-81
-, helps capture King, 228
- Laignelot turns church into Temple of Truth, 521
- Lalande, a freemason, 540
- Lally-Tollendal, letter to King < Prussia, 286
- Lamballe, Princess de, killed, 299;
only woman massacred, 302
- Lambesc, Prince de, carriage burned, 75
- Lambert, " friend of those who have
nothing, " 484-85
- Lameth, in Triumvirate of Moder-ates, 162; won over by King, 332
- Lamoignon (Minister), house burned, 28
- Land, registers, destruction of, 40, 429; question, 52, 488; in America, 143; confiscationof 196; importance of, 493; socialisation of, 493 et seq.; speculation in, 493; inalienability of, 494; theories on, 495, 543; sales of, bad results, 50a; mistakes in, 563 et seq. Communal, robbery of, 195; question of, 211, 212, 361; seizure of, 414 et seq.; restoration of, opposed, 415; division of, 418; division of, rescinded, 419; " grabbed, " 420; restoration of, 421; partition of, 422-23 et seq* •transferred, 425of emigrls, sale of, 277, 379,
280, 396V Hunger, " 14
- Laws, 199, 277-78 Ownership, 345, 346 Pensioners', not reserved, jSoSystem (in Artois), 4x7 Taxes, 199
- Landau, blockade raised, 538
- Landed property, subdivision of, 43 5
- Lange, precursor of Fourierism, 373, 459, 490, 496.497, 498, 579
- Lanjuinais, founds Breton Club, 60; stirs up revolt, 446
- Laumur arrested, 54s
- Launey, Marquis de (Governor ofBastille), yg; defends Bastille, 81 et seq.; capitulates, 8$ |killed, 86; memory of, J49
- 598 IN]
- Laussel, leads people at Lyons, 377
- Lauzun, commands Republican army, 326
- Lavergne, Commandant, letter to, 290
- Lavoisier guillotined, 559
- " Law of Suspects, " 477, 513
- Law, municipal and administrative, 165; ignored, 193
- Laws, social, 476
- " Leaders of Thought, " cowardice of, 28$
- " League of United Counties, " 446Le Bas (Commissioner), sent to
- Lower Rhine, 439; in fighting line, 469
- Lebrun, in Girondist Ministry, 318
- Lechapelier, founds Breton Club, 60
- Leclerc, disciple of J. Roux, 489; arrested, 505, 545
- Leflot, letters of, 527
- Lefranc, priest, resigns, 523
- Legacy duties, 242
- Legends, use of, 103; historic, 118-
19; revolutionary, 302
- Legislation, difficulties of, 215, 316
- Legros, cited, 481
- Lemp, Mayor of Strasbourg, house burned, 103
- Lenfant, Abbe, saved, 301
- Len6tre, M. G., cited, 228
- Lepelletier demands " integral edu-cation, " 4871 report of, on education, 518
- Lescure, Vendean leader, 456
- Lescuyer, murder of, 321
- Levellers, vide Anarchists
- Leymarie, cxted, 40
- Liberty, drawback to, 486; religious 526
- Lichtenberger, A., cited, 496
- Liege, military dep6t, 382; taken by Austrians, 383
- Lille, military hots at, 223Lindet, Robert, 385 Thomas, 522
- " Living Wage, " 495
- Lods el ventes, 203
- Longwy invested, 290; surrender of, 292, 296, 298, 324
- Louis XIV. ordinance of, 414
- Louis XV., misery under, 21
- Louis XVI., accession of, 2; reformsunder, 10-20 ■ opposes repre-sentative Government and dismisses Turgot, 20, 21; realcharacter of, 21; good intention of, 23; yields, 31; convokes States - General, 33 •opposes reform, 50 et seq.; policy of, 591 served by Commons, 6a; intentions towards, 65; duplicity of, 71; visits Paris, 90; plotsescape, 91; " best of Kings, " 106; heads counter-revolution, 137; refuses sanction toDeclaration of Rights of Man, 146; flight of, planned, 150et seq. ■ feeling towards, 155 |made prisoner, sanctionsDeclaration of Rights of Man, 157; in Paris, 173; takes oath, 178; explains property, 198; remonstrates withNational Assembly, 3001thanks Bouille for massacre, 225; flees to Varrenne, 226et seq.; brought back, 329it seq.; Intentions of, 230-31 \treachery of, 334, 239 [ refusesto sanction decrees, 335 | secretsafe of, 236, 293; tries to re-establish Three Orders, 337 jcalls Girondist Ministry, 240 \foreign correspondence of, 245 tplots of, 248-49; authority limited of, 256; takes refugeIn Assembly, 375; imprisonedwith family in Temple, 276, 280, 283, 284; position of, 280; intrigues of, 290; protected by Girondins, 3121suspended, 318; negotiationsin favour of, 325; fate of, 328-30 et seq.; speculations of, 328; trial of, 330 et seq.; pitied bypeople, 330; indifference to, of foreign Courts, 331 disbanded guards in pay of, 333; treason of, 333; letter toEmperor of Austria, 334; death of, a necessity, 335; crime of, 336; interrogation of, 337 1 defence of, 338; foundgui ty and executed, 3391
Girondist plot in favour of.349; effect of execution, 370, in England, 381, 382; belovedin La Vendee, 454
- Loustalot, harangues crowd, 69, 71; heads deputation, 152; rouses people, 154; quoted , 220
- Louvet, " Robespierride " of, 346; in Brittany, 368; stirs uprevolt, 446
- Lozeau, P., speech of, 422
- Luckner, joins Lafayette, 286
- Lyons, revolt at, 25; massacre at, 321, 404; a Royalist centre, 377; struggle at, 378; counter-revolution in, 383; reactionin, 458-59; siege of, 460; taken by Republicans, 461, 468; champions socialistic in-dustry, 495; communism at, 496
- Mably, cited, 6, 12; socialism of, 484
- Mack (Colonel in Austrian Army), promise of Dumounez to, 388
- Maignet, raises army of peasants, 4C0-61; " punishes severely, " 556-57
- Mailhe, revolutionary measure of, 280; demands reprieve of King, 339; proposes restoration of communal lands, 418, 421
- Maillard, leads women to Ver-sailles, 154; saves Cazotte, 301 ; and forty-three others, 302 ; tribunal of, 372
- Matnmortes, 129 et seq.
- Malesherbes, defends King, 337;
guillotined, 559
- Mallarme abused by Robespierre, 566
- Malouet, leads reaction, 56; plots against people, 154
- Manants, 416
- Manifesto of Leagued Kmgs, 295
- Manorial Justice, 37 Courts, abolition of, 121
- Manuel, report of, 299; tries to stop massacres, 300
- Marat, rouses people, 154; protestsagainst martial law, 161; queries people's joy, 178; inspires revolt, 183; order toarrest, 222; persecuted, 234; despair of, 234-35 '• insight of, 256, 293; denounces traitors, 295; circular by, 303; advisespeople, 307; list of, 309; despairs of France's salvation, 310; loved by people, 320; against war, 323; protestsagainst Republic's right to killKing, 334; accused, 347; quoted , 367; takes up causeof poor, 374-75; policy of, 392 et seq.; Girondins orderarrest of, 393; people's defenceof, 394; character of, 394; acquittal of, 395; writing, quoted , 395; opposes Terror, 400; rings tocsin, 401-2; addresses Jacobins, 404; sup-ports forced loan, 411; murderof, 450; disinterestedness andnobility of, 450-51; no terror-ist, 452; on sovereignty ofpeople, 472; opposes deathpenalty for communists, 500; loss to Revolution, 501; arrested in Italy, 516; a, free-mason, 540
- " Marc of Silver, " 164, 185
- Marechal Sylvain, communism of, 489, 579; employs Babeuf, 490
- Marie-Antoinette (Queen), letter toCount de Mercy, 28; leadsCourt, 58; understood bypeople, 61, feasts foreign troops, 88; character of, 89, 335; in-sulted, 90; hated, 151; fetessoldiers, 153; disdains King, 155; corresponds with Fer-sen, 155, 334; in personaldanger, 156; takes oath, 178; letter of, 235; pitied bypeople, 330; negotiationsabout, 331; plots with Austria, 334; tried, 5151 executed, 5I6
- Marmontel, quoted , 75
- Marseillaise hymn by Rouget del'Isle, 324
- Marseilles resists Revolution, 251; federals from, 273; votes fordethronement, 274; demandsRepublic, 310
- " Marsh" or " Plain, " 310; com-position of, 311; obeys Robes-pierrists, 547
- Martial Law, 160, 209, 221, 257
- Martin, Henri, on freemasons, 540
- Mascarats, revolt of, 24
- Masonic lodges, 540
- Massacres, at Lyons, 321, 404, 514; in Champ-de-Mars (July 17, 17915, 179, 257; September, 297 et seq.; numbers slain in, 303; of 1848 and 1871, 368; at Machecoul, 387
- Mathieu, supports forced loan, 411
- Maubeuge, Austrians raise siege of, 468
- Manry, Abbe, almost slain, 55
- " Maximum, " 36, 207, 208, 241, 361, 372; Chaumette's law of, 375-76; fixed by Convention, 439; law of, 497-98; abolished, 570
- Mayence occupied by sans-culottes, 326
- " Means of Subsistence, " 493 et
- seq.; problem of, 497Exchange, 493 et seq.
- M6hee fils (Fehlemesi], quoted , 297, 300
- Mellie, Ernest, quoted and cited, 183. 314. 31; . 439. 513. 529. 568
- Mercure de France, quoted , 70, 152, 242
- Mercy, Count de, plots, 153; reveals English policy, 381; severity of, 335
- Metric system, importance of, 518-19 i
- Michelet, v.; excellent descrip-tion by, 274; quoted , 282, 303, 306; criticises Jaco-bins, 316-17; criticisesGironde, 319; errors of, 338; on King's mendacity, 337; on communist movement, 373; on Dumouriez, 381-82; onhunting Republicans, 386; quoted , 437, 451, 452; onVendean War, 457-58; cited, 488; defends Cordeliers, 504;
on middle - class leadership, 508; on File of Liberty andReason, 524; on death oiRevolution, 532; on Jacobinsand Girondins, 533; on execu-tions, 546; on Sections, 569; on peasants during Revolution, 574
- Michonis, plans Queen's escape, 516
- Middle classes. Third Estate orbourgeoisie, idea of, 5 et seq.; practical programme of, 10; schemes of, 30 et seq.; modera-tion of, 44; in revolution, 47; fear of masses, 58, 75, 81, 106, 158; form militia, 76; betraypeople, 77; work of, 96; arming of, 128; brutality of, 128; Liberalism of, 144; disband people, 158 et seq.; organise government, 162, 163; great fortunes of, 169; specu-lations of, 171; current of, 195; position of, 196; takearms, 208; legislation of, 214, 215, 218; reaction of, 222; intrigues of, 227; againstRepublic, 243; joy of, 287; work with counter-revolution, 291; intention of, 356; terrorof, 370; hatred of people, 397; power of, 401; plots of, 488
- Mignet, quoted , 91-92, 479, 571
- Militia, armed (1789), 27, 40, 76
- Mi-lods, 203
- " Ministere sans-culotte, " 240
- " Ministers for Paris, " 76
- Mir, Russian, comparison with, 416; land under, 494
- Mirabeau, speech of, 55, 88; mem-ber of Breton Club, 60; desertspeople, 62; petitions King, 66; as Constitutionalist, 151; bought, 161, 162, 175; treacheryof, 332; a freemason, 540
- Moderates wish municipalities sup-pressed, 475
- Moderation, " 310
- Moelle, won over by Royalists, 510
- Moleville, Bertrand de, 26, 28; opposes constitution, 240; tried and acquitted, 302
- Mombelles, Mme., letter to, 135
- Momoro, pamphlet on " maxi-mum, " 44; organises file, 524; speaks for sections, 529; crime of, 545; arrested, 545
- Monarchy, revival of, 222
- Monastic Orders suppressed, 170
- Moniage, 202
- Monge, Gironde minister, 318
- Moniteur, Royalist plans in, 295; approved September mas-sacres, 305; advocates peasantproprietorship, 433
- Monopolists, rise of, 30; buy upwheat, 63; killed, 208
- Monopoly, laws against, 499
- Mons, defeat at, 298
- " Montagnards, " division of, 362; prepare to equalise wealth, 411; break up large estates, 432; give acre to proletarians, 434-35; oppose " maximum, " 441; carry on Revolution, 471; ideas of, 474; policy of, 480; regime of, 483; volteface of, 500; mistake of, 501
- Montesquieu, cited, 6, 191
- Montesquiou, commands army insouth, 326
- Montmorin (Keeper of Civil List], compromising papers of, 288; acquitted, 295; " blood" of, 301
- " Moral Insurrection, " 401
- Mortimer-Ternaux, cited, 314, 365
- Mortmain abolished, 20
- Mounier, agent of imigris, 296
- " Mountain, " The, influenced byCommune, 273; conspires, 293; composition of, 310-11; power of, 316; success ofattack on, 322; tries to intro-duce land reform in Belgium, 327; resolved on King's con-demnation, 336; versusGironde, 340 et seq.; pro-gramme of, 345; attacked byGironde, 346; reproachesGironde, 358; allays panic, 384; collaborates with Com-mune, 388; appeals to people, 392; policy of, 508
- Municipal function, 479institutions, 98 et of December 1789, 471organisation, 158, 189
- )EX 601
- Municipalisation of trade, 497
- Municipalities, centres of Revolu-tion, 166; cantonal, creationof, 472-73
- Municipality elected, 417
- " Muscadins, " 510, 546, 540Mutual Insurance scheme, 485
- Nangis, people refuse taxes at, 70
- Nantes, slave trade of, 457; Carrier's
- noyades at, 514Napoleon L, vide BonaparteNapoleon III., coup d'ttat of, 336Narbonne supports Constitution,
- Nation, French, unification of (1790), 177
- National Assembly, composition of, 13; tardiness of, 43; Third Estate declares itself to be, 56; congratulations and militant addresses to, 61; loyal to King, 62; true character of, 63; fears people, 63; servility of, 64, 66; inactivity of, 65; marked members of, 65; impotence of, 67 et seq.; alarms in, 70, 89; struggle of, 101 et seq.; members of, threatened, 149; suppresses soldiers' agitation, 223-25; soldiers send delegates to, 224; Chaumette's estimateof, 246
Debt, amount of, 33; con-solidation of, 53
Estates, 432 et seq.
Guard organised, 76; vide Guards
Lands, speculations in, 511 vide Lands
Life, changes in, 576
Representation, 20; defect of, 51; sacredness of, 400
Unity, scheme of Anarchists for, 350
- Necker, Minister, 20; policy of, 21; dismissed, 21; recalled,
28, 34; as financier, 31 et seq., ; his " Compte rendu, " 32;
three hours' speech of, to States-General, 51 et seq.; compromise of, 54; insightof, 55; dismissed again, 57, 65; tries to avert famine, 62-63; insulted by Court, 71; bust carried in procession, 73; proposes to diminish seigniorial prerogative, 197-98; orders Marat's arrest, 222
- Neerwinden, defeat at, 346, 387
- Newspapers, scarcity of, 102
- Nineteenth Century, cited, 40; quoted , 199
- Niviere-Chol leads middle - class revolt in Lyons, 377
- Noailles, Viscount de, speaks against feudalism, 119 et seq.
- Nobility, luxury of, 17; property rights of, 122 et seq.
- Noirmoutiers, prisoners shot at, 515
- " Noirs, " gathering of the, 290
- Notables, Assembly of, 39; vide Assembly
- Noyades of Nantes, 457. 458, 514Nys, Ernest, thanks to, vii., mono-graph of, on freemasons, quoted, 540-41
- October 5 and 6 (1789) Insurrection, 146 et seq.
- Old age pensions, 506
- "Ombre de Marat, L', " 504
- Orange, Commission at, 557-58
- Order, triumph of, 549
- Ordinance of 1670, 20
- Orleans, Duke of, plot against, 64, 65; popularity of, 69; bustcarried in procession, 72; dreams of, 150; disgrace of, 161; intrigues of, 227-28; expects crown, 231; candidate for throne, 331; Grand Masterof freemasons, 540
- Owen, Robert, teaching of, 498
- Pache (Mayor of Paris], succeeds Chambon, 322, 364; demands revolutionary tribunal, 385; opposed to Terror, 400; deprived of office, 545; spared, 546; character of, 547
- Paine, Thomas, sincerity of, 243; on Constitution .Committee, 470
- Palais Royal, revolutionary focus, 49, 61, 70, 72; deputation from, 152
- Pamphlets, revolutionary, 24, 46, 53; vide British Museum
- Pan, Mallet du, quoted, 223, 243
- Panis, signs appeal of Commune, 301
- Pannetier, leads attack on Bastille, 82, 83
- Paper-currency (vide Assignats); under Directory. 571
- Paris, hunger riots in, 23, 28, 46 (vide Riots); clerks and populace of, 29; centre of Revolution, 67; thieves hanged in, 77; ammunition kept in, 77; misery in, 92; scarcity in, 149; feared, 151; insurrection breaks out in, 154; districts of, 171; reaction in, 200; sections of, 215; municipality demands Republic, 232, 310; reaction in, 233, 509; full of conspiracies, 245; rises August 9 and 10, 275; laments her dead, 282; to be burned, 290; searched for arms, 294; purified, 303; revolutionary energy of, 324; threatens Convention, 333; panic in, 383, 384; rising needed in, 383; fury of, 388, 403, 404; hated by farmers, 499; executions in, 514; inactive, 545; " purification" of, 555
- Parlement of Paris banished to Troyes, 26; recalled, 29
of Rennes, 26
- Parlements (Courts of Justice], closing of, 24, 25 et seq.; disturbances about, 39; suspension of, 163; support reaction, 166
- Parliament, English, friends of French Republic in, 556
- Prussian, uselessness of, 45
- Passeret (King's secretary) hooted, 56
- Patin, J. Baptiste, resigns, 523
- "Patriote francaise, " cited, 305, 347
- Patriots, beaten at Aries, 251; mutilated by Uhlans, 251; form league of defence, 252
- Patrou, resigns, 523
- Payan, exasperates workers, 565
- Peasant Risings (vide Jacqueries), 3, 28, 29, 40, 44, 46, 52, 112 et seq., 159, 177, 198, 207, 208
- Peasants, misery of, 17; oppose export of grain, 26; not represented in Assembly, 51; slaughter of, 127; illegal executions of, 128; disappointment of, 132 et seq.; refuse to pay taxes, 149, 150; Draconian laws for, 199, 208, 209; hardships of, 202; difficulties of, 204; repression of, 211; courage of, 228; deprived of political rights, 234; refuse to pay feudal dues, 279; oppose foreign invasion, 324; condition of (in 1793), 393; regain communal lands, 413 oppose division of lands, 415 rights of disputed, 417; admitted, 418; anger of, 418-19; advantages gained by. 431; industry of, 437; discontented in LaVendee, 454; energy of (1792), 574
- Pecqueur, collectivism of, 11-12, 363
- Pelarin Library, fragment found of, 409
- Peltier, lies of, 304
- People, first conflict with rich, 48; feared, 55; in revolt, 56, 61, 63-64; take arms, 68; slaughtered, 85; character of, 89; change in, 179; vigilance of, 196; needs of, 218; intelligence of, 256; despair of, 287; victory of, 287-88; belied, 293; power of, 312, 357; devotion of, 313; offer hostages to Convention, 404; sovereignty of, 472 social will of, 5341!
- "Pere Duchesne, " edited by Chaumette, 322
- " Peres de l'Oratoire, " 460
- Permanent Committee, 76, 81, 84, 182, 190-91
- Personal servitude suppressed, 20
- Rights over peasants, 37
- Petion (Mayor of Paris), memberof Breton Club, 61; proposes loan, 63; tries to save Princessde Lamballe, 299; during September massacres, 305; Imprisoned, 314; resigns, 323; accused, 338; " Letter to Parisians " by, 378; stirs up revolt, 4461 on Council of Commune, 470
- " Petitions of Eight Thousand and Twenty Thousand, " 309
- Pflieger, letters of, 527
- Phelippeaux, a Dantonist, 535; attacks Hebertist generals, 536; arrested, 547
- Philosophers, influence of, 1, 2
- Philosophy, scientific, 9
- Picard, Abbe, escape of, 297
- Pichegrue, attacks invaders, 469
- Piedmontese, enter France, 460
- Pikemen, save prisoners. 302
- Pikes, forging of, 73, 77
- Pillaging, rareness of, 75
- Pitt, policy of, 48; money of, 252; overthrow hoped for, 467; against " impious nation, " 556
- " Plain" or " Marsh, " right wing of Convention, 315
- " Pleas, " 203
- " Plenary Court, " 25
- Polignac, Duchess de, effigy burned, 29; people's opinion of, 61; letter of, 65; hatred for, 70; Intrigues of, 86, 88; insulted, 90; exiled, 91
- Politics, study of, 6
- Poor, relief of, 185, 193-94; neglected by Convention, 505
- Pope, aids counter-revolution, 384
- Popular Societies, 252, 257, 365, 400, 448, 480
- Pougatchoff, leads Russian peasants (1773). 2
- Power, demoralisation of, 478
- Pr6cy, commandant at Lyons, 460
- Press, attitude of, towards Septem-ber massacres, 305
- Priests, intrigues of, 238 1 decreesagainst, 339, 280; join counter-revolution, 250; protected by" patriots, " 252; massacre of, 297; incite Vendean rising, 336; enemies of Jacobins, 405; refuse oath to Constitution, 520; lay down prerogatives, 522-23
- Primogeniture, abolished, 434-35
- Princes, intrigues of, 58
- Prisons, conspiracies in, 56, 298; vide Massacres, September
- Privat (cure) resigns, 523
- Profiteurs, 543
- Proletarians, part played by, 391, 484
- Property, protection of, 74; sacredness of, 122 et seq., 143, 198, 342. 343. 368; rights of, 136; substituted for Fraternity by Girondins, 343; movement against, 373; guaranteed, 401; superfluous, 405; defended, 500; of " patriots " respected, 544
- Proudhon, quoted, 189; ideas of, 373; his Bank of People, 487; teaching of, 498
- Proust, Antonin, explains Vendean revolt, 455
- Provence, large towns in, abolish flour tax, 41
Count de, " Monsieur, " intrigues of, 161, 162; protests against Constitution, 238; in exile, 248
- Provinces, importance of, 247
- Provincial histories, importance of, 40
Assemblies, discussions in, 33
- Prndhomme, plain speaking of, 235; " Revolutions de Paris, " paper of, cited, 305
- Prussia, King of, advises concessions, 249
- Public force, basis of, 144
- Puisage, Count J. de, counter-signs false assignats, 444
- Quatre cris d'un patriote, " 485
- Quinet, Edgar, quoted, 35
- Quint, 203
- Ramel, abused by Robespierre, 566
- Rauchon, priest, resigns, 523
- Reaction, revival of, 153; rampant, 158 et seq.; organised, 213; in Paris, 233, 235 •progress of, 255; forces or, 408
- Reason, Cult of, 521-25
- Rebecqui (Girondin] stirs up Marseilles, 459; drowns himself, 460
- Redemption, 39; " rachat audenier 30, " 119, 122; difficulties of, 199; of feudal dues, 277-78
- " Red Terror, " 311, 436
- Referendum, 473
- Reforms, under Turgot, 19
- Regnal, cited, 40
- Relevoisons, 203
- Reliefs, 203
li>Religion democratised, 7
- Religious hatred, 249
- Renault, Cecile, strange affair of, 558-59
- Rennes, parlement of, 26; magistrates disqualified at, 167
- Renunciation, legend of, 134 etseq.
- Republic, enemies of, 170; people'sservice to, 179; France im-pelled towards, 310; of middleclasses, 343; Breton peasantsagainst, 419; strengthened, 538
- Republican soldiers, torture of, 457
- Republicans, massacre of, 386; persecution of, 571Requtnt, 203
- Reubies, General, Secretary of Lyons Committee of Public Welfare, 460
- Reuss, Rodolphe, cited, 99
- " Reveillon Affair, " 47 et seq.
- " Revolte, La, " cited, 40, 199
- Revolution, definition of, 2, 3; need of enthusiasm in, 124; meaning of, 242; made byminorities, 363; alternatives offered to, 369; makes men think, 524; evils of, 563; benefits of, 573 et seq.
Great French, history of, incomplete, v.; heroes of, 35 map of, 111; great dates of
118, 391; good humour of, 178; true picture of, 210-11; logical sequence of, 311; aims of, 323; not supported in Belgium, 327; chief work of, 392; complete on land question, 423; economic results of, 431; legacies of, 436, 577; expenses of, 440; devotion to, 448; social problem in, 488-89; interests roused by, 501; work of people, 505; middle classes enriched by, 51'. 537; source of modern social ideas, 581; various phases of, vide Chapter index
American, influence of, 21
English, contrasted, 3; 96 et seq., 581; part played by people in, 4; lesson of, 6
popular power of, 145
Russian, 17
in Savoy, 326
- Revolutions of 1848 and 1870, 336
- " Revolutions de Paris, " 220, 242, 305
- Revolutionists, type of (1871), 534
- Rigby, Dr., letter of, 74
- Right of poor, 376 of property, limitation of, 487
- " Right to Work, " 194, 343
- " Rights of Man, " vide Declaration; veiled in black, 544
- Riots, hunger, 19 et seq.; at Dijon, Auxerre, Amiens, Lille, Pontoise, Passy, St.-Germain, 23;
at Poitiers, Vizille, Cevennes, Vivarais, Gevaudan, 24; at Lyons, 25; in Paris, 26, 27, 29; spread of, 41 et seq.; bloodless character of, 42; influence elections, 42; at Villejuif, 48
- Rising, of May 31-June 2 (1793), 361 et seq., 391, 399
- Risings, in Besancon, Provence, Languedoc, Bearn, Flanders, Franche-Comte, Burgundy, 27 et seq.; in country districts, 35 et seq. ; in Stras-bourg, & c, 103 et seq. Agrarian, 97 character of, 111 et seq> .; spread
of, 116 Peasant, 109 et seq.popular influence of, 94-96 of Royalists, unsuccessful, 253; in La Vendee, 384; inProvence and Lyons, effectsof, 458Urban, 95Robert, quoted, 242; persecuted, 234
- Robespierre, silence of, 35; member of Breton Club, 61; protests against martial law, 161; insight of, 240, 307; opposes Agrarian law and Republic, 243; fears people, 244; in-activity of, 273; denounces Carra, 307; Vice-president of Convention, 309; supportedby " Marsh " or " Plain, " 311; " golden mean of the Mountain, " 317; against war, 323; opinion on regicide, 334; rival of Brissot, 344; satirises Giron-dins, 344; moderation of, 345; speech, on April 10, 360; development of, 362; belief in " foreign money, " 375; attacks " Gironde, " 376; policyof, 392; declares for insurrec-tion, 398; opposes " Terror, " 400; demands suppression of" Twelve" and trial of" Twenty-Two, " 403; advo-cates restoration of communallands, 417; socialistic speechof, 474; reads Declaration of Rights, 500; attacks Rouxand Varlet, 503; " La Fraternite's" observations on, 507; daring of, 511; opposesprosecution of obscure Giron-dins, 514; represents Jacobins, 514; religious speech of, 525; opposes Cult of Reason, 525-26; accuses sections of foreignintrigues, 529; on publicwelfare, 529; foresees end of Republic, 533; group of, 535; reports on Revolutionary Government, 538; popularityol. 539; a freemason, 540; 606
attacks commissioners, 542; position and power of, 550 etseq.; incorruptibility of, 551 1bourgeoisie's respect for, 552; letter from his brother, 553; drafts accusation of F. d'Eg-lantine, 547, 553 1 suspicions° f- 553 : notes on " Terrorism" of, S54; enemies of, 563 jcabal against, 565 et seq.; attacks" Left, " 566; arrest of, 567; stupor of, 568; identifi-cation and execution of, 569Rochambeau, Count de, refuses
arms to middle classes, 103
- Roche-Jacquelein, La, Vendean leader, 456 Mme. de, letter quoted, 456
- Rochefoucauld, supports Court, 345
- Roland, silence of, 35; politics of, 197; Minister for Interior, 240; dismissed, 244; houseof, searched, 295, 307; address of, 296; justifiesmassacres, 304, 321; again Minister, 318; resigns after execution of King, 319; influence of, 319; examines King's secret papers, 332; leader of " Gironde, " 341; absurd plan of, 349; arrestof, ordered, 403; 6mcide of, 5J7
Mme., influence of, 340; guil-lotined, $17Rome helps revolt in La Vendee, 455
- Romme, execution of, 570
- Ronsin, organises " revolutionaryarmy, " 512; arrested, 545
- Rosiere, Thuriot de la. Districtdelegate, 82, 83, 84
- Rouen, insurrection at, 24(priest) resigns, 523
- Rouerie, Marquis de, plots in Brit-tany, 320, 326; heads con-spiracy, 446
- Rousseau, J. J., influence of, 6, 12; cited, 191; socialism of, 484
- Roux, Jacques, ex-priest and popular leader, 372; inspires people, 385; advises forced loan, 411, communism
of, 489; insight of, 498-99; denounces stock - jobbing, 502-3; struck off Cordeliers'list, 503; false chargeagainst, 5041 trial and suicide of, 504-5Xavier, quoted, 114" Royal dictature, " 209Royal family, negotiations concerning, 331Session, 55, 59
- Royalists, plot of, 290; letters to agents, 444; where successful, 453; rejoicings of, 547; furyoi, 559
- Royalty, as shield of property, 66; tools of, 175; downfall of, 229-30, 285; abolished dtfacto, 276
- Russia, peasants in, 17, 18 5 comparison with, 165, 313, 313, 214. 356, 436, 475. 574; jointresponsibility in, 279; absolutism dying in, 579; future of, 581
- Sagesse, Soenrs de la. Royalistemissaries, 336
- Sagnac, M., quoted, 134, 199, 204, 205, 206, 207, 426, 435
- Saint-Amaranthe, guillotined, 559
- Saint-Andre, Jeanbon, letters of, 447; warning of, 482; demandsbread and " Terror, " 483; makes terms with communists, 500; socialism of, 506-7; opposes sections, 529-30
- " Saint Bartholomew of property, " 119, 126, 198
- Saint-Etienne, Rabaud de, 46; com-munism of, 485; executed, 517
- Saint-Georges, Commandant, houseof, burned, 107
- Saint-Huruge, Marquis of, pro-poses march on Versailles, 152
- Saint-Just, theory of, about King, 334; proves King's treachery, 338; opposes petition againststock - jobbing, 374; witharmy, 439; pleads for " desti-tute patriots, " 505; demandsRevolutionary Government,
514; a Robespierrist, 535; adopts Terrorism, 543-44; mouthpiece of Robespierre, 552; shouted down, 567; arrested and executed, 569Saint-Lazare, monastery attacked, 73. 75
- Saint-Malo, attempt to surrender, to English, 447
- Saint-M6ard, J. de, cited, 299; quoted, 303
- Saint-Simon, followers of, 488Salle, Marquis de la, commands National Guard, 76
- Salmour, Count de, quoted, 74, 80
- SalpetriSre (prison), massacre at, 3O3
- Samichon, E., quoted, 20
- Sans-culottes, volunteer for war, 280; outnumbered in sec-tions, 371; " happiness andcomfort " for, 405; patriotismof, 463-64; enfranchisement of Europe by, 578
- Santerre, ordered 10 stop massacres, 300; at war, 305
- Sardinia, invades France, 253, 383
- Sartino (Knight of Poignard), guillotined, 560
- Sauce, grocer, King in shop of, 228-29
- Schwendt, supports'Revolution, 105
- " Scientific socialism, " 363
- Sechelles (of Herault), municipal integrity of, 475-76
- Second Empire, comparison with, 215
- Secret police, revival of, 531
- Sections (of Pans), 180 et seq.; creation of, 188; under new law, 189 et seq.; General Assemblyof, position of, 190; centres of Revolution, 193; new function of, 312-13; federation of 312; demand dethronement 314; attacked by Gironde 322; prepare rising, 399-400 pledged to defend property 401; conquer rights, 472 overrun with Royalists. < ; ioattacked by Convention. 513 suppression of, 53$ et srq. perform police duties, 530 divisions among, 568
- Seigniorial exactions, 18 justice in cities, 38
- Seligman, E., cited, 20
- Sens, Archbishop of Minister, 28 (vide Bnenne)
- September Days, horror of, 384 (vide Massacres]
- Serfdom, abolished on King's estates, 36; essence of, 129 et seg.; general abolition of, 577-79
- Sergent, signs appeal to Commune, 301
- Servan, War Minister, 240, 244, 305. 318
- Sheridan, R B., denounces forgingof assignats, 444
- Sieyes, silence of, 35; famouspamphlet of (Qu'est-ce que leUers-ttat ?], 43, 46; motionof, 53; member of Breton Club, 61; proposals of, 143, 163; defends free trade, 373; on special committee, 470; defends equality, 484 , adoptsnew cult, 523
- Simmoneau (Mayor of Etampes killed. 242
- Simon (cobbler), Dauphin put incharge of, 516
- Simond, quoted, 528, 529
- " Sixteen Commissioners, " 192,
- Smith, Adam, influence of, 8
- Social demands, 370 et seq. distinctions, danger of, 143; abolished, 144
- " Socialisation of Exchange and Produce, " 497
- " Socialism, " origin of, 11-12, 13, 459; modern, 580
- Societies, Fraternal, 222, 365 Popular, 222, 448, 528
- Society of the Indigent, 252
- Soelc, 203
- Soldiers, distrusted, 81; as citizens; 223; meeting of, 224; fraternise with peasants, 229
- Sombreuil. commands Invahdcs, 80 , saved. 101 , legend about tlidghtcr, jo.: guillotined,
- Somnier, cited, 40 , quoted, 114Soubrancy, executed, 570
- Sonhait, Julian, demands mainten-ance of communal property, 422; opposes portioning land, 494
- Soul, Albert, cited, 382
- Spaniards, attack South, 253; 8000 in Toulon, 460; 23, 000 in France, 465
- Speculations, in Church property, 255; in land, 279, 404; in wheat, 329; in necessities, 372; in assignats, 373
- Speculators, protected, 63
- Spires, taken by Republican army, 326
- Stamp duty, 25State, sphere of action of, 196
- States, modern, structure of, 5 et seq.; centralisation of, 7
- States-General, 29. 30, 33-34, 39, 43, 48; Third Estate in, 39; of Brittany, 42; rely on Paris,
49; opening of, 50 et seq." Statesmen, " 311, 338, 570Statute labour abolished, 19, 37Stedinck, Baron de, letter to, 466
- Stock Exchange closed, 438
- Stock-jobbers, pernicious influence of, 584
- Stock-jobbing, essence of, 372; effect of, 374; prohibited, 439, 487
- Stourm, Ren6, cited, 410-n
- Strasbourg, cahier of, 99; rising in, 103 et seq. in danger of invasion, 469
- Strobel, cited, 40; quoted, 113
- Students fraternise with people, 27
- Sachet, severity of, 566
- Suffrage restricted, 234*'
- Surplus value, " Lange's explanation of, 496
- Swiss, soldiers, refuse to fire, 27; regiment defends Bastille, 82; Guards faithful to King, 274; treachery of, to people, 276; in Paris, 290; massacre of, 298
- Taille (entail), 59; (personal tax), 415
- Taine, complacency of, 23; super-ficiality of, 39; quoted, 41; exaggeration of, 74; " shocked, " 102; disparagement of, 177
- Talleyrand (Bishop of Autun], proposition of, 169; supportsCourt, 245
- Tallien, report to Assembly, 300; report of, 300, 302; attackedby Robespierre, 567
- " Tarpeian Rock, " 346, 347, 359; for Girondins, 372Tasque, 203
- Tax, on bread and meat, 36
- Taxation, progressive, 396, 485
- Taxes, limitation of, 37 (note), 53
- Taxpayers, joint liability of, 20
- Taylor, sees false assignats made, 444
- Tennis Court, oath in, 54 et seq.
- Terrage, 203
- Terriers (land registers), 199
- " Territorial subvention, " 25
- " Terror, " use made of, 117; needof, 253-54; counter-revolu-tionary, 306; welcomed, 483; begun, 517, 555 et seq.; Lawof (22nd Prairial] 557; main-tenance of, 564
- Terrorism, used politically, 535
- Theatres, political plays in, 510
- Theot, Catherine, mad mystic, 562
- Thermidor, reaction of 9th, 430; reaction triumphs, 562
- Thibaudeau, quoted, 367
- Thiers, famine at, 40
- Thiers, M., quoted, 444
- Third Estate, opportunity of, 7-8; composition of, 34; issuescahiers, 35; and middle classes, 38; and poorer classes, 39; determination of, 44; positionof, 52, 115; demand union, 53; Constitution, 54 et seq.; resistance of, 54 et seq.; Kingopposed to, 59; sagacity of, 214; reaction of, 243
- Third Republic, progress to, 576
- Thouret, silence of, 35; guillotined, S59
- Three Estates, union of, 43, 62; separation of, 54
- Thuriot, supports forced loan, 411
- Tinteniac, Chevalier de, counter-signs false assignats, 444
- Tithes " solites and insolites, " 37 (note); destruction ofdeeds, 114; abolition of, 119et seq.; iniquity of, 132
- Tocqwville, veracity of, 18
- Toll-gates, removed, 19; burned, 71
- Tolls, suppressed, 203Torture, abolished, 20
- Toulon, surrendered to English, 447; surrender of, 453, 460; retaken from English, 468, 538
- Tour de la Glaciere, tragedy of, 321
- Touzel, Mme., saved by Commune, 299; cited, 306
- Town Council of Paris, 76
- Treizains, 203Triage, 414, 421
- Tribunal, Revolutionary, 301, 372; demanded, 385; rapidity of, 538; abolished, 570
- Tridon, cited, 534
- Triumvirate, of Duport, Lamethand Barnave, 162 of Danton, Marat, and Robespierre, 319, 321, 322; attacked by Gironde, 320; effect of attacks, 320; threatened by Girondms, 359
- Tronchet, defends King, 337
- Troops, refuse to fire, 56
- Tuileries, invasion of, 210; taking of, 278; numbers slain in, 282
- Tiirckheim, resigns, 106
- Turgot, creator of political economy, 8; as economist, 19, 23; representative government, 20; foresight of, 21; explains riots, 25; reforms rejected, 31; reforms of, 38; as Minister, 52; on equality, 484
- Turkey, representative Government in, 579
- " United defenders" appeal to Convention, 373
- United States, recognised by France,
- Vadier, attacked by Right, 565, 567
- Valaze, suicide of, 517
- Vallet, Gabrielle, recognises King, 228
- Valmy, battle of, 325
- Varenne, Maton de la, cited, 303, 306
- Varennes, flight to, 226 et seq.; threatened, 335
- Varlet, arrest of, 347; leader ofpeople, 372; inspires people, 385; arrested, 397; com-munism of, 489; pamphlet of, 490; insight of, 498-99; struck off Cordeliers, 503; condemns payment of mem-bers, 513
- Vaucluse, Royalist centre, 556
- Vendean leaders, defeat of, 456; brutalities of, 457
- Vendee, against Revolution, 176; insurrection in, 247; rising in, 328, 334, 383; massacre ofRepublicans in, 386; reactionin, 430; rising in, 453 et seq.; result of suppression in, 458; crushed at Savenay, 538
- Venterolles, 203
- Verdun, siege of, 296; surrenderof, 324
- Vergniaud, 35; demands suspension of King, 276; leader in" Gironde, " 341; tries topacify people, 402; under home-arrest, 445; on Convention Committee, 470
- Vernon. insurrection crushed at, 446
- Versailles, King and Ministers insulted at, 23; plots at, 43; intrigues in, 64; ftte at, 88et seq.; march on, planned, 1 52; march on, 154 et seq.
- Veto, opposition to, 147 et seq.; suspensive, 148; royal, 188
- Veyreton, resigns., 253
- Vic and Vaissete, quoted, 28; cited, 40
- Vidal, as authoritarian, 194; col-lectivism of, 363; communismof, 488
- Vieux Cordelier, 536-38; exults, 547
- Village Communes, suppressed, 165
- Village, economic life of, 423
- Vincennes, donjon transformed, 79
- Vincent, won over, 516; advocates guillotine, 544; arrested, 545
- Vivarais, adheres to royalty, 253
- " Vive la Liberte, '' cry of, 41
- Voltaire, 6; idea, 486
- Volunteers (sans-culottcs), 280; equipment of, 291, 320; enthu-siasm of, 323; two battalions of, sacrificed, 326; for La Vendee, 364; evil treatment of, 379; civic feast for, 383; ragged but victorious, 463-64; lands not reserved for, 502
- Vote, capitative, granted, 54
- Voulland attacked, 565
- War, reason for, 24; fatal to Revolution, 241; opposition to and unreadiness for, 323; terrible effects of, 328; preparations for, 379; onus of, laid on Republic, 382; requirements of, 408; difficulties of the, 462 et seq.; end of, 564
- Watch Committee, circular of, 303; attacked by Gironde, 320; justifies expenditure, 321
- Wattignies, victory of, 468; first victory of Republic, 515
- Weber, the Austrian, acquitted, 302; cited, 306
- Weishaupt, founder of Illuminates, 540
- Westermahn, escorts Prussians on retreat, 325
- Wheat, prices of, 104
- " White Terror" (1794). 272. 276; under Bourbons (1814), 306; partisans of, 311, 336, 436. 569
- Wimpffen, General, Commander in
Normandy, 446-47
- Wissemburg, abandoned, 469; retaken, 538
- Women, in revolution, 27; club of, suppressed, 504
- Workers, under arms, payment of, 403
- York, Duke of, candidate for throne, 308; besieges Dunkirk, 467; abandons siege, 468
- Young, Arthur, " Travels in France, " quoted, It, 43, 53, 56, 68, 70, 116; cited, 102