2226. 200 Anos de Anarquismo em Portugal, 1887-1987. Lisboa: Biblioteca National, 1988. A bibliography of material produced by the Portuguese anarchist movement in the last century.
2227. AK Distribution Catalogue. A catalogue of anarchist literature available from Anarchist Book Service, 3 Balmoral Place, Stirling, Scotland K8 2RD.
2228. The Anarchist Press In Britain. Part I: The Publications Of Freedom Press (1928-1976). London: Harvester Pr., 1979.
2229. Avakumovic, I. "Books on Anarchism and Anarchists." Russian Review 33,1 (1974).
2230. CDP - Notiziario. Pistoia: Centro di Documentazione di Pistoia, 1986. A listing of groups and journals held by the Center, dealing with anarchism, anti-nuclear movements and ecological issues. See C.D.P., C.P. 347, Via degli Orati 29,51100 Pistoia, Italy.
2231. Centre International de Recherches sur I'Anarchisme. C.P. 214, CH - 1211 Geneva 13, Switzerland. A center with perhaps the most comprehensive anarchist library in the world. Issues an annual catalogue of new acquisitions.
2232. Centro de Documentacio Historico-Social Ateneu Enciclopedic Popular. Montalegre 5, Barcelona 1, Spain. An anarchist documentation center and library.
2233. Centrolibro. Catania: Centrolibro, 1983. A catalogue of anarchist and libertarian publications held by Centrolibro, Vico Rao 8, 95124, Catania, Italy.
2234. Chilcote, R. H. Brazil and Its Radical Left: An Annotated Bibliography on the Communist Movement and the Rise of Marxism, 1922-1972. Millwood, N.Y.: Kraus International Publications, 1980.
2235. Cultural Libertaria. Vitoria: 1987. A catalogue of current and past anarchist literature produced as a bulletin. Available from Apto. 1687, 01080 Vitoria, Spain.
2236. Goehlert, R. "Anarchism: A Bibliography of Articles, 1900-1975." Political Theory 4,1 (Feb. 1976): 113-27.
2237. Laird, R. Ad-Lib Reading Guide to Anarchism. Collingwood, Vic: Strawberry Pr., 1973.
2238. Lakos, A. International Terrorism: A Bibliography. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Pr., 1986.
2239. Left Bank Distribution. Seattle: 1989. An extensive directory of anarchist titles held by LBD. Apply 5241- University Way NE, Seattle, WA 98105, U.S.A.
2240. Left Index. Reference and Research Services 511, Lincoln St., Santa Cruz, CA 95060. Edited Joan Nordquist. A quarterly index to periodicals of the left. Back issues available.
2241. Maitron, J. "Bulletin Anarchiste 1970-1972." Mouvement Social 83 (1973).
2242. Lewis, A. O.. Utopian Literature in the Pennsylvania State Universities Libraries: A Selected Bibliography. University Park, Pa.: Pennsylvania State Universities Libraries, 1984.
2243. McElroy, W. Liberty, 1881-1908: A Comprehensive Index. St Paul, Minn.: M. E. Coughlin, cl982.
2244. Mickolus, E. F. The Literature of Terrorism: A Selectively Annotated Bibliography. Westport, Conn. & London: Greenwood Pr., 1980.
2245. Mickolus, E. F. and Hemming, P. Terrorism 1980-1987: A Selectively Annotated Bibliography. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Pr., 1988.
2246. Mufioz, V. Anarchists, a Biographical Encyclopaedia. New York: Gordon Pr., 1980.
2247. Nautilus. A book list of contemporary anarchist titles produced by a Turin anarchist group. Apply to C.P. 1311, Torino 10100, Italy.
2248. Nederman, C. J. "Recent Books in Political Theory: 1977-1979." Political Theory 9,1 (Feb. 1981): 121-92.
2249. Nettlau, M. Bibliographie de L'Anarchie. Preface d'Elisee Reclus. New York: Burt Franklin, 1968. Originally published Bruxelles: 1887, subtitled "Brief History of Anarchism". Published Imola: P.Galeati, 1964 and in New York: 1968 as No. 219 in the Burt Franklin bibliography and reference series.
2250. Sherington, N. A Handlist of Anarchist Material in the Library of the University of Stirling. Brighton: Smoothie Pubns, 1976.
2251. Walter, N. "Anarchism in Print: Yesterday and Today. A Bibliographical Note." In Anarchism Today, 127-44. Op.cit., entry 1302. Reprinted from Government and Opposition 5,4 (1970): 523-40.