Bertran Russell, Proposed Roads to Freedom:
Socialism, Anarchism and Syndicalism, 1919.
Academy, Royal, 107
Africa, 149, 155
Agriculture, 90 ff.
Alexander II, 43
Allemane, 60
America, xi, 31, 74 ff., 125, 140, 210
American Federation of Labor, 76
Anarchism, passim --
defined, 33
and law, 33, 51, 111 ff., 198 ff.
and violence, 33, 52-4, 72, 121 ff.
and distribution, 93 ff.
and wages, 96 ff.
anti-German, 46
attitude to syndicalism, 72
congress in Amsterdam, 72
Ants, 152
Army, private, 120, 123
Art, 109, 111, 138, 166 ff., 203
and appreciation, 169, 181-5
and commercialism, 181
and freedom, 182
Artists, 103
under State Socialism, 174
Asia, 149, 158, 210
Australia, 151
Authors, Guild of, 179
Autonomy, 133, 136, 137, 160
Backwoods, 133
Bakunin, x, 36-49
biography, 37-47
writings, 47-49
and Marx, 38 ff., 59 n.
and Pan-Slavism, 41, 45
and Dresden insurrection, 41
imprisonments, 41
anti-German, 45
and production, 50
Bebel, 66
Benbow, William, 71 n.
Bergson, 68
Bernstein, 27-29, 56
Bevington, 53n.
Bismarck, 30
Books under Socialism, 178
Bornstedt, 39
Bourgeoisie, 11
Bourses du Travail, 54, 63
Boycott, 68
Briand, 72
Bright, 21
Brooks, John Graham, 75, 77n.
Brousse, Paul, 60
Bureaucracy, 128, 174
Button-hooks, 182
Cafiero, 48n.
Capital, 6, 10, 18-25
Capitalism, 2, 202
and war, 139 ff.
California, 151
Censor of plays, 107
Champion, 91
Charlton, Broughton, 19
Chewing-gum, 182
China, 137, 140
Christ, 187
Chuang Tzu, 33
Churches, 201
Civil Service, 128
Class war, xvi, 9 ff., 27, 29, 51, 65, 115, 149
Clemenceau, 71
Cobden, 21
Cole, G. D. H., 59n., 63, 64n., 73, 76, 81n., 134, 190
Communism, 10 ff.
anarchist, 1, 35 ff., 60, 96n., 100n., 106n.
Communist Manifesto, 5, 9-18, 114, 148
Competitiveness, 160
Concentration of Capital, Law of, 8, 23-5
Confederation Générale du Travail, 63-65, 71, 74
Conquest of Bread, The, 50, 87
Constantine, 108, 187
Creativeness, 186-7
Crime, 118 ff.
Cultivation, intensive, 89
Cultures maraîchères, 91
Darwin, 173
Deleon, 76
Democracy, 2, 30, 129 ff., 148, 167
Deutche Jahrbuscher, 38
Devolution, 200
Disarmament, 153
Disraeli, 30
Distribution, 92 ff.
Dubois, Felix, 52
Duelling, 123
Education, 169 ff., 189, 193, 196
Edward VI, 22
Empire Knouto-Germanique, 48
Engels, 3, 6, 17, 38
Envy, 160-162
Evils --
physical, 188, 207-11
of character, 188, 207-11
of power, 188 ff.
Evolution, 164
Fabians, 57
Fear, 186, 203
Feudalism, 10
Fields, Factories and Workshops, 50, 87 ff.
Finance and war, 140
Finland, 144
Fourier, 4n.
Franco-Prussian War, 46, 56, 59
Franklin, 100n.
Freedom, see Liberty
George, Lloyd, 156
German Communist League, 5
German Working Men's Association, 5
Germany, 144
Giles, Lionel, 35n.
God and the State, 48
Godwin, 207
Gompers, 76
Gospels, The, 187
Government, 111 ff., 198 ff.
representative, 117, 129 ff., 137 ff.
Guesde, Jules, 59-60
Guild Congress, 83, 134 ff., 194
Guild Socialism, xi, 80 ff., 133, 192, 211
and the State, 82-4, 114, 184-5
Guillaume, James, 36n., 37
Haywood, 77
Hegel, 4
Herd instinct, xv
Heubner, 41
History, materialistic interpretation of, 7
Hobson, J. A., 140
Hodgskin, 5n.
Hulme, T. E., 29
Hypocrisy, 132
Idleness, 103 ff.
Independent Labor Party, 57
India, 158
Individual, 138
Industrial Relations, American Commission on, 78
Industrial Workers of the World (I.W.W.), xi, 31, 74
International alliance of socialist democracy, 44
International fraternity, 43
International Working Men's Association, 6, 44 ff., 59
Internationalism, 148, 150
Japan, 151
Jaurès, 60
Jouhaux, 75
Joy of Life, 206
Keats, 173
Knowledge, 165
Kropotkin, 36, 46, 50-51, 87 ff., 96n., 100n., 102, 106n., 116 ff., 179, 192
Kultur, 159
Labor, integration of, 92
Labor Party, 57, 150
Lagardelle, 64
Law, 111 ff., 198
Levine, Louis, 59n., 60n.
Liberal Party, 28, 30
Liberty, 33, 111 ff., 192, 201
and syndicalism, 85
and anarchism, 108
and creative impulse, 169, 172-81
and art, 182-3, 204
and human relations, 204
Liquor Traffic, 137
Livre, Fédération du, 178
Lunatics, 119
Lynching, 122
Magistrates, 101
Majorities, divine right of, 130, 200
Malthus, 86 ff., 207 ff.
Manchesterism, 29
Marriage, 204
Marx, x, 1-31, 36, 60, 77, 148, 164
biography, 3-7
doctrines, 7-31, 113
and Bakunin, 38 ff.
and International Working Men's Association, 44 ff., 59n.
Marxisme, La décomposition du, 29
Mazzini, 43
Millennium by force, 131, 164
Millerand, 60, 61
Milton, 173
Miners, Western Federation of, 76, 78
Money, 195
Monroe Doctrine, 140
Morning Star, 21
Morris, William, 175
Napoleon, 120
Napoleon III, 46
Naquet, Alfred, 98n., 118n, 165
National Guilds, 81n.
National Guilds League, 82
Nationalism, 17, 25, 28, 32
Nations --
relations of, 139 ff.
League of, 132, 200
Necessaries, free? 109, 196
Neue Reinische Zeitung, 41
Nicholas, Tsar, 43
Opera Singers, 195
Opium Traffic, 137
Orage, 81n.
Owen, Robert, 5n.
Pellico, Silvio, 42
Pelloutier, 54, 63
Permeation, 57
Persia, 158
Plato, vii
Poets, 104
Poland, 37, 144
Population, 197n.
Possibilists, 60
Poverty, 190
Power, love of, 111, 144, 160, 161
Press, 143
Production, methods of, 87 ff.
Proletariat, 11 ff.
Proportional Representation, 155
Proudhon, 4n., 38
Pugnacity, 147
Punishment, 123 ff.
Ravachol, 53
Ravenstone, Piercy, 5n.
Reclue, Elisée, 48n.
Revisionism, 27, 56
Revolution --
French, 7
Russian, 18, 67, 148, 154
Social, 6, 17, 70, 113, 148, 154, 164
of 1848, 3, 5, 40
Ruge, 38
Sabotage, 66
Saint-Simon, 4n.
Sand, George, 38, 41
Sarajevo, 32
Scholarships, 170, 197
Science, 86, 109, 138, 166 ff., 189, 207
men of, 207
Self-interest, 125
Sharing, free, 96 ff., 195
Shelley, 173
Single Tax, 82
Slavery, 190
Socialism, passim --
defined, 1
English, 5
French, 4, 59
German, 56
evolutionary, 27
State, 57, 107, 115, 128, 170, 174, 202, 208
and distribution, 93 ff.
and art and science, 164 ff., 203
Guild, see Guild Socialism
Socialist Labor Party, 76
Socialist Revolutionaries, Alliance of, 43
Socialists, Inter-Allied, 156
Sorel, 29, 67
Spinoza, 120
State, x, xi, 1, 16, 30, 48, 60, 68, 78, 82-4, 107 ff., 138, 145
Strikes, 66, 67, 70, 78 ff., 130
Syndicalism, passim --
and Marx, 28, 115
and party, 30
and liberty, 85
and political action, 30, 69, 129 ff.
and anarchism, x, 55, 72, 115
in France, 58 ff.
in Italy, 58n.
reformist and revolutionary, 62
and class-war, 65, 115
and general strike, 67, 69, 130
and the State, 68, 115
and Guild Socialism, 81n., 134
Syndicalist Railwayman, 69
Syndicats, 65
Tariffs, 137
Technical Training, 169 ff., 197
Theft, 121
Thompson, William, 5n.
Tolstoy, 32
Trade Unionism, x, 13, 62
industrial, 31, 74 ff.
craft, 73
Trusts, 75, 141
Utopias, vii, 3, 200
Vagabond's wage, 177, 193, 208, 212
Villeneuves Saint Georges, 71
Violence, crimes of, 121, 122, 199
Violence, Reflections on, 29
Viviani, 60