Thomas Skidmore, The Rights of Man to Property, 1829.


Abolition of all debts ordered 137
Acquire property, as rightly understood, men do not 97
Adam did not buy property, &c. 371
Adults, death of, in the different seasons of the year 259
Age of maturity, recommended to be fixed at 18 139
Agrarian Law, among the Romans, what 20
operation and effects of, as applied to the State of New-York 23
the source of more happiness than society now furnishes 28
Aliens, on becoming citizens, after the General Division, must give up all properly over the amount of a patrimony 149
Alien Book, General, what 297
Astor, John Jacob, comparison of his labor, say of fifty years, being paid for with the labor often of ten thousand years 154
Astor, J. J. his imaginary loan of the Chemical Bank 187
Banks, to be destroyed, why 163
how usurious 180
Rhode-Island, how little specie for its paper in circulation 181
Georgia do. 181
Bank, Chemical, do. 182
Dry Dock do 182
Manhattan 163
Bible, former cost of 380
Birth, place of, does not give title to soil 131
Births, unequal; when most of them take place 260
Brooklyn Ferry-Boats, rob the community, how 191
Charity, to be given only by the State, why 266
Charters, all to be repealed 160
null, when they pretend to give what the receiver has no right to receive 161
Child, may be starved to death, if the father's property belongs only to the father 103
Children, estimate of, between 5 and 15 in the State 17
proportion of those who read 18
clothed, fed, and educated at the public expense 143
being furnished with a patrimony, at the age of maturity, without expense to the father, the industry of the latter greatly increased thereby 225
their future wants, their parents do not supply them 227
no longer placed in manufactories at unsuitable ages 281
supported at the public expense, reasons why 262-266
of the rich, have an interest in insisting that their fathers consent to the proposed organization of society, and a right to demand it 258
Churches and Church property, to be sold, why 342
Common Council, a member of, his abuse of the poor 241
Community system, Mr. Owen's, objections to 384
Conquest does not give right 34
Consent, alone, gives title to specific property, but not the right 42
Constitution of South-Carolina, as drawn by Mr. Locke, its absurdities 66
Constitution of the State must be altered, and why 145-207
Contract, there is no such thing as, why 373
Counties, number of in the State 286
Dead and living cannot meet, &c 372
Death, of husband or wife, after; survivor has half the property, after debts are paid 143
Deaths, of adults, in the different seasons of the year 259
Debt, there is no such thing as, why 373-378
Debts, no laws for the collection of, probable; note to page 378
"Department Inventory,'' what it contains 295
Diagram of the world, occupied in common 98
divided equally 106
divided unequally 337
Districts, school, number of 286
Dividend, annual, for ever, of the effects of all deceased persons 141
Dividend, at the General Division, may be made very near and sufficiently equal 248
Duress, all governments guilty of, towards their citizens or subjects, wherein 374
Egypt, lands of, held only for one year 108
Equal division of property, to desire it, not a dictate of nature, as asserted by Raymond, controverted 26
Equal division of property may be brought about, by the rich, how 388
Equal share of property, those who think it an evil, need not take it. 215
Equality of rights, no power can justly destroy 44
Extending suffrage in this State, so as to allow men of no property to vote for State Senators, and violated the (then) right of property in the hands of the rich 55
Fortune, men of, evils and curses to human Society 246
Fortunes, large, injurious to those which are smaller 334
Gaming, a gift, and therefore a felony 348
Gas-Light Company of New-York, a robbery of the community 191
" General Alien Book," what 297
General Division of property compared to a general Bankruptcy 256
" General Inventory of the State," what 297
Gifts, why they may not be made 267
why they will not and cannot be made 346
Governments, all have begun wrong 126
should commence anew 127
Government, may be overthrown, even by a minority, if the latter have not had given to them their equal share of property 243
Guardians appointed for those who are not qualified to take care of property, Article 10 140
Half right, and half wrong systems, wrong altogether 333
Honesty, of the poor, proofs given 345
How long does a man own property? 82
Hudson, the first discoverer of Hudson River, attacked by the Indians 357
I, J
Jefferson, his imperfect view of the principles of government 58
Jefferson, more of his errors 72
If a man's property is his, and his only, he may starve his own child to death 103
Indians, of this country, not exclusively owners, why 130
now living among us, to give up their lands and take their equal share with us 158
attached the first discoverer of Hudson River 357
Indolence, the true sources of, what 231
Industry, the true stimulus of, what 231
to have full protection against foreign competition, Art. 20 144
Inequality of property, sources of, even after it shall have been equally divided, enumerated and considered 248-254
Insurance, probably by the State 348
Judges, of whatever kind, to be appointed by the direct vote of the people 207
Labor, not property, why 33
bestowed on property, does not give title to the latter, why 34
whose it has been, that has made the title what it now is 245
Lands, in Egypt, held for one year only 108
in Peru, do. 108
belonging to the School-Fund to be sold 157
to the Indians, to be given up 158
Large fortunes, injurious and often destructive to those that are smaller 334
Law, Agrarian, among the Romans, what 20
as it would be, if applied to the citizens of the State of New-York 23
Laws, never the same in any two countries 30
Living and dead cannot meet, &c. 372
Locke, his plan of government for the Colony of South Carolina 66
Lorillard, comparison of his willing away the poor, like so many cattle, beginning at the bottom of page 225
Lorillard, it is the labor of the poor, that is daily adding to his wealth, and the wealth of others; their own industry is as nothing 238
Lottery, in the nature of gifts, and therefore a felony 348
Love of property, reasons why we have it 221
Machinery, labor saving, the poor support it, why 383
Man, black, red, and white, to have the same rights 146
black, his rights of suffrage 158
not fit, &c. answered 367-371
Mankind, by some supposed to be of two species; one, of slaves to work; the other, of masters to make them work 231
Maturity, age of, recommended to be fixed at 18 139
Men, rich, do not earn their own wealth 238
will away the poor like cattle 326
of fortune, the evils and curses of society 246
wealthy, can only escape giving up their property, by fraud, perjury, &c. 300
beginning the world with nothing and getting rich; why they should give their wealth up 335 & 338
who say " they have made their property by their industry," answered 238
without children, love property as much as others 223
with children, often keep it as long as they live 223
of fortune, ought to be exterminated, and how 247
Merchants, as necessary in the new, as in the old system 354
Mint, United States, coinage of 349
Money, theory of, &c. 167-179
Navy, will be destroyed, its place, how supplied 282
Newton, Sir Isaac, how he might have been situated on the principle that he could be allowed to have property only from a testator 252
Number of persons in France who cannot read 9
of Counties in the State 286
of Townships do. 286
of School-districts 286
of white persons, for one of the African race 159
of the people of this State 17
of children between the ages of 5 and 15 18
of acres of land in the State 24
Objections, to equal patrimonies to all, will have still greater force against large legacies being given to the sons of the rich 229
Objections to an equal division of property among all persons whatever, are equally against an equal division among children of the same family 209
Observations on the theory of money, &c. 167-179
Occupancy of property does not give title 36
Occupations, all require property 341
Owen, Mr. Robert, notice of 384
Paine, his imperfect views of the principles of government 63
Patrimony, after General Division, to be given, (in matter of right) to all citizens born here, and to these only, Article 4 139
Patrimony, at the General Division, be given to foreigners, who are then citizens ; and to those who, without being citizens, have been five years resident in the State, page 138, Art. 2 317
Patrimonies, difference in, will or may be very small, and such as to be of no importance 261
Peru, lands in, held for one year only 108
People, a great Judicial Tribunal, judging of the rights of property 311
Place of birth, does not give title to property 131
PLAN, for dividing all property, with form of government to succeed 137-144
Possession or occupancy, does not give title 36
Possessions, Van Rensellaer's held by an unjust title 129
Priests, as well as others, must do military duty 200
must not be prevented by the Constitution from being chosen to office 202
Property, equal division of, to desire it, not a dictate of nature as stated by Raymond, controverted 26
Property, rights of, not understood 30
labor bestowed on, does not give title to the former 84
possession of, does not give title 8$
Property, title to it, consent alone gives it 42
How long does a man own it? 82
As rightly understood, men do not acquire it 97
if it be wholly a man's own, he may starve his own child to death 103
has no successors; all have title to it in their own right 120
renunciation of, abroad 137
the present distribution of, good enough, it is said, answered 215
equal share of, those who think it an evil to them, need not take it 215
unequal, vices both in high and low life come from it 219
love of, reasons why we have it 221
will descend unequally, even after an equal gene Division has taken place, if wills remain, reasons why 249-266
in the hands of the rich, often of little use to any body 288
valuation of, principles of 287
on board vessels out of the State, to be considered as property of the State; so also the vessels 291
should not descend hereditarily any more than political power 299
men of wealth can only evade giving it up, by fraud, perjury, &c. 300
General Division of, how far it is like a general bankruptcy to the rich 256
unequal distribution of, compared to a dinner party 355
true source of, title to, what 357
being unequal, the origin of conquest 358
inequality of, the origin of it, what, 360-367
of the church, must not be exempted from sale, why 342
Proportion of the colored to the white population 159
Punishment, for concealing or not giving up all property, Art. 8 140
Punishment, for giving away property, Art. 18 143
Quakers, or others, not to be exempted from bearing arms, on any consideration 197
Read, men who cannot, number of in France 9
Reasons why we love property 221
why debts out of the State, and property in it, owned by citizens or subjects of the States or nations, cannot be paid or received 319-333
why a man beginning the world with nothing, and getting rich, may yet have his riches taken from him 335
why a man, at his death, should give up the labors of his life, without saying to whom 237
Renunciation of all property abroad 137
Rich men do not earn their own wealth 238
will away the poor like cattle 226
Rights of property not understood 30
the same for the black man, the red man, and the white man 146
equality of, no power can justly destroy 44
of man, Mr. Jefferson's erroneous views of 58-72
of women to property and suffrage the same as those which belong to men 159
men have inquired too little after them 239
none have ever abandoned them 340
Salt Springs,* should be sold, why 146
[Since this work went to press, statements have been given to the public, showing the duties on Salt made in this State, the past year, to amount to about 150,000 dollars. In page 148, where the average duties for 12 years are put down as 75,000 dollars par annum, the value of these Springs is estimated at one million and a half of dollars. By the same rule of estimation, their value should now be considered at not less than three millions.]
School districts, number of 286
Society, happier, with an Agrarian Law, like the Roman, than as it is now organized 28
Sources of inequality of property, even after it shall have been equally divided, enumerated and considered 248-254
Specie, estimate of, for each person in the U. States 349
in England 350
in France 350
Speculation, no chance for in the new system, why 281
Spendthrift, less opportunity for the existence of the, than now, why 354
State Senate to be established, why 204
Tariff, on imported commodities, why it should be very high and almost prohibitory in almost all cases 268-282
Taxation, exemptions from, instances of; see both the text and note 351
Valuation of property, principles of 287
Value, probable, of the State 352
Van Renssellaer, his possessions held by an unjust title 129
Van Rensselaer, extent of lands granted to his ancestors, see note to page 339
Vessels, and property on board, being without the State, to be considered as the property of the State 291
Vice, both in high and low life, come from unequal property 219
Voters, 300,000 of them in the State 356
William, the Conquerer, of England, notice of 377
Wills, if they are good at all, ought not to be forbidden to be so made, as to will away even our very lamp-posts 95
Wills, the intention of, now very often defeated, and therefore useless 232
Wills, immoral in their tendency, why 234
why again 235
unjust and criminal in their operation, why 227
to bestow labor, not practicable, even if they were just, why 236
to bestow labor, unjust, even if they were practicable, why 237
as they might have affected Sir Isaac Newton 252
Women, to have the right of suffrage a