
Wesley C. Salmon


Wesley C. Salmon



    1 The Scope of Logic

  1. Argument
  2. Inference
  3. Discovery and Justification
  4. Deductive and Inductive Arguments

    2 Deduction

  5. Validity
  6. Conditional Statements
  7. Conditional Arguments
  8. Reductio ad Absurdum
  9. The Dilemma
  10. Truth Tables and Validity
  11. Logical Equivalences
  12. Tautologies
  13. Categorical statements
  14. Categorical Syllogisms
  15. Venn Diagrams and Class Logic
  16. The Logic of Relations
  17. Quantifiers: The Fallacy of "Every" and "All"
  18. Deductive logic

    3 Induction

  1. Inductive Correctness
  2. Induction by Enumeration
  3. Insufficient Statistics
  4. Biased Statistics
  5. Statistical Syllogism
  6. Argument from Authority
  7. Argument Against the Person
  8. Analogy
  9. Causal Arguments
  10. Mill's Methods
  11. Causal Fallacies and Controlled Experiments
  12. Hypotheses

    4 Logic and language

  13. Use and Mention
  14. Definitions
  15. Analytic, Synthetic, and Contradictory Statements
  16. Contraries and Contradictories
  17. Ambiguity and Equivocation
  18. Conclusion

    For Further Reading
    Argument Forms (Correct and Fallacious)
