Mortimer J. Adler | David Armstrong | Bruce Aune | Harold I. Brown | Willem deVries |
Charles Echelbarger | Jay Garfield | Gilbert Harman | Charles Landesman | Marc Lange |
Danielle Macbeth | Joseph Margolis | Ausonio Marras | Gerald J. Massey | Jaroslav Peregrin |
Jay F. Rosenberg | David Rosenthal | William Rottschaefer | Jeff Sicha | Timm Triplett |
Max Weismann |
"When he had said that, his disciple shouted . . . : 'But I
believe in your cause and consider it so strong that I will say everything, everything that I can find in my heart to say against it.' The innovator laughed . . . : 'This kind of discipleship,' he said then, 'is the best . . .'" |