Writings Relevant to Wilfrid Sellars
Writings Relevant to Wilfrid Sellars
A| B| C| D| E| F| G| H| I| J| K| L| M| N| O| P| Q| R| S| T| U| V| W| XYZ|

Gabbani, Carlo

  • (ed.) Between Two Images: The Manifest and Scientific Conceptions of the Human Being, 50 Years On, Humana Mente, Issue 21 - May 2012.

    Gale, Richard M.

  • "Strawson's Restricted Theory of Referring," The Philosophical Quarterly 20 (1970): 162-65.

    Garfield, Jay

  • Belief in Psychology: A Study in the Ontology of Mind (Cambridge: The MIT Press, 1988).
  • "The Myth of Jones and the Mirror of Nature: Reflections on Introspection." Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 50 (1989): 1-26.
  • "Sellarsian Synopsis: Integrating the Images," in (ed.) Carlo Gabbani, Between Two Images: The Manifest and Scientific Conceptions of the Human Being, 50 Years On, Humana Mente, Issue 21 - May 2012.

    Garrison, Jim

  • "The Myth that Dewey Accepts "the Myth of the Given"," Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society: A Quarterly Journal in American Philosophy, Volume 55, Number 3, Summer 2019, pp. 304-325.

    Gauker, Christopher

  • Thinking Out Loud: An Essay on the Relation Between Thought and Language (Princeton University Press, 1994).
  • "Wilfrid Sellars," entry in Dictionary of the Philosophy of Mind (Internet), 1998.

    Gavin, Alexander

  • "General Statements as Rules of Inference," in Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science, ed. Herbert Feigl, Grover Maxwell, and Michael Scriven, vol. 2 (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1958): 309-29.

    Geiger, L.

  • Die Logik der seelischen Ereignisse: Zu Theorien von L. Wittgenstein und W. Sellars (Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1969).

    Gendron, Bernard

  • The Foundations of Scientific Realism: A Critical Review of Wilfrid Sellars' Science and Metaphysics, International Philosophical Quarterly 10 (1970): 129-51.

    Gilmore, Paul C.

  • "Possible Logical Foundations for Physical Sciences" -- submitted to the Review of Symbolic Logic, Sept. 29, 2008.

    Giovagnoli, Raffaela

  • "Intenzionalita e spazio "sociale" delle ragioni," Epistemologia. Ja-Je 2005; 28(1): 75-92.

    Gironi, Fabio "A Kantian Disagreement between Father and Son: Roy Wood Sellars and Wilfrid Sellars on the Categories," Journal of the History of Philosophy 55, 2017: 513-36.

    Gloznek, Radoslav

  • "Sellarsian Myth of the Given," (in Slovak) Filozofia. 2003; 58(7): 462-470.

    Gold, Jeffrey

  • "The Ambiguity of 'Name' in Plato's 'Cratylus'," Philosophical Studies 34 (1978): 223-51.

    Goldman, Alan H.

  • "Appearing Statements and Epistemological Foundations," Metaphilosophy 10 (1979): 227-46.
  • "Epistemic Foundationalism and the Replaceability of Ordinary Language," Journal of Philosophy 79 (1982): 136-153.
  • Empirical Knowlege (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1988).

    Goldman, Alvin

  • "Folk Psychology and Mental Concepts," Proto Sociology 14 (2000).

    Goldstein, Laurence

  • "The Adverbial Theory of Conceptual Thought," Monist 65 (1983): 379-392.
  • "Scientific Scotism -- The Emperor's New Trousers Or Has Armstrong Made Some Real Strides?," Australasian Journal of Philosophy 61 (1983): 40-57.

    Gomez, Ricardo

  • "Filosofos 'Modernos' de la Ciencia," Critica 8 (1976): 25-61.

    Gordon, Robert M.

  • "How to Think about Thinking," in M. Davies and T. Stone, eds., Mental Simulation (Oxford: Blackwell, 1995).
  • "Sellars's Ryleans Revisited," Proto Sociology 14 (2000): 102-114.

    Graves, John

  • The Conceptual Foundations of Contemporary Relativity Theory (Cambridge: M.I.T. Press, 1971).

    Greco, John

  • "Alston's Epistemology of Perception," in Heather D. Battaly, Michael Patrick Lynch (ed.), Perspectives on the Philosophy of William P. Alston, 2005.

    Griffis, James B.

  • "Seeing and Sensing: Wilfrid Sellars' Theory of Perception," Ph.D. Dissertation, State University of New York at Buffalo, 1984.

    Grimm, Robert H.

  • "A Note on 'Empiricism and the Philosophy of Mind'," Philosophical Studies 10 (1959): 49-52.

    Grontkowski, Christine R.

  • "The Priority of the Scientific Image: An Investigation of Wilfrid Sellars' Ontological Commitment," Ph.D. Dissertation, Fordham University, 1969.

    Grossmann, Reinhardt

  • "Perceptual Objects, Elementary Particles, and Emergent Properties," in Action, Knowledge and Reality: Critical Studies in Honor of Wilfrid Sellars, ed. Hector Neri Castañeda (Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1976): 129-46.

    Gunderson, Keith

  • "Asymmetries and Mind-Body Perplexities," in Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science, ed. Michael Radner and Stephen Winokur, vol. 4 (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1970): 273-309.
  • "The Texture of Mentality" in Wisdom: Twelve Essays, ed. Renford Bambrough, (Oxford: Blackwell, 1974): 173-195.

    Gusmano, Francesco

  • "La naturalizzazione dell'umano: una sfida per la filosofia. Itinerari sulle tracce di Wilfrid Sellars," Dialegesthai (2007)
  • "Significato, uso e inferenza," APhEx, 04.02.2011.
  • "Wilfrid Sellars," APhEx, 14.04. 2012.
  • Naturalismo e filosofia [Naturalism and Philosophy], Mimesis Edizioni, 2020.

    Gutting, Gary

  • "Conceptual Structures and Scientific Change," Studies in the History of the Philosophy of Science 4 (1973): 209-230.
  • "Philosophy of Mind: Action and Freedom," in The Synoptic Vision: Essays on the Philosophy of Wilfrid Sellars by C.F. Delaney et al (Notre Dame, Notre Dame University Press, 1977): 127-147.
  • "Philosophy of Science", in The Synoptic Vision: Essays on the Philosophy of Wilfrid Sellars by C.F. Delaney et al (Notre Dame, Notre Dame University Press, 1977): 73-104.
  • (with Michael Loux) Wilfrid Sellars' Essays in Philosophy and Its History, Noûs 12 (1978): 211-231.
  • "Scientific Realism," in The Philosophy of Wilfrid Sellars: Queries and Extensions, edited by Joseph C. Pitt (Dordrecht: D. Reidel, 1978): 105-128.
  • "Scientific Realism vs Constructive Empiricism: a Dialogue," Monist 65 (1983): 336-349.