Writings Relevant to Wilfrid Sellars
Writings Relevant to Wilfrid Sellars
A| B| C| D| E| F| G| H| I| J| K| L| M| N| O| P| Q| R| S| T| U| V| W| XYZ|


O'Connell, Richard A.

  • "The Structure of Meaning and Knowledge," Ph.D. Dissertation, Wayne State University, 1974.

    Olen, Peter

  • Wilfrid Sellars and the Foundations of Normativity, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016.

    The critical articles below are available in pdf format here

    • Catherine Legg, "Peter Olen: Wilfrid Sellars and the Foundations of Normativity," Journal for the History of Analytic Philosophy, Volume 7, Number 3, May 14, 2019.
    • David Beisecker, "On Peter Olen’s Wilfrid Sellars and the Foundations of Normativity," Journal for the History of Analytic Philosophy, Volume 7, Number 3, May 14, 2019.
    • Mark Lance, "Rejecting the pure, but keeping the pragmatics: comments on Peter Olen’s Wilfrid Sellars and the Foundations of Normativity," Journal for the History of Analytic Philosophy, Volume 7, Number 3, May 14, 2019.
    • Peter Olen, "Response to Critics," Journal for the History of Analytic Philosophy, Volume 7, Number 3, May 14, 2019.

    Olen, Peter and Stephan P. Turner

  • "Was Sellars an Error Theorist?" Synthese 193, 2016: 2053-75.

    O'Leary-Hawthorne, John

  • (and Marc Lance) The Grammar of Meaning: Normativity and Semantic Discourse (Cambridge University Press, 1997).

    O'Shea, James R.

  • "Revisiting Sellars on the Myth of the Given," International Journal of Philosophical Studies, Vol. 10, No. 4 (2002): pp. 490-503.
  • Wilfrid Sellars: Naturalism with a Normative Turn (Key Contemporary Thinkers series). Blackwell/Polity Press, 2007.
  • 'On the Structure of Sellars's Naturalism with a Normative Turn', in Empiricism, Perceptual Knowledge, Normativity, and Realism: Essays on Wilfrid Sellars, edited by Willem A. deVries, 2009.
  • Self, Language, and World: Problems from Kant, Sellars, and Rosenberg, edited and introduction by James R. O’Shea and Eric M. Rubenstein (Atascadero, CA: Ridgeview Publishing Company), December 2010.
  • Naturalism, Normativity, and the Space of Reasons, Guest Editor and Introduction by James R. O’Shea, a special issue of the International Journal of Philosophical Studies, volume 18, issue 3, July 2010.
  • ‘Conceptual Thinking and Nonconceptual Content: A Sellarsian Divide’, in James O’Shea and Eric Rubenstein (editors), Self, Language, and World: Problems from Kant, Sellars, and Rosenberg (Atascadero, CA: Ridgeview Publishing Company), December 2010.
  • ‘Normativity and Scientific Naturalism in Sellars’ ‘Janus-Faced’ Space of Reasons’, in Naturalism, Normativity, and the Space of Reasons, a special issue of the International Journal of Philosophical Studies, volume 18, issue 3, July 2010, pp. 459–71.
  • ‘Having a Sensible World in View: McDowell and Sellars on Perceptual Experience’, in Philosophical Books, Vol. 51.2 April 2010, pp. 63–82.
  • 'How to be a Kantian and a Naturalist about Human Knowledge: Sellars's Middle Way', Journal of Philosophical Research vol. 36, March 2011, pp. 327–59.
  • "The 'theory theory' of mind and the aims of Sellars' original myth of Jones," Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences Volume 11, Number 2 (2012), 175-204.
  • "Prospects for a Stereoscopic Vision of our Thinking Nature: On Sellars, Brandom, and Millikan," in (ed.) Carlo Gabbani, Between Two Images: The Manifest and Scientific Conceptions of the Human Being, 50 Years On, Humana Mente, Issue 21 - May 2012.
  • "A Tension in Pragmatist and Neo-Pragmatist Conceptions of Meaning and Experience", European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy, VI.2, December 2014. [Sellars figures centrally in this paper.]
  • "Kantian Reflections on the Givenness of Zahavi's Minimal Experiential Self", International Journal of Philosophical Studies, 23:5 (2015), pp. 619–25.
  • "Concepts of Objects as Prescribing Laws: A Kantian and Pragmatist Line of Thought", in Robert Stern and Gabriele Gava, eds., Pragmatism, Kant, and Transcendental Philosophy (London: Routledge, 2015): pp. 196–216. [Sellars figures centrally in this paper.]
  • (2016-17, in press), ‘The Analytic Pragmatist Conception of the A Priori: C. I. Lewis and Wilfrid Sellars’, in Maria Baghramian and Sarin Marchetti, eds., in Pragmatism and the European Traditions: Encounters with Analytic Philosophy and Phenomenology before the Great Divide, Routledge Series in American Philosophy (London, Routledge). [Confirmation: maria.baghramian@ucd.ie.]
  • (in press for November, 2016), "Psychological Nominalism and the Given, from Abstract Entities to Animal Minds", in Patrick J. Reider, ed., Wilfrid Sellars, Idealism and Realism: Understanding Psychological Nominalism (London: Bloomsbury). http://www.bloomsbury.com/us/wilfrid-sellars-idealism-and-realism-9781474238946/
  • (ed.), Sellars and His Legacy (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1016).
      Table of Contents
      Introduction, James R. O'Shea
    1. Sellars's Metalinguistic Expressivist Nominalism, Robert B. Brandom
    2. Images, Descriptions, and Pictures: Personhood and The Clash, Willem A. deVries
    3. Norm and Object: How Sellars Saves Metaphysics from the Pragmatist Onslaught, Robert Kraut
    4. Speaking and Thinking, Rebecca Kukla and Mark Lance
    5. A Sellarsian Blind Spot, John McDowell
    6. Confessions of a Renegade Daughter, Ruth Garrett Millikan
    7. What To Take Away from Sellars's Kantian Naturalism, James R. O'Shea
    8. Quality Spaces, Relocation, and Grain, David Rosenthal
    9. How To Naturalize Sensory Consciousness and Intentionality Within A Process Monism with Normativity Gradient: A Reading of Sellars, Johanna Seibt
    10. Pragmatism, Sellars, and Truth, Michael Williams
  • "Thought, Normativity, and Embodiment in Kant and Sellars", in Sellars in a New Generation, in David Pereplyotchik and Deborah Barnbaum, eds. (London: Routledge, 2017). https://www.routledge.com/Sellars-and-Contemporary-Philosophy/Pereplyotchik-Barnbaum/p/book/9781138670624
  • (forthcoming 2017-18), "C. I. Lewis and Wilfrid Sellars on the Given: Relocating the Myth?", in The Legacy of C. I. Lewis, Quentin Kammer, Jean-Philippe Narboux, Timur Uçan, and Henri Wagner, eds. (London: Routledge).