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Introduction, David Pereplyotchik and Deborah R. Barnbaum
Part I. Ethics, Moral Reasoning, and Free Will- James O'Shea, Thought, Freedom and Embodiment in Kant and Sellars
- Jeremy Randel Koons, Toward a Sellarsian Ethics for the 21st Century
Part II. Philosophy of Language and Mind- Boris Brandhoff, Pure Pragmatics and the Phenomenology of Linguistic Functions: On Sellars’ Non-Factualistic Conception of Philosophy
- Michael R. Hicks, What Jones Taught the Ryleans: Towards a Sellarsian Metaphysics of Thought
- David Pereplyotchik, Sellars and Psycholinguistics
- Carl B. Sachs, Sentience and Sapience: The Place of Enactive Cognitive Science in Sellarsian Philosophy of Mind
Part III. Metaphysics and Epistemology- Huw Price, Wilfrid Sellars Meets Cambridge Pragmatism
- Kevin Fink, An Incoherence in Sellars’ Error Theoretical Account of Color Concepts
- Willem A. deVries, The Causal Articulation of Practical Reality
- Danielle Macbeth, Natural Truth
- Dionysis Christias, Does Brandom’s Kant-Sellars Thesis about Modality Undermine Sellars’ Scientific Naturalism?
- Robert B. Brandom, On the Way to a Pragmatist Theory of the Categories
Part IV Author Meets Critics
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